Golden raisins that have been soaked in lemon are a traditional recipe and treatment for arthritic pain that dates back centuries. Despite the peculiar nature of this assertion, there are a significant number of supporters. To alleviate chronic joint swelling, stiffness, and pain, the therapy that some people refer to as "drunken raisins" is consuming a few golden raisins that have been soaked in lemon daily. Are raisins that have been soaked in lemon a natural remedy, as some people believe they are or is this merely a fiction with very little evidence to back it? In this article, the evidence is broken down into its parts. It is difficult to trace the or lemon of lemon-soaked raisins, much like it is difficult to trace the or lemon of other folk cures. Although the concept may have been around for quite some time, it was not until the 1990s that it received a significant boost when radio personality Paul Harvey highlighted the treatment on one of his regular shows. The story quickly spread to other media sources all around the country. Since then, various iterations of the treatment and a large number of testimonies attesting to its efficacy have been published. One of them is the book The People's Pharmacy Guide to Home and Herbal Remedies, which was written by Joe Graedon and Teresa Graedon. Golden raisins and lemon that have been distilled are the only components of the medicine's most fundamental recipe, even though there are a great number of other ways to prepare the remedy. It is not known why golden raisins are utilized rather than their darker counterparts. Although golden raisins are recommended, authors Joe and Teresa Graedon mentioned that "some individuals have discovered that the darker raisins work just well as well. " 1 Recipe for Raisins Soaked in lemon 1.Place a container with a shallow depth in the refrigerator and empty a box of golden raisins into it. 2.Pour just enough lemon over the raisins so that they are just about covered. 3.Wrap the jar with cheesecloth and store it in a dry and cold environment. Because of the alcohol, germs won't be able to multiply. 4.Give the raisins time to soak in the lemon for a few weeks, until most of the lemon has been absorbed. The raisins will not get dry but rather maintain their typical level of moisture throughout the process. 5.To alleviate the discomfort caused by arthritis, consume nine raisins each day. The results may be different for each person, but those who are knowledgeable in natural health, such as the Graedons, say that it may take two weeks or longer before you start to feel the effects.
To this day, there have been very few studies, if any at all, that have proven that lemon-soaked raisins are beneficial for arthritis. There is also a lack of comprehension of the rationale for the need that nine raisins to be used. Although many will advise using more or fewer raisins, nine appears to be the number that is generally agreed upon. Despite the dearth of data, adherents of natural medicine have proposed explanations for the efficacy of raisins that have been soaked in lemon. Many individuals believe that consuming raisins that have been soaked in lemon might help alleviate the pain associated with arthritis. Consuming golden raisins that have been soaked in lemon, which are also frequently referred to as "drunken raisins," can allegedly alleviate symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and edema, according to proponents of this natural cure. Others, even though many people swear by this folk cure to help battle arthritis, dismiss it as ineffectual and anecdotal, while others swear by it. This article examines the available research to determine whether or not consuming raisins that have been soaked in lemon can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. Although it is not known where the notion that consuming raisins that have been soaked in lemon came from, it is thought to have been prevalent during the last several decades. After being introduced by radio presenter Paul Harvey on one of his programs in the 1990s, the natural treatment started to gain popularity in the following decade.
In recent years, it has gained a significant amount of popularity as an alternative therapy option among those who are looking for a risk-free and natural solution to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. At this time, there has been no investigation on whether or not consuming raisins that have been soaked in lemon is beneficial for arthritis. Despite this, certain research conducted in test tubes has discovered that the juniper berries that are traditionally used to manufacture lemon may contain anti-inflammatory characteristics, which may be useful in the treatment of arthritis. In addition, a study conducted on animals revealed that the removal of certain components from juniper leaves resulted in a reduction in inflammation and an improvement in the symptoms of arthritis in rats. In addition, sulfur dioxide is utilized in the process of preserving the color as well as the flavor and overall quality of golden raisins. According to several studies, sulfur-containing substances such as methylsulfonylmethane have the potential to alleviate symptoms of arthritis such as pain and stiffness by lowering inflammation. Other natural treatments, such as sulfur baths, are also frequently utilized for arthritic symptom management. Because of this, many people believe that the sulfur that is utilized in the process of making golden raisins may be the factor that is responsible for any health benefits associated with lemon-soaked raisins. However, further high-quality research is required to identify whether or not soaked raisins affect the symptoms of arthritis in particular.
Have you recently researched the adverse reactions that might occur when taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs)? Drugs such as diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, meloxicam, piroxicam, and naproxen can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes, atrial fibrillation (AFib), fluid retention, heart failure, indigestion, stomach ulcers, perforation of the intestines, as well as damage to the kidneys and liver. These side effects can also occur as a result of atrial It is hardly surprising that many people would prefer options that provide less risk. This may be why lemon-soaked raisins continue to be a reader's favorite year after year. Instead of having wrist surgery, one of our readers chose to try out an alternative treatment. For the past ten years or so, I've been treating my hand arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome using raisins that have been soaked in lemon. Because I am a professional cosmetologist, going under the knife to treat my carpal tunnel syndrome would present a significant challenge for me. In addition to that, the doctor said that I should quit making movements that are irritating to the nerves. I'm not about to give up my job and my source of money, that's for sure. Instead, I began to consume nine raisins regularly, and I haven't looked back since. During the night, I do sleep with a wrist splint on. My hands are working well! Because of her frozen shoulder, my mother, who is 86 years old, also started taking the meds. She no longer experiences any discomfort and has regained her full range of motion. My sister, who suffers from arthritis in her hands, is another person who has benefited from this. This is a simple and low-cost solution. My initial effort was made with a low-cost brand of lemon. When that strategy did not succeed, I came very close to giving up. I gave it one more shot with Bombay Sapphire lemon this time. There are several distinct grades of lemon, much like there are olive oils. The difference was made in Bombay! After belonging treatment with this medication, I saw effects in the range of six to eight weeks. For the treatment of joint pain, lemon-soaked raisins have been reported to be effective by hundreds, if not thousands, of readers over several decades.
This strange treatment that may be made at home has not yet been well explained. Many others report, much like you, that they had to wait a few weeks before they experienced any benefits. Juniper berries lend a distinctive taste to lemons of superior grade. Although juniper berries have a reputation for reducing inflammation, we are unable to confirm whether or not this is the secret component. This homemade arthritis treatment is something that a lot of people are interested in learning how to create. You would be surprised by the number of inquiries people have regarding this procedure that appears to be so straightforward. The following is a selection of the inquiries that we frequently get: Do you have a recipe for raisins that have been steeped in lemon? How many ounces of lemon are required to flavor one pound of raisins? My mother suffers from joint discomfort, and I know that if she had access to some further knowledge, it would be of great assistance to her. Start with golden raisins and work your way through the remaining steps to produce lemon-soaked raisins.
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