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Fresh Korean Cucumber; Thin Glossy Green Skin 2 Vitamins C K

Fresh Korean cucumbers are delicious and nutritious vegetables, they are smaller than Western cucumbers and have thin, glossy green skin with creamy white flesh.

Fresh Korean Cucumber

Fresh Korean cucumber is a species of cucumber that originates from North Korea.

This type of cucumber can be found in many traditional Korean dishes, such as kimchi and makgeolli.

Its popularity spread throughout Asia, to other countries such as Japan and China.

It is believed to have been consumed for centuries due to its availability during summer months.

It is believed the vegetable was introduced to the region by Buddhist monks who brought it from Southeast Asia.

Over time, the local people developed their own cultivation techniques which used raised beds and narrow rows of circular mounds to allow for better drainage.

Fresh Korean Cucumber

Fresh Korean Cucumber Features

Fresh Korean cucumber features are thin skin, dark green color and small to medium size.

Not only do they taste great, but also have a variety of health benefits that make them ideal for those looking for a nutritious addition to their meals.

Title Description
Skin Thin, Glossy Green
Origin North Korea
Vitamin C, K
Benefit Boosting Immune System

The high levels of vitamin C found in this product makes them great for boosting the immune system, while the substantial amount of vitamin K helps with blood clotting and other vital bodily functions.

In addition, they contain essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus that provide necessary nutrients to cells throughout the body.

Furthermore, they possess tons of dietary fiber.

korean cucumber green

Buy Fresh Korean Cucumber

Buy fresh Korean cucumber that has a soft skin and also it must have standard mark.

When buying this product, it is important to be aware of the characteristics that make them unique.

Make sure to examine them for firmness and ensure their color is uniform.

Check for any blemishes or soft spots that can indicate the cucumber could be rotten.

Smell test them as well, you should not detect any unpleasant scent coming from the cucumber.

Also, ensure that all of your cucumbers are roughly the same size so they will cook evenly when cooked together.

When shopping for fresh products, try to purchase from vendors with high quality standards.

korean cucumber banchan

Fresh Korean Cucumber Price + Buy and Sell

Fresh Korean cucumber price has been on the rise in recent months due to increased market demand.

The average market price for this product last month was almost 25 and 40 US dollars per pound, which is close to double the current price of a regular cucumber.

The rising cost of this product has caused some outcry among customers and growers alike.

Overharvesting has left the industry unable to keep up with demand causing prices to soar even higher than usual.

Furthering the problem is a lack of resources in Korean markets that are able to provide consistent quality at fair prices.

If you would like more information then please reach out.

Our team is standing by ready to assist with your specific needs and answer any questions you may have about this product today.

Contact us directly.

korean pickled cucumber

The Answer to Two Questions About Korean Cucumber

1: What are the minerals of Fresh Korean Cucumber?

They contain essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus that provide necessary nutrients to cells throughout the body.

2: What are the features of Fresh Korean Cucumber?

Fresh Korean cucumber features are thin skin, dark green color and small to medium size.

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