اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The film of supplying power of Arad and Aradis available in Persian and with subtitles in 9 languages and sending them to foreign representatives worldwide

We will put all our efforts into introducing Iranian factory products to various countries around the world.

This 14-minute film will be sent worldwide to conduct extensive marketing for Iranian products.

Our foreign representatives will greatly enhance their negotiation power with foreign customers by having these films at their disposal.

Show these films on this page to Iranian producers as well.

Tell them that if they collaborate with you, they have the power to send their factory films and production capacity to over two thousand merchants nationwide who are representatives of Arad Branding.

If producers understand that you have such capacity and can carry out export work for them with such branding power, and showcase their capacities to the entire world for free, they will be eager to collaborate with you.

Make sure to use this technique in negotiations with suppliers and producers.

All films are the same, only the subtitles are different based on various languages.

Let's watch together.



















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Comments (4 Comments)

Ernest Becker

This is awesome

Mamadou Barry le représentant de Arad branading Guinée Conakry

Le film était vraiment bon il nous montre beaucoup du produit c'est génial .

kazem pourerfaniyan

the film was very very good.thanku very mach becouse of product of this film.

Becker Ernest
