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Two cost-effective strategies for attracting potential customers to achieve wealth

If you aspire to become wealthy, your path and efforts must be aligned.

Imam Hussein (AS) conveyed a similar concept, stating, "Undoubtedly, life is belief, thought, and striving."

Belief refers to convictions, thoughts, and paths

while striving means effort.


Pathfinding and then moving forward

This principle holds true in any endeavor, even in becoming wealthy.

The first step is to ensure the correctness of the path and the belief in our wealth attainment, followed by the efforts that yield results.

Whether you are an employee or a laborer, if your path doesn't lead to wealth, no matter how hard you try, you won't become rich.

Therefore, it's about establishing the right path and belief first, determining the course, and then putting effort into it.

Just like embarking on a journey from city A to city B, if you take the road to city C, you won't reach your destination, even if you exert a lot of effort.

However, with the right path, even minimal effort can eventually lead you to your destination, albeit more slowly.

The more effort you put in, the faster you'll get there. Hence, the path is primary, and effort is secondary.

We at Arad guide you on the paths to wealth, and the efforts are your responsibility.

We've emphasized that money is in business, so the path to becoming rich is clear.

We then suggested pursuing the path of branding for wealth, selecting Arad's branding suffix for yourself, meaning you should strive to be seen and then negotiate, giving meaning to your visibility.

Once seen, potential customers or leads and signals will come your way.

To find leads and signals, we've provided and will continue to provide educational courses, and for negotiation, we've set up a business school with diverse lessons that you can access from the site menu.


Two Intriguing Free Paths

Today, we aim to introduce two compelling avenues for discovering leads and signals.

Some of you, our friends, might have already explored these paths, while others may not have.

These paths fall under the category of free methods, requiring only your time.

If you are the owner of a large company, and your business is thriving, we do not recommend these two paths unless you hire someone to handle them for you.

Our belief is that newcomers, especially those who have not firmly committed to business yet and have not found the certainty in conducting trade as they should, should experience free methods.

On the other hand, seasoned individuals, confident in their trade and uninterested in pursuing additional occupations, can benefit from paid methods such as advertising campaigns and professional SEO.


Path One: Internet Sites with Guest Posting Capability

One effective method for finding leads and signals is through online platforms that offer guest posting opportunities.

Some commercial websites allow you to share your content as a guest post.

These well-known sites hold a high position and credibility, making them more visible in search engines.

Among these, Medium.com stands out as one of the most renowned platforms, with thousands worldwide currently engaging in this practice.

These sites exist in various languages and countries, enabling you to generate content and freely publish it by joining these platforms.

Some even permit you to present your content in an advertisement-like format.

To discover such sites in any language, search for terms related to your product or service that people commonly use.

Open the first five pages on Google and examine whether these sites only publish their content or allow others to contribute.

Due to the multilingual nature of this article, specific site recommendations are not feasible, as a site beneficial in one country may not be as useful in another.

You can, however, share in the comments any sites that grant this permission in your language, providing guidance for fellow traders and employees.

Visit these sites, follow their rules, and publish your free post.

The user interfaces of these sites simplify the posting process, as their revenue comes from advertising.

While some may offer paid options, it's advisable to allocate your budget for content production on your own site and leverage their free capabilities.


Path Two: Telegram Groups

In Telegram groups, traders and merchants gather to showcase and introduce their products.

Similar to these groups, in Arad's Telegram groups known as the World Trade Center groups, traders engage.

However, to gather more leads and signals, simply search for phrases like the following in the Telegram search to find various groups:

  • Trade
  • Export
  • Commerce
  • Trade with A (replace A with different country names)
  • Export to A
  • Business Group
  • Export Group

And many other keywords that you can discover, leading you to a plethora of groups.

These groups may ask for permission to send messages, requesting you to invite a few friends to join.

You can either invite real or fake accounts on your phone to obtain this permission.

It's worth mentioning that similar functionalities exist on some local social networks, providing the opportunity to engage in such activities for lead generation.

Deciding on the content to share in these groups can be determined by observing other messages.

Analyze which messages are more appealing to you, although strive to keep your messages diverse, concise, and avoid repetitive, lengthy, and tedious content.



Dear Aradi friends, please refrain from posting lengthy comments, typically consisting of copied scientific articles from the internet.

We've heard that some friends have lost interest in reading comments due to encountering such emotionless contributions.

A comment should reflect the heartfelt emotion you have towards the topic you read or share an experience or memory related to the discussion, captivating the audience.

Posting copied content from the internet is not appealing.

While we don't intend to restrict you, comments are an ideal place to showcase your charm.

