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Making An Alliance Between Iranian Business Companies + Broadcasting News of Russian Traders from Arak Provincial TV Channel and …

Arad Branding is planning new strategies to conquer international trade at the world level. This serious matter cannot be realized except with the sympathy of many Iranian people.

We Iranians have a lot of intelligence; the only thing is channeling our intelligence in the right direction.

Join Arad Branding to show the power and honor of Iran to the world.

1. Unifying The Iranian Small and Island Business Companies

In Iran, there are many commercial companies, such as Tose'e Tejarat, Tose'e Saderat, Modiriat Saderat, etc., whose main job is to export Iranian products to other countries.

All these companies operate in one or more different products, and their export area is one or several countries.

For example, a commercial company exports pistachio products to the UAE, and another company exports towels to Germany.

And this power to export all available products to all countries is exclusive to Arad Branding.

Arad Branding has a plan for Iranian commercial companies that if they accept, their financial profit will be multiplied several times provided they are adequately justified.

And, of course, Arad has many benefits in uniting these companies.

If you see each of these companies as an island, Arad wants to connect the islands with bridges.

Arad will be located in the center of these islands, which will be the main link between the small islands.

Our intention is not to endanger the independence of these commercial companies, confiscate their profits for our benefit, or to take their customers away from them. Still, we want to use the high negotiation capacities that we have in more than ten languages of the world and also to supply a wide range of Iranian products, as well as the branches and agencies that we are creating, to increase the sales and business of each of the commercial companies.

To increase their profits, share their profits with them, and actualize their potential capacities that were not used before.

Apart from the discussion of financial profit, we see the harmful competition of many of these companies with each other.

Many of these commercial companies fight each other to get the money that Arad intends to create friendship and alliance between them as a bigger one, to make them realize the financial benefits of friendship instead of enmity.

If we want to make Iran proud in the world, we must avoid the smallest internal differences and vent our hatred, greed, and anger on our enemies, not on our friends and countrymen.

For these strategies not to be limited to words and slogans, it is necessary for a group of traders and voluntary employees to help us in this matter.

We plan to send volunteers as business ambassadors to the destination business companies to express what needs to be discussed.

Of course, these ambassadors will also send written letters from Arad to the managers of commercial companies.

Any Arad employee who wants to accompany Arad Branding in this plan should first send us his details through the link below.

Sign up for the Arad ambassadors' plan

Indeed, the necessary training will be given to Arad's business ambassadors in person before sending them to different companies, and you don't have to worry about this.

Besides these companies, voluntary ambassadors will be sent to other places in Iran and the world, which we will inform in the coming days and months.

2.  Russian Traders' Travel Report From the Markazi Province (Arak) TV Channel 

To dear Arad employees

Radio and Television are very strict when it is supposed to broadcast a movie that mentions the private sector by name.

To understand this issue and because business culture is more important to us, we are not following the name of Arad Branding in any way. It is enough that the essence of the issue reaches the Iranian people.

3. Teaching Inflation By Mr. Ziarkolaei


4. Arad Traders Council Meeting

5. Teaching Signal Attraction Methods

6. Slipper Factory

7. Public Report And Interview; Contentment

8. Russian Traders Visiting Industrial Factories, According To Arad Branding Media

9. News Of The Day

10. The Latest Value And Visitors Status Of The Arad Branding Site

According to the latest update of worthofweb, the value of the Arad Branding website increased by $14,000 to $1,578,000 in the last 24 hours.

And the number of visitors increased by 500 people and reached 67 thousand 300 people per day.

 We ask God for honor and pride for every people in our country.


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