اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

What should we do in relation to the people of other countries?

You live in a country with its own extent and area, and people living in it are called your compatriots.

Today, you have entered Arad.

Here, too, people live, who may or may not be your compatriots.

However, there are four main differences between Arad and Aradis and the people of your own country.


1. The Extent and Area of Arad

The extent and area of Arad are not limited to a single country; rather, it encompasses the entire world, including all countries.

Here, you are not only connected with the people of your own country but can connect with all countries, and they can connect with you without the need for passports and visas.


2. The Goal and Path of Aradis

In your own country, each person has a goal in life that differs from others'.

They also follow different paths to achieve their goals.

However, here everyone has a single goal: the growth of their economy.

It is all about making money.

This is our goal as Aradis, and if there are any other goals, they are personal and never overshadow the main objective.

The goal in Arad is for Aradis to become wealthier.

Therefore, we all share one goal.

Interestingly, we don't follow multiple paths to achieve this goal.

Instead, we focus on a single path, which is commerce.

This intense focus on one goal and one path is our secret to success.


3. We Learn Every Day, So We Grow.

What leads to the growth of any society is the benefit the people gain from useful knowledge, and what leads societies to ruin is ignorance.

Ignorance is the greatest enemy of humanity, and you often see it in people who receive no education and do not increase their useful knowledge, resulting in no growth.

In Arad, we all learn relevant and useful knowledge related to the economy and commerce every day, and this education strengthens us and helps us grow.

Thus, without a doubt, we say Aradis are better today than they were yesterday.


4. Unity and Empathy Among Aradis

This statement might seem a bit far-fetched to you, and you might think the writer is exaggerating.

However, if you spend some time with Arad, you will accept that Aradis living in different countries are closer to you than your compatriots.

Even Aradi merchants agree that Aradis living in other cities and countries have a much more friendly relationship with each other than with their fellow citizens.

We even go beyond this.

In Arad, you may have emotional and heartfelt connections with many Aradis, even more so than with many of your relatives.

Here, you encounter each other daily in comments, meet in meetings, follow each other in news photos and videos, and sit together in in-person programs, while you may not see many of your relatives even once a year.

Since we share the same goal and path and there is a high level of organizational integration in Arad, we witness an indescribable unity and harmony.


What should we do with these 4 great advantages? 

Now that we understand we have four great advantages in Arad, we should be able to use them to become wealthier.

So, we must use them wisely.

Now, we answer the question of what we should do in relation to people from other countries.

If we were to answer this question outside of Arad, we would say that it is almost impossible to do anything significant outside of Arad, even if you had contact numbers for a large number of people from different countries, and if you could do something, it would be very difficult.

But in Arad, