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Buy The Best Types of california apricots At a Cheap Price

The state of California in America is one of the largest producers of dried fruits, especially dried apricots. The products of this state are available to consumers in organic and fresh form. But today, Turkey is the largest producer of this product in the world. The Malatya region of Turkey was able to meet 85-90 percent of the consumption of dried apricots in the world by boosting their apricot output over the course of the previous year. As a result, the number of nations that purchase this product increased from 93 to 104. In this regard, Worsel Ozbi, the head of the Malatya Trade Exchange, stated in a conversation with an Anatolia reporter that "dried and fresh apricots of this province are common and famous in the world." Fresh California Apricots He went on to say that in the previous year, approximately 65 thousand tons of dried apricots worth 304 million dollars were exported from this province to 104 different countries. He continued by saying, "We even exported this product to countries such as Somalia, Ghana, Papua New Guinea, and Afghanistan, whose names are not heard very often." The United States of America, France, Britain, Germany, Australia, and Russia accounted for the majority of our company's exports. In the years ahead, if the Lord wills it, we will expand the number of countries that we work with. Ozbi asserted that Malatya satisfies the need for dried apricots around the world when he said, "If we compute the whole export of dried apricots in the world, 85 percent of it belongs to Malatya." Malatya is located in southeastern Turkey. Since this is the case, apricots from Malatya are exported all over the world. Best California Dried Apricots

Fresh California Apricots

You can order online to buy fresh dried apricots, which is the valid California type today . The apricot has a delicate and mushy texture, and its skin is quite thin. This fruit has a significant quantity of several nutrients that are necessary for the human body. Components including potassium, sodium, and vitamin materials. Recent research has showed that the minerals included in apricots cut the risk of developing stomach cancer by approximately 47 percent. However, unless you dry it first, you won't be able to store this fruit for more than a couple of weeks in the refrigerator. One of the kinds of dried fruits that are consumed the most frequently is the apricot in its dried form. In order for it to be one of the primary choices when purchasing dry fruit. The water from this fruit is lost during the drying process, but the flavor and other characteristics associated with apricots are completely unaffected. One of the practical and nutritious snacks that can be consumed in the form of a snack is dried apricot. This dried fruit can be used to decorate a wide variety of baked goods, such as cakes and sweets, as well as jellies, salads, and other foods. Types Of Dried Apricots In addition, feeding children this dried fruit helps them learn more effectively while also boosting their concentration and energy levels. Dried apricots have been shown to reduce fever, regulate the digestive system, clean the skin, ensure heart health, lower blood pressure, and improve eyesight. Other benefits include lowering blood pressure and improving eyesight. Because apricots contain a significant amount of beta-carotene, they are beneficial for improving one's eyesight as well as lowering the risk of developing heart disease and cataracts. In addition to that, this dried fruit is loaded in potassium. Consuming foods high in potassium has been shown to reduce blood pressure. Because of their high fiber content, dried apricots can make it simpler for people to go to the bathroom when they need to. Sun-Maid California Dried Apricots

Best California Dried Apricots

If you want to prepare the best type of apricots, especially dried, California and Iranian apricots are recommended. Today, the nations who produce the most apricots put in a lot of work to manufacture the best Qaisi possible in accordance with the benchmark requirements, and Iran ought to take this matter just as seriously as the other countries that produce the most apricots. The following are the criteria that must be met in order to produce the best Qaisi in all of Iran: The proportion of sulphurization should be between 900 and 2000 parts per million (ppm) in accordance with the regulations, although the value of this range varies for export depending on the rules of the various nations. The amount of moisture that is present in the water that is considered to be of the highest quality can be consistently found to be somewhere between 22 and 25 percent. The best Qaisi should come in the largest size possible for the highest possible quality score, and it should be packaged in an aesthetically pleasing manner in accordance with the criteria. The best qais, when made using the standard method, should not have a more rigid consistency, a darker and less vibrant hue, and a taste that is predominantly bitter with only a hint of sweetness. Unfortunately, in Iran, the significance of qaisi production does not receive a great deal of attention. On occasion, we see that the color of qaisi is dark and sulphurous, and it has a bitter taste; both of these characteristics cause a great deal of competition in the export market.

