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Golden Delicious Apple Recipes Price Nutrition

The price of a golden apple depends on its quality but all versions of them are delicious due to their nutrition facts you may see it in different recipes. Apple and cinnamon cake recipes. Ingredients for instant apple and cinnamon cake:

  • 2 cups flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 apples
  • A cup of milk
  • 1 cup liquid oil
  • Baking powder 1 tablespoon jam
  • Vanilla tip of a teaspoon
  • Chopped walnuts
  • Cinnamon 2 tablespoons jam

Golden delicious apple calories 100g How to make instant apple and cinnamon cake To prepare a delicious and special apple cake and cinnamon, first, peel two apples, then grate them finely. Peel the remaining apples and chop them into thin slices. At this stage, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of sugar with some cinnamon on sliced apples and set them aside. Then turn on the oven to 175 degrees Celsius to heat completely. Now cover the desired mold with greaseproof paper or cake separator oil and set aside. Then combine the flour with cinnamon powder and baking powder in a suitable bowl, then sift 3 times. The fourth step: At this stage, pour the eggs at room temperature with sugar and vanilla into a suitable bowl. Then mix with a high-speed mixer for 7 to 8 minutes to lighten the texture of the bulk material and its color. Now add the milk and oil to the ingredients in order and mix each one with a slow mixer for 30 seconds until they are homogeneous with the other ingredients. Then add the grated apples and mix gently. Golden delicious apple nutrition without skin In this step, add the flour mixture to the ingredients in the bowl in three steps and mix the ingredients with lychee on one side to make a smooth cake. Then pour the icing into the mold, then place the sliced apples on the icing.

Golden delicious apple calories 100g

Every 100g of a golden delicious apple has 52 calories. Apples contain natural sugar and fiber, so it is considered a good snack. 99 grams of green apples with skin contains 52 calories. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the same amount of skinless green apples has 46 calories. Increased satiety Eating a fresh green apple instead of a dried apple may help control your calorie intake. Apples contain water and cause a rapid increase in satiety. Some of the nutritional properties of this fruit, including fiber, are lost in the process of drying apples. Dried apples 99 grams of apples contain fewer calories than the same number of dried apples. The drying process of this fruit increases the concentration of sugar, and manufacturers usually add sugar additives to dried products, which increases the caloric content of apples per 28 grams. Golden delicious apples benefits Yellow apple The caloric value of yellow apples varies depending on the size of the fruit. An apple with an approximate diameter of 3-5 cm has 90 calories. This fruit is also fat and protein-free. Nutrients A yellow apple contains carbohydrates in the form of fiber and natural sugar. Carbohydrates make up 100% of the calories in yellow apples. A yellow apple also has about 21 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of which are related to fiber. Vitamins and minerals: One yellow apple contains 10 mg of calcium, 10 mg of phosphorus, 159 mg of potassium, and 8 mg of vitamin C. Weight Loss Eating green apples in a balanced diet plays an important role in weight loss. Also, certain types of polyphenols in apples may help with weight loss. Polyphenols are beneficial to plant chemicals that act as antioxidants and protect cells against free radicals. Golden delicious apple sugar content

Golden delicious apple nutrition without skin

If you want most of the golden delicious apple nutrition don’t consume it without its skin. Dried apples are one of the best-dried fruits in the world Perhaps the most important reason for this is the storage of food in the harvest season. For consumption in seasons such as winter in the form of dried or in the periods of long winter nights as snacks, to be consumed at parties. Another reason for preparing dried fruit in the past was to reduce fruit waste, especially at that time the variety of fruits was less than now and it was not even possible to send them to other cities. Now, according to the above, the importance of dried fruit can be seen from ancient times to the present. Economic efficiency and reduction of waste with different processing have been one of the most important reasons for using dried fruits, among which dried apples have received more attention. And today dried apples are a favorite snack of many people around the world. Large golden delicious apple calories Properties of dried apples: Dried apples also have many healing properties and are very good for health. For example, they have a lot of fiber that creates a feeling of satiety and balances the number of intestinal bacteria, and makes digestion easier. It can also be used to eliminate bad breath. Other properties of dried apples include the presence of two types of B vitamins in it that regulate metabolism. And are also used in brain nutrition, these two vitamins are pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6).

