A lot of people are simply shocked when they see the price tag of a pound of fuji apples. In fact, when compared to other types of apples, the Fuji apple has a higher price tag due to the fact that they do not mature as quickly or as readily as other types of apples do, which results in a higher cost of production. Fuji apples are more difficult to cultivate than other types of apples because the climate in which they thrive is also temperamental. As a result, there are not as many Fuji apples as there are other types of apples, which means that the price of Fuji apples must be higher because it costs more to produce them. Nonetheless, there are many other fruits whose price tags would leave you gobsmacked. Fruits are those weirdly shaped and pleasantly colored items that we are free to consume without feeling bad about it. In addition to the fact that they are healthy and packed with vitamins, we may enjoy them raw, in sweets, or prepare them to bring out their unique taste in the food we consume. At first, the only fruits we could buy were those that were grown in our immediate area. These days, however, we can get almost anything from anywhere in the world. The only difference is in the price that we pay for each of them. They may be purchased for as little as a few dollars, but on the other hand, they can be as pricey as a piece of meat. This is what occurs when we have a desire for exotic fruits from various parts of the world. They need to figure out how to get to us in some manner. Also, to ensure that they are well hydrated during the journey. On the other hand, there are some who take it a step further and create genetically engineered versions of exotic fruits. You won't find them growing in such a way in the wild, and if you want to test them out, you'll have to shell out a significant amount of additional cash. What is the price of it? What would you say if we told you that for some of those costs, you could obtain a vehicle that's really very good? The Top 10 Most Expensive Fruits Let's have a look at the top ten fruits that are considered pricey; - Pear of Buddha Shape There is a local legend that claims if you consume one of these Buddha pears, you will live forever. They are developed in unique molds that give them their particular form, and the price of each individual one is nine dollars (Rs 666).
According to the history of these small pears, the concept of creating pears in the shape of Buddha statues was conceived by Xianzhang Hao, who made them on his farm in the Hebei province of China. This information comes from the history of these miniature pears. - Sekai Ichi Apples This kind of apple is called Sekai Ichi, which translates to "World's Number One" in English. They have the potential to reach a diameter of 15 inches and a weight of one kilogram. They are the biggest and most expensive apples in the world, with a single apple costing a whopping $21 USD (Rs 1,554). These apples are distinguished from others in the category because, in addition to being hand-stamped, they are also hand-pollinated and washed in honey. Because of their very delicious taste, these apples are consistently ranked among the best in the world. As a result, they are among the apple kinds that enjoy the highest level of demand on a global scale. - Taiyo No Tamago Mangoes The egg-shaped mangoes that are native to Japan are known as Taiyo no Tamago, which literally translates to "eggs in the sun." The most that was ever paid for a pair of these exceptional mangoes was three thousand dollars (Rs 2,22,000). The Taiyo no Tamago Mango is widely regarded as one of the world's finest and most costly mango varieties. The taste of these one-of-a-kind mangoes more than justifies the high cost! - Heligan Pineapple It is well knowledge that pineapples cannot be successfully cultivated in Europe and that the climate in England is not quite agreeable. However, this is only partially accurate.
Pineapples may be cultivated across Europe, and the climate of England is ideal for the cultivation of pineapples due to its mild winters and warm summers. That is, with some aid from a person, the price for a single one is going to be $1,500. (Rs 1,11,000). Pineapples are only able to be found in one location in all of Europe, and that location is the Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall, United Kingdom. It's a pineapple pit, the kind that was used by gardeners in Victorian England in the 1800s. A significant quantity of fresh manure and hay that has been soaked in urine is necessary, in addition to a lot of hard effort, in order to heat up the pit that is used for planting the pineapples. - Dekopon Citrus Delicious and seedless, the mandarin and orange hybrid known as Dekopon Citrus is a hybrid fruit. There is a citrus fruit known as the mandarin orange. They were first planted in 1972 and are highly regarded for their exceptional sweetness; hence, many people believe that these oranges are the greatest that can be found elsewhere in the world. Where else than Japan may they find a market for them? Because they are sold in bags of six for an exorbitant price of $80 (Rs 5,920), you shouldn't purchase these fruits with the spare cash you have from your most recent trip to the supermarket. Check that your wallet has everything you need in it and is ready to leave. - Semikiya Queen Strawberries These strawberries live up to their exotic and luxurious names by being both delicious and abundant. The color, taste, texture, and shape of these strawberries are what set them apart from others, despite the fact that a pack of 12 Sembikiya Queen strawberries costs 85 dollars (about Rs 6,290).
Each strawberry is selected by hand, yet despite this, they are all identical in appearance, consistency, and taste. In point of fact, many people consider these strawberries to be among the tastiest you can get anywhere in the globe. - Watermelons Cut Into Squares Would you be prepared to pay around Rs 60,000 on a watermelon that weighs 5 kilograms despite the fact that summer has arrived and it is difficult to picture what this season would be like without the delicious watermelons? You may be surprised by the cost, but rest assured that it is accurate. One of the costliest types of fruit is watermelon, regardless of its shape (cube or square). In every other respect, the flavor of these melons is identical to that of other melons; the form, on the other hand, is what causes the price to be so high. This watermelon has a shape that is common yet uncommon, and it will capture your attention because of that shape. The cultivation of watermelons began in Japan, where they were originally grown in square wooden box molds to give them their distinctive appearance.
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