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Fresh Fennel Seeds; Improve Eyesight Regulate Pressure 3 Mineral Selenium Calcium Zinc

Fresh fennel seeds is one of the plants that is very popular in Mediterranean countries because of its pleasant taste and its use in various dishes.

Fresh Fennel Seeds

Fennel is a kind of flowering, resistant and perennial plant with yellow flowers and feathery leaves.

Fennel is native to the Mediterranean coast, but grows naturally in many parts of the world, especially in dry soils near the sea coast and along rivers.

Fennel is a green oblong plant that grows up to 2.5 meters tall with hollow stems.

Fennel is widely used both in its native range and elsewhere due to its edible and aromatic leaves and fruits.

Its flavor is due to a substance called antole, which is an aromatic compound, and star anise is also found and has a similar flavor, though usually not as strong.

Fresh Fennel Seeds

Fresh Fennel Seeds Features

The properties of fennel seeds can be mentioned as follows:

    1. Consuming fennel regulates blood pressure.
Title Description
Native To Mediterranean Coast
Appearance Green Oblong Plant
Benefit Improves Eyesight, Regulates Blood Pressure
Mineral Selenium, Calcium and Zinc

Chewing fennel seeds helps increase nitrite levels in saliva.

Nitrite is a natural element that is considered as an indicator to evaluate the level of blood pressure.

  1. Solving skin problems using fennel.

Regular consumption of fennel seeds provides some organic substances such as selenium, calcium and zinc.

These organic substances play an essential role in maintaining the balance of hormones and also maintaining the balance of oxygen in the blood.

  1. Consuming fennel improves eyesight.

Including a tablespoon of fennel seeds in your daily diet can improve your vision.

Fennel contains a large amount of vitamin A, which plays an essential role in the health of the eyes and vision.

Fennel Seeds

Buy Fresh Fennel Seeds

If you decide to buy fresh fennel seeds, pay attention to the following points:

It is better to buy fennel seeds or herbs instead of fennel powder.

Because the powder may contain spicy additives that are not compatible with the consumer's taste.

Powdered fennel should be stored in closed containers in the refrigerator or freezer.

Because it loses its taste due to the evaporation of the essential oils in it.

Buying fennel during the harvest season allows you to have a higher quality product.

The bigger, greener, fuller and more fragrant the fennel seeds are, the better the fennel is and naturally it has a higher quality.

organic fennel seeds

Fresh Fennel Seeds Price + Buy and Sell

All kinds of first-class fennel are sold by reliable sellers without intermediaries at reasonable and cheap prices.

The fresher this product is, it is sold at a higher price, and it is the quality that determines its real price.

Main sellers and distribution centers consider the best price of fennel according to its type and quality, which may fluctuate over time.

When you decide to buy and sell fresh fennel seeds, you should know the approximate price.

The approximate price of fresh fennel seeds is between 3 and 6 dollars.

Our company can prepare any order depending on the quality of the product requested by the customer.

Please contact us immediately for more information and fennel seed availability.

indian fennel seeds

The Answer to Two Questions About Fennel Seeds

1: What effect does fennel have on the body?

Consuming fennel improves eyesight.

2: What are fennel minerals?

Regular consumption of fennel seeds provides some organic substances such as selenium, calcium and zinc.

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