Would you find tedious scientific content interesting if it came from someone else?

Write about your emotional connection to the content, share experiences, memories, or essential points that make the text more engaging.

We hope some friends don't take offense and, by adjusting their commenting style, bring a more beautiful emotional touch to Arad Branding's content—a place that is essentially our Aradi haven.

Kudos to all of you who, with your comments, warm our hearts and inspire us to write more.

Comments (47 Comments)

Rahele Nateqi

your content can be any general information about your product, not just its specifications. In this way people are more attracted to your business and content.



hadise motlagh

if you belive in something and try your best, make sure you can gain it.



Hasan Kaviani

In telegram groups in order to attract people, first you have work on your profile. A formal profile photo and and your full name is necessary.



Fatemeh Afrad

All those kinds of points that we get from reading news here in our website is an amazing experience that we are trying to do or try to suggest others as our members or those who want to do business with us. The important point that i got from here was using telegram Channels for growing our business as i have this good and useful experience.



Mariya Salim

Finding the correct path toward our goals is the most significant issue in our becoming successful. So after determining the goal we should find the path to achieve our goals successfully.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Different free marketing and advertising helps people to increase their view in the market but don't give them so much result
Also you need these profile and activities to start and least your cost



Muhammad Fazeli

Choosing the right path means passing the half of the way, in a business the right path is hood content, using social media and other tools in order to gain qualified signals



Mahya Soleimaniun

I have already mentioned that having a website is very important in gaining your credibility with the audience.



amin mirzaei

It's true that personal experiences and emotional connections can be more impactful than lengthy scientific articles. Thanks for the insights



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Attracting potential customers and achieving wealth is a long-term endeavor that requires consistency, adaptability, and ongoing refinement of your strategies. It's essential to understand our customers, deliver value, and create compelling marketing initiatives that resonate with their needs and aspirations.



Marzieh Olamaei

If you want to reach the main goal of your life and enjoy the path, you must first have a very strong belief. Without belief and certainty, you will not achieve any success



Ahmad Ashkian

In general, a business owner should either work on his own infrastructure to be seen, or spend money and make his business stronger by using Staffs and receiving leads from Arad Branding.



Sharife Nateghi

As an international negotiator, I have gotten to know many potential people on groups in different social media platforms specially Telegram. I'm really glad that people all around the world are using these platforms.



mostafa Cheldavi

hello and have a good time
in this virtual world and membership in groups so that you can earn a good income.



Alireza Rohani

This is such a problem, customer attraction is a vital matter for a businessman and negotiator, and it must be said that customer attraction is an art. It requires communicating and persuading them. For this purpose, it is better not to neglect effective advertising methods to attract customers. Plus, customers need to know your value proposition and what you can do for them.



mehdi lotfi

Arads trading school honestly has educated many people through finding right path in their own business . and of course without believe you can not grow




with these 2 strategies ,applicants education is fully guranteed ,therefore we will have to await for bight future of aradi's students



Zahra Rezaei

Deriving energy and motivation from a source in any profession is really important. It suggests that believing in oneself and maintaining a positive mindset about one's work is crucial. Consistent effort in gaining knowledge about the job is advised, along with eliminating anything that hinders progress. Once a foundation of beliefs and interest is established, unconscious and automatic efforts lead to optimal performance. Without a solid belief system, one may only engage in short-term efforts, ultimately returning to the previous state.



mehdi lotfi

If you want to reach the main goal of your life , you must first have a very strong belief. Without belief and certainty, you will not achieve any success



Roohollah Akbari Salim

one can use many platforms to put oneself on display to businessmen, make sure you have a attractive display and only businessmen are watching you.



Razie Rezai

potentially there are different methods to develop your business. We as Aradi employees provide you with the best as well as the most practical ways for you to see you get improved.



hadise motlagh

Every way that we provide you for free is to advance your goals. You can increase your income by increasing the number of customers.



Reza Karimi

Hello everyone...

I have already said that, until we do not have a belief, the work will not proceed properly.
To move on a path, you must first believe in the correctness of the chosen path.
"Belief makes you interested."
"Belief motivates you."
"Belief strengthen you in failures."
"Belief gives you purpose and direction."
And finally, it is your belief that makes your life.

Let's believe that we can... 💯



Fatima Radmanesh

I really liked this post and the whole idea of clarification of the options we have to accomplish our goals for getting rich.
Once you have made your mind, once you have chosen to do business, do as what the experts tell you to do so.
Follow their instructions.
Now that you have accepted Arad as the greatest player in this game, consider it as your coach and take all these small steps to become successful step by step.