Types Of Dried Apricots

Dried apricots, like many other dried fruits, have different types. When we hear and read about the dry leaf, although it brings back memories of the delicious, tart, and sweet apricots that our grandmothers used to make, we must acknowledge that much has changed since then and that the dry leaf is no longer restricted to just apricots. made from dried fruit often include dry leaves. Because it contains vitamin K, peach helps to keep the heart and muscles healthy. Check that the dry leaves do not have an unpleasant odor before purchasing the product to ensure that you are getting a good one. The process of changing the delectable fruits into dry leaves adds to their overall flavor and brings a plethora of other benefits along with them. Nectarines, peaches, and apricots, among other stone fruits, can be processed and turned into leaves that have a pleasing flavor. It is impossible to avoid discussing the qualities and nutrients of fruit no matter where we are. Since the beginning of time, humans have found deliciousness and utility in the company of fruits. Even if their outward look has altered over the years, the fundamental characteristics of their properties have remained the same.

Sun-Maid California Dried Apricots

There are different types of dried apricots, some of them are industrial and some are sun-maid, which is the California type. Dried apricots are an excellent source of many essential nutrients, including potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin E, magnesium, salt, and zinc. The following nutrients can be found in 100 grams of dried apricots: 313 calories, 4.8 grams of carbohydrates, 4.4 grams of protein, 7 grams of fat, 1.1 grams of potassium, 6.5 milligrams of vitamin E, 4 milligrams of copper, 5.3 milligrams of iron, 4.3 milligrams of niacin, 3 milligrams of manganese, 6.4 milligrams of magnesium, 3.9 milligrams of phosphorus

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Comments (34 Comments)


Hello, there are many properties of dried apricots, this fruit is very tasty and excellent in food




The province's fresh and dried apricots are very widespread and famous in the world.




Osby says Malatya is meeting the global demand for dried apricots, stating, "If we count all the global exports of dried apricots, 85% belongs to Malatya




If the dried apricot is fresh, it is a little juicy and shaking, but if it is not fresh, it is very dry and very firm




You can order fresh dried yellow plums from Arad website because they have organic products




You can buy dried and organic apricots through this site




Dried apricot is rich in vitamins and its consumption is recommended.




Apricots are very tasty and have a lot of vitamin E




Apricot has a cold and moist nature, and its sweet type has a warmer nature
Apricots contain a lot of vitamin A




Apricots have many vitamins and are very tasty



Ali Vafadar

One cup of dried apricots provides 94% of your body's daily need for Vitamin A and 19% of its iron.



Muhaddith Abbasi

California organic dried apricots are very popular and good




Dried figs contain calcium, which is very effective and useful in the growth and strengthening of the body's bones




Iran is one of the countries that produces apricots in bulk and exports them to other countries




Dried apricots that are produced in California are very golden and yellow in color, and California is suitable for their growth




Apricot is a fruit rich in various vitamins that are dried at the right temperature to produce dried apricot leaves



Sahar kamali

If the apricot is organic, its color will not change when you dry it, but if it is not organic, it may turn brown.




Dust-free nuts are one of the most important factors for choosing a nut




May be you are advised yo eat apricot as fresh as possible. But notice that you can make your body as powerful as fresh ones.




how are you By reading ‌ the descriptions of this series, all ‌ business owners can get fruitful information about ‌ Fresh California Apricots and Best California Dried Apricots and Types Of Dried Apricots. I wish you happiness.



Seyyed Mohammad Babaei Chigini

These dried apricots are really delicious and they are great for use in stews and various dishes




Hello, I bought the products of Qaisi apricot leaf export site, they were very tasty and of good quality, Varza



Bagher Rasouli

Nice article sir Keep up the good work. Really enjoyed reading this article




The best and highest quality Qeisi is produced in Iran and California




Dried apricot leaves, which are prepared by drying apricots, are one of the healthy and useful snacks that can be consumed throughout the year.



Zienab Ahmadi

Its fruit is fleshy and yellow in color, with a pleasant and sweet taste, and it ripens in the middle of summer, and for this reason, it is also called summer gold.




Apricot is a sweet and nutritious fruit that is dried and made into leaves that contain many vitamin




Hello good day.Dried apricots that are produced in California are very golden and yellow in color, and California is suitable for their growth



Hassan Qalandari

It has a soft and tender texture and the skin is quite thin. This fruit has a significant amount of several nutrients that are essential for the human body.




Hello Because of their high fiber content, dried apricots can make it simpler for people to go to the bathroom when they need to.




Dried apricots have many properties, this fruit is very tasty and excellent, and we use apricots in all kinds of delicious dishes, it really gives a good taste to the food.




Qaisi is produced from apricots, and Qaisi from California and Iran are of good quality. We use Qaisi in food




Organic apricot leaves are very good and have many benefits for the body. I am satisfied and will order again



Panah alinezhad

By using apricot fruit, they obtain fresh and organic qaisy, which is very delicious



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