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Fresh Fig Per Pound; Potassium Magnesium Copper Source 4 Vitamins A B C K

Fresh fig per pound is available during summer.

We produce and supply several tones of fresh figs for the domestic market and export.

Fresh Fig Per Pound

Figs are a popular and sweet fruit that grows in areas with a Mediterranean climate.

The fig tree has claw-like leaves, and its height reaches 9 meters in some places.

This delicious fruit is available in a vast variety.

Some types of fig trees are sensitive to cold weather.

The nutrition properties of dried figs are more than fresh figs.

Also, fresh figs may be allergenic because of the juice in their texture.

Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Spain, and Germany are the top fig-growing and exporting countries in the world.

For many years, figs have been used as medicine to treat many diseases due to their many properties.

fresh fig

Fresh Fig Per Pound Features

Fig is a fruit and vegetable source rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K, potassium, magnesium, copper, etc.

Figs are a good option for increasing the strength of bones.

Title Description
Source of Potassium, Magnesium, Copper
Vitamins  A, B, C, and K
Health Benefits Increasing the Strength of Bones and Immune System
Traditinal Use Medicine 

Figs are effective in improving cough.

Eating figs is good for the digestive system.

It is also useful for strengthening the immune system.

In traditional medicine, taking figs with almonds and pistachios is very useful for strengthening memory.

Unlike dried figs, fresh figs are very vulnerable and should be placed in strong packaging.

In each package, a limited number of figs are placed in a certain place so that if pressure is applied to the packages, the figs will not be affected.

fresh fig fruit

Buy Fresh Fig Per Pound

If you want to buy fresh figs per pound from any supplier, you should pay attention to some important tips that will be listed below:

The figs must be fresh.

The supplier must consider the necessary manpower to pick the fruit from the tree and immediately sort and pack it.

Figs should be handpicked from the tree without applying pressure and should not be hit so as not to spoil during transportation.

All the mentioned steps should be done in the shortest possible time and the cargo should be sent.

But in any case, fresh figs cannot be sent to distant countries.

fresh fig tree

Fresh Fig Price Per Pound + Buy and Sell

To determine the price of fresh figs per pound, many factors are involved, which can be mentioned as follows:

The daily price of the dollar and its rate of change during the week is one of the effective factors for all the products.

The quantity of figs requested in one part is also very important in determining the price of the product.

The type of fig chosen, and as a result, the place of fig production is also effective in calculating the costs.

The type of packaging and the distance to the destination are also important and influential factors.

The price range is 2-3 USD.

To get more information about figs, you can contact our consultants.

fresh fig salad

The Answer to Two Questions About Fresh Fig

1: What minerals can be found in Fresh Figs?

Fig is a fruit and vegetable source rich in vitamins A, B, C, and K, potassium, magnesium, copper, etc.

2: What health benefits do Fresh Figs have?

Figs are a good option for increasing the strength of bones.

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Comments (2 Comments)


Those who have constipation, if they can eat a few figs a day, their problem will disappear completely within a short period of time.




I am very fond of figs and are very tasty and most figs are green and have a special taste that I am very much



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