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Face Towel in Nigeria; Constant Color Hypoallergenic Fibers High Water Absorption

The distinguishing feature of a face towel in Nigeria is the quality of natural fibers, their constant color, their texture that is resistant to beard shaving, and their strong water absorption.

Face Towel in Nigeria

One of the personal accessories for every person, which can be seen in every house today, is a face towel.

Samples of these are advertised in towel and blanket shopping centers, and the applicants get a large amount of these products for personal use.

A face towel is used to dry hands and faces, and sometimes those who clean their hair and head with shampoo and other detergents also dry their hair with a bath towel, which is a good way.

And with its quality, it has a high water absorption value and can dry the head and face well.

face towel soft

Face Towel Features in Nigeria

The face towel is actually for drying hands and faces, so it is a personal item.

Face towels are produced in many sizes and designs, and you can choose a fancy design for your child in a small size.

Title Description
Made of Cotton
Feature Constant Color
Positive Side High Water Absorption
Compound Hypoallergenic Fibers

Face towels are produced from natural and hypoallergenic fibers.

Face towels are usually made of cotton, which has high water absorption, and linen.

Face towels are of high quality; their fine and dense texture, lack of elasticity, and color stability are their distinctive features.

For long-term durability and stylishness, the face towel is embroidered.

And also, you always should consider face towels as personal items.

face towel warmer

Buy Face Towel in Nigeria

When buying face towels in Nigeria, you should pay attention to some special points in order to make a safe purchase.

Buy a face towel that has the ability to absorb water quickly and completely dry the skin, cotton face towel has this feature.

The next thing is the roughness and softness of the face towel, which is best to have a balance.

A very soft towel does not absorb water well, and a rough towel causes damage to the skin.

The important thing is to wash the towel after buying it and before using it to remove the silicone packaging from the towel.

face towel for baby

Face Towel Price in Nigeria + Buy and Sell

The price of a face towel in Nigeria is very suitable and affordable considering its quality, which varies between 4 to 10 dollars.

The type and quality of the used fibers, the size, and the quality of the packaging are important factors in determining the price face towels.

Bulk or partial purchase is also one of the factors that determine the price; a large number of purchases will be sold at a lower price.

Nowadays, it is possible to get various items, including face towels, online.

Be sure of the quality and price of the product by buying from reliable sites.

To achieve and get more information, you can contact our sales representative.

face towels pack

The Answer to Two Questions About Face Towel

1: What kinds of fabric used in face towel?

Face towels are usually made of cotton.

2: How often do you need to change your face towel?

Some experts recommend washing towels and washcloths after 3-5 usage, while others say simply once.

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