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Fermond Saffron Price in India

Fermond Saffron in India is a popular brand of Iranian saffron; this brand is marketed as the best option for affordable and quality Iranian saffron.

Fermond Saffron in India

Fermond saffron is only one of Iran's numerous producers of premium-quality saffron.

However, India's market of spices didn't choose Fermond saffron for no reason at all.

Fermond saffron is, to many experts and chefs, the perfect balance of affordability and quality.

The brand has fully delivered on its promise to bring pure Iranian saffron to the Indian market.

Fermond also made sure its products are accessible and affordable to its Indian customers from all walks of life.

To minimize expenses without sacrificing quality, Fermond used innovative methods of harvesting and packaging.

This innovation can also be seen in the brand's marketing strategies, where less money is paid for advertisement.

Fermond Saffron

Fermond Saffron Features in India

It is for decades that Fermond saffron represents the famous Iranian saffron in India's market.

In fact, approximately 90% of the world's yearly supply of saffron comes from Iran, which is rightfully considered the spice's birthplace.

Title Description
Main Producer Iran 
Properties  Richer Red Hue and a More Distinctive
Product Test  Water Test, Baking Soda Test and Fire Test 
Pricing Based on Grade quality and Technical Features

Iranian saffron has a richer red hue and a more distinctive, tingling scent than saffron from other nations.

Traditional Persian food and culture prominently include saffron, and the superiority of genuine Iranian saffron is without dispute.

Fermond is one of the many brands of Iranian saffron that has lived up to the country's heritage of production of saffron.

This brand has successfully earned the trust of its Indian customers as a prestigious and genuine Iranian saffron product.

tak momtaz saffron

Buy Fermond Saffron in India

It is quite easy to buy Fermond saffron in India, thanks to the countless online shops that sell them.

Nevertheless, there are some tests to evaluate the quality of saffron if you still have doubts about its authenticity.

  1. Water test: Put the saffron in a glassful of water; the water should change color to yellow while the saffron floats atop it.
  2. Baking soda test: Add baking soda to water; when saffron is added to the mix, it should change color to yellow and not red.
  3. Fire test: Finally, burn a few threads of saffron and the flame should change color to purple or orange; yellow flames indicate bad saffron.

momtaz ghaenat saffron

Fermond Saffron Price in India + Buy and Sell

Fermond saffron has made sure all its customers in India can purchase its saffron products, regardless of their financial status.

In fact, this brand offers a wide range of saffron products, which are sold at varying price points.

Needless to say that the grade quality and technical features of each product determine their price.

For instance, a one-gram pack of premium all-red saffron by Fermond is sold at $25, whereas cheaper products of the same brand are also available.

On our website, you can buy all brands of saffron and even more.

You can choose the right balance of quality and price by speaking to our experts, particularly if you want to make a bulk purchase.

momtaz saffron

The Answer to Two Questions About Fermond Saffron

1: If saffron goes bad, how do I know?

Sniffing a pinch of the spice after rubbing it in your fingers is a great way to determine if it is still good for use.

2: Where is the best place to keep saffron?

Saffron should be stored in a cool, dark place, preferably in an airtight metal or glass jar.

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