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Glass Brick in Sri Lanka; Transparent Patterned Walls Skylights Sidewalk Lighting Decoration

Glass Brick in Sri Lanka or glass brick is a glass architectural element, and the shape of the glass used in this block can be varied.

Glass Brick in Sri Lanka

Modern glass blocks were created in the early 1900s in order to create natural light using the principles of prism light already available in manufacturing plants.

Today, these glass blocks are used in walls, skylights, and sidewalk lighting.

The texture and color of the glass blocks can vary to provide a wide range of transparency.

The patterns on the surface of the glass can be created toward the inner or outer surface during the cooling of the glass during manufacture in order to create different modes.

In order to create a desirable private space, this glass block can be used as a glaze for the windows.

Glass Brick

Glass Brick Features in Sri Lanka

This glass block prevents the direct passage of light, and with the refined passage of light, it adds beauty to the space in addition to the moderated lighting.

And they have a decorative role in the architectural structure.

Title Description
Create In the Early 1900S
Utilization Walls, Skylights, and Sidewalk Lighting
Function Only for Decoration
Kinds Transparent, Matte, Patterned, Colored, Solid, Fireproof 

Glass blocks are constructional items that are made of glass, but they are used only for decoration and cannot be used as blocks in structures.

Glass blocks come in various designs.

Different colors and different sizes are offered, which we will mention below;

  • Transparent glass block
  • Matte glass block
  • Patterned glass block
  • Colored glass block
  • Solid glass block
  • Fireproof glass blocks (safe)

glass brick wall

Buy Glass Brick in Sri Lanka

When buying glass bricks, you should pay attention to two important points:

What are the characteristics of glass bricks?

What parts and spaces of the building are suitable for glass bricks?

Glass Brick is commonly used for the interior spaces of the building.

When buying glass bricks for the façade, the minimum compressive strength of the glass should be 300 kg/cm.

Water absorption should be a maximum of 2%.

Of course, the amount of glass water absorption is not important for interior space.

Glass is not suitable for exterior facades, so make sure to use it only for interior facades.

glass brick size

Glass Brick Price in Sri Lanka + Buy and Sell

The sale and purchase of glass bricks are mostly done online by referring to websites and online shops.

Glass bricks can be custom-made and purchased in bulk from our website.

It is priced according to the quality and percentage of ingredients and materials used and other things like; currency rate and inflation rate.

The price is between 18 to 25 dollars in Sri Lanka.

For information on the exact price of glass bricks, you may refer to our website.

You can use our website to know the latest price of the day as well as make direct contact with glass brick suppliers.

glass brick window

The Answer to Two Questions About Glass Brick

1: What are the purposes of glass bricks?

Glass bricks let light through while obstructing the view.

2: Glass blocks: Do they crack easily?

They are virtually impossible to penetrate.

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Comments (3 Comments)


One of the great suggestions for decorating the walls of your home or workplace is glass work, which gives a special effect to the place.



Michael Henderson

With its sleek design and modern look, glass brick adds an elegant touch to any space while providing you with cost-effective solutions for your construction needs.



Michelle Anderson

Glass brick in Sri Lanka also offers excellent sound and thermal insulation properties, making it an ideal choice in any climate.



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