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fresh yellow figs purchase price + Quality testing

Dried or fresh yellow figs can be used to cure many sexual issues in both male and female and many other health benefites.

fresh yellow figs introduction

It is believed that the fig originated in Western Asia and was distributed by humans throughout the Mediterranean region. Remains of fig trees cultivated for thousands of years have been found in excavations of Neolithic settlements dating back to 5,000 BC. It is reliably reported to have been found in Chinese gardens in 1550. European species have been taken to China, Japan, India, South Africa, and, Australia. The first New World fig was planted in Mexico in 1560. Figs arrived in Virginia in 1669. Figs were introduced to California with the establishment of the San Diego Mission in 1769. Later, many specialty varieties were imported from Europe and Eastern America. The fig tree is a picturesque deciduous tree, usually 10 to 30 feet tall and stretches wider than their height. fresh yellow figs introduction

fresh yellow figs specification

Fig trees usually grow as a highly branched shrubs. The fig tree is weak and rots quickly. The branches are not woody, but fluffy. The fleshy trunk and branches are extremely susceptible to heat and sun damage and should be whitewashed, especially when exposed. Roots are invasive and greedy, reaching far beyond the tree canopy. The sap contains a large amount of milky latex, which is irritating to human skin. Fig trees thrive in a wide variety of soils, from light sand to heavy clay. Regular fertilization is only necessary on sands and potted trees. Excess nitrogen encourages row growth. Completely dormant trees are hardy to 12°-15°F, but actively growing plants can be damaged at 30°F. Chilling requirements for figs are less than 300 hours. Figs grow best in the dry Mediterranean and temperate climates and yield the highest quality fruit. Rains during fruit development and ripening can cause fruit to crack. In coastal climates, grow in the warmest spot, against a sunny wall, or in a heat trap. fresh yellow figs specification

fresh yellow figs Quality testing

The skin of the "fruit" of the fig is thin and soft, the fleshy wall is whitish, pale yellow or amber or more or less pink, pink, red, or purple; juicy and sweet when ripe, gummy with latex when unripe. Seeds can be large, medium, small or small and range from 30 to 1,600 per fruit. Edible seeds are usually hollow unless pollinated. Powdered seeds impart the characteristic nutty flavor of dried figs. Cyconium is what most people associate with the delicious fruit of a fig, but technically it's not a true fruit. It is a complex inflorescence (panicle) consisting of a hollow, fleshy, bottle-shaped stem covered with numerous small unisexual flowers. fresh yellow figs Quality testing

Interesting fact to know about fresh yellow figs

Figs have been used since ancient times to treat numerous sexual problems such as sterility, decreased stamina, and erectile dysfunction. Benefits of Fig: The rich content of vitamins B6, A, and minerals like potassium, copper, and magnesium boost semen production. Dried figs are dense in amino acids, and it works as a good aphrodisiac fruit by boosting energy and libido. Figs are also beneficial for adolescent girls to get rid of PMS symptoms and regulate the monthly cycle. Moreover, several studies have proven that figs are effective in treating the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction. reads more:

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