Golden delicious apples benefits

Golden delicious apples have many benefits for health. Treatment of digestive problems Studies have shown that aromatic yellow apple oil is useful for treating digestive problems such as constipation, stomach upset, diarrhea, dysentery, and stomach pain. And this is due to the laxative properties of this fruit. Researchers have reported that drinking yellow apple juice for 3 months can reduce constipation and cure stomach pain. Treatment of skin problems To treat urticaria, you can use yellow apple juice, cumin juice, and bay leaf twice a day. It is also used to treat redness of the skin, skin rashes, and pimples. The powder of this fruit can be combined with honey and dates, put on the face for at least 25 minutes, and then washed. This treatment eliminates wrinkles and acne and brightens the facial skin. Treatment of gastric ulcer Both yellow apples and their leaves can be used to treat stomach ulcers. Yellow apple contains phenolic compounds and has antioxidant properties that heal stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal ulcers. The antioxidant properties of this fruit can balance the surface of the mucous membrane or relieve any oxidative stress in the gastrointestinal tract. Regulation of thyroid hormone secretion Yellow apple regulates and regulates thyroid hormone secretion by combining and controlling metabolism and preventing hyperthyroidism. Researchers report that the yellow apple leaf is used in the preparation of herbal medicines to regulate hyperthyroidism. Energy booster Yellow apple is a fast energy booster. Therefore, eating this fruit energizes the body. And provides the nutrients it needs. Yellow apple facilitates the body's metabolic process by strengthening the function of the body's organs.

Golden delicious apple sugar content

If you look at the content of the golden delicious apple, you will see the sugar. Of course, apples contain sugars and make them sweet hence, people make jams with golden apples. Ingredients apple jam:

  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 1 kg of apples
  • Rose 4 tablespoons
  • Sour lemon juice 3 tbsp
  • Brewed saffron 1 tbsp
  • How to prepare apple jam

To prepare homemade apple jam, we first clean the apples, peel them, cut them in half, cut the kernels with a knife. And place them on the kitchen board in large cubes or using a mold. To any model we want. Cut the apples in a large bowl and mix 1 glass of water with lemon and pour over the apples (so that the apples do not darken). Then pour 4 glasses of water into a pot and put on relatively high heat. Add the sugar to the water and stir a little with a spoon of sugar in the water so that it dissolves sooner and the syrup comes to a boil. Pour the apples into the strainer and after the syrup boils, add the apples and turn down the heat Add the brewed saffron to the syrup until the jam reaches the desired concentration and let the jam cook. After 20 minutes, turn on the jam, test some apples, if they were softer, and if the jam syrup had reached the desired concentration After the syrup cools, the jam hardens, add rose water and mix gently with a spoon in the jam. Remove the pot from the heat and wait for the jam to cool, pour it into a glass and cover it. Close the jars and store the apples in the refrigerator