Amene Abbasi

Obviously, there are many ways to find clients. Telegram is a great path to reach out to people who are active in business.



jalal rezaei

To attract potential customers cost-effectively, leverage content marketing by creating valuable online content. Establish your business as an authority, drawing in organic traffic. Implement a referral program to encourage existing customers to recommend your services, expanding your reach through word of mouth. These strategies help build credibility and expand your customer base without a substantial marketing budget.



mohammad mousavi

It is very important that the way and phrase we search for a goal is very important in the results and getting us to the destination. Therefore, it is much better to identify the key vocabulary in our field of work with a little thought.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

It is definitely belief that determines the path of life and by working on beliefs, you will be guided to the right path, so use these two strategies to succeed in business.



Zahra Alavi

I believe this article was an ultimate guide to what is Arad's plan to any newcomer. Honestly I needed that guide to categorize my mind on how to invite people to use this opportunity



Saeed Akbarpour

It may be when was the last time you listened to the customer complaints your call centre receives? When did you last stop and chat to an employee working in your office or warehouse and find out what day-to-day challenges they’re struggling with? When you’re a busy CEO it can be easy to get too focused on the bigger picture issues, but only by leaving your bubble will you really be able to understand the dreams, fears and ambitions of your customers.




By using the mentioned ways, you can very effectively find businessmen and people who want to take a step in this way.



mohsen jabbari

the fact that you want to have your business expanded and your trade boosted is enough for you to work on your links it does not matter from what source because there are many more different applications and ways from which you can find leads it does not have to be a business person or trader you can start a social relation with an ordinary person and little by little more that relation towards business by highlighting the advantages.



Hani Rostami

Telegram is awesome for connecting with people and boosting your sales. You can join relevant groups and channels to engage with your audience and share your products and services. Additionally, Telegram advertising allows you to promote your brand effectively and increase your sales.



Mohsen Imam

Encouragement always helps people to feel inspired, reassured and sustained. When you give encouragement successfully great things always happen. Their extraordinary qualities will have room to shine and spread. Their doubts and fears will be removed or dramatically reduced giving them the faith to keep moving forward in pursuit of their goals.



Mahdi Alavi

Yeah it was mentioned two ways of getting signals and leads like the certain websites and telegram groups but I would rather the websites since it's more professional way and gets to more audiences.



Azin Fakhr

I have offered both of the above mentioned approaches to Arad businessmen either working domestically or internationally and those who have followed the path and used it, soon received leads and customers. Even so many of these leads turned to long term partnerships.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

That point, that negotiation would give meaning to being seen is a great perspective. I think taking action in the form of negotiation is ultimately the difference between achieving success and treading water.



M Amir Eftekhari

Choosing what to do and how to do things does really matter! One should be aware that every thing has to be done in the right way as already stated above! Identify the right path and grab leads as much as ir comes.



Sayyed Mahdi

Believing in exports for success and wealth acknowledges the global economic interdependence. Engaging in international trade allows nations to reach diverse markets, fostering economic growth, job creation, and technological progress. Success in exports goes beyond financial gains, encompassing cultural exchange and global partnerships. Embracing exports reflects a forward-thinking perspective, recognizing the opportunities within a well-connected global economy for sustained development and increased prosperity.



Fatemeh Faraji

I think "Guest Posting Capability" is the best way to attract more visits on your content, Try to make an attractive content and avoid writing long guest post because it would makeing tired readers.



Alireza Rohani

This is such a problem, customer attraction is a vital matter for a businessman and negotiator, and it must be said that customer attraction is an art. It requires communicating and persuading them. For this purpose, it is better not to neglect effective advertising methods to attract customers. Plus, customers need to know your value proposition and what you can do for them.



Venus Falahati

Joining to social network is very popular but it has to provide us an occasion for being seen and we introduce our business to the n users.



Mahdi Rezaei

In the path of success, before taking a step, if we determine our own goals and find the right path, it will be much easier for us to take a step.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Believing what you do and doing what you believe will certainly give you good results.
The cost-effective ways mentioned in this article regarding getting rich are very practical for all those traders and business people out there.



Alireza Sharifi

Taking leads and signals from the virtual space is very important. Traders should use the opportunity.



Javad Ghasemi

Hello to you all readers

If we are engaged in our work with our heart and soul in any job position and in any organizations we will definitely progress. We must believe and love it. After that we will find the way. And when we are interested, we can be sure that we are working for the goals.
In regards to effort, we should do things in our business that bring us closer to money, such as creating content and exposing it to others.



Garikai Mutiumwe

I think the most important thing is to believe in yourself then after that you take the necessary steps to achieve what you want to achieve.



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