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Export Quality Onion Price

Export quality onion is known as the greatest type of onion with the most usage in almost all kinds of foods.

Export Quality Onion

You will benefit much from understanding the distinctions between red, white, and yellow onions when cooking.

Have you ever questioned why some recipes specify a particular variety of onions?

Yellow export quality onions are used more frequently than other varieties.

This variety of onion has a powerful, sweet flavor, and the more it is cooked, the less spicy it is and the sweeter it becomes.

The yellow onions make you cry when you cut them; this is a result of the high sulfur content in them, which ultimately results in their potent and pungent flavor and odor.

Export Quality Onion

Export Quality Onion Features

The fact that export quality onions are nutrient-rich implies they have few calories but a lot of vitamins and minerals.

There are only 44 calories in a medium onion and it offers a sizable amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs.

Title Description
Flavor Powerful, sweet flavor
Calories 44g in medium size
Rich in Fiber, vitamins and minerals
Health benefits decrease cholesterol, Good for immune system  

The immune system is strengthened by the minerals included in onions, which also aid in the creation of collagen, tissue healing, and iron absorption.

Antioxidants and other substances found in onions decrease cholesterol and triglycerides while battling inflammation. Heart disease risk is decreased by these characteristics.

Sulfur and flavonoid antioxidants in onions are responsible for their anti-cancer properties.

red onion benefits

Buy Export Quality Onion

If you want to buy export quality onion you should consider a couple of factors in order to have a satisfactory purchase.

Pay attention to the storage place of export quality onions because they should be kept in dry areas.

Avoid buying onions that are not fresh and their peel is so much dry.

If you are buying one bag of onions, pay attention that onions are in the same size.

We suggest that you buy red onions instead of white or yellow because they are healthier with many advantages.

red onion vegetable

Export Quality Onion Price + Buy and Sell

There are various factors that are reliable in changing the export quality onion price, including the weather conditions of that year for cultivation and the rate of inflation in the society.

Also, floods or severe rains usually damage agricultural products and cause the quantity of the product to decrease and its price to increase.

The amount of demand for onion in the market also changes its price.

Our company has tried to deliver this product to its loyal customers at the lowest price every year by anticipating all the upcoming changes in onion prices.

The price of this onion is between $150.00 to US$300.00 for per metric tone.

If you are active in this domain and want to buy and sell export quality onion, hurry up and contact our business advisors to get further information.

red onion

The Answer to Two Questions About Export Quality Onion 

1: How long can you store onions?

Onions should be stored between 45 and 55 F. Raw onions stored in a cool, dry environment last two to three months.

2: Do onions need watering every day?

Every 14 days during extended dry periods, water, and occasionally feed with a general liquid fertilizer.

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