Large golden delicious apple calories

The calories of a golden delicious apple depend on the size, is different. Large apples have more calories compared to small ones. Anti-cancer properties Researchers have shown that yellow apple tree extract is an inhibitory agent. Therefore, it can prevent the growth of cancer cells and tumors. In general, regular consumption of yellow apples can protect you against breast cancer and tumors. Regulate blood sugar Aqueous extract of yellow apple can be used to regulate blood sugar levels and urinary frequency in diabetics. This extract can control the function of the pancreas and regulate insulin secretion in the body. Treatment of respiratory disorders The consumption of yellow apple juice and aromatic oil is suitable for treating respiratory disorders such as chest congestion, sore throat, asthma, flu, colds, shortness of breath, and bronchitis. Treatment of heart disease Drinking yellow apple juice is useful to prevent heart-related diseases such as heart attack and hypertension. Treatment of leprosy To treat leprosy, you can sprinkle yellow apple leaf powder on the wounds after bathing. This should be done until the wounds heal. Smallpox treatment Dried yellow apple leaf powder can be mixed with water to make a paste. To get rid of smallpox, this paste should be consumed orally. Excretion of toxins from the body Regular consumption of yellow apple juice with a little salt and black pepper can eliminate toxins from the body. Balancing hemoglobin levels Yellow apples are an excellent source of iron so they can be used to balance hemoglobin levels and prevent iron deficiency anemia. Eliminate dandruff Get rid of dandruff by regularly massaging the scalp with green apple extract and coconut oil. Increased appetite Eating yellow apple and its leaf powder is useful to prevent anorexia and increase appetite.

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Comments (28 Comments)


Golden Delicious Apple is an excellent and delicious product with many benefits and I recommend its consumption



Mohammad Navid Arabi

Cakes that are fruity and are helped by the right spices become more delicious




Apple contains vitamin E and has high nutritional value




To know how to sell and work on this site, you can contact the experts in this collection




Hello, golden apples are beautiful and can be used in baking cakes




Yellow apples are a great source of iron and may be used to maintain hemoglobin balance and ward against anemia due to iron deficiency.




I am very glad that I was able to find your site today and it would have been a shame if I had not found it




Apple is a so-called health fruit, it is very nutritious and its daily consumption is recommended in everyone's diet plan




Apple is rich in nutrients and vitamins, it guarantees many properties, including strengthening human intelligence and healt



Parsa hatam

You can make a soothing tea from dried apple and use it to prepare various delicious cakes



Somaye rastin

Apple and cinnamon cake is very delicious, but pregnant women should not consume cinnamon



Kimia davodi

Sh Apple cinnamon cake is one of the tastiest apples and it is also very nutritious




Thanks for this useful article and good information




Hello good day.If you have not eaten apple and cinnamon cake before, it is better to try it once because it is very tasty.




The recipes of delicious golden apples at the price of nutrition are really excellent and unique, and because of their good taste, they are the best fruits and have many fans.



Kamelia Rostamnezhad

Thank you for the simple and very good cake recipe you provided us. Thank you very much




Hello, I bought a yellow apple from the products of the export site, which was very high quality, sweet and delicious



hadi safavi

I love the taste of cinnamon and apple cake and I have to say that it is one of the most wonderful cakes that I can eat during the whole week.



Mohammad amin Razavi

This fruit is healthy and 100% organic, it has a nice color, it is big and meaty, its taste has surprised all the consumers and nowadays it is well seen in the export markets.



Reza javadi

Greetings and politeness, don't get tired, thank you very much for your good site, you really have first-class and very high-quality yellow apples, and they are completely organic and natural.




apple nutrition Low in calories; contain vitamins A andwithout skin; Golden delicious apples benefits; Golden delicious apple




Apple cake is an extremely delicious dessert that has a soft and light texture. And it is very low in calories. Therefore, it is completely suitable for people who are on a slimming diet. This hearty dessert, due to benefiting from the properties of apples, detoxifies the liver and improves the quality of blood circulation in the body.




If you have never made and eaten sweet apple cake, try it once to double your love for apples.



Mehrdad ghasemi

Using apples, you can make a delicious apple cake or all kinds of cheesecakes



Seyyed Mohammad Babaei Chigini

From these sweet yellow apples, they are used to make compotes, dried fruits, and cakes




delicious apple calories Golden delicious apple nutrition without skin; Golden
sliced and peeled Golden Delicious apples reduce time and cost of preparation. Abou




Apple cake is very tasty and high in calories




If you have not eaten apple and cinnamon cake before, it is better to try it once because it is very tasty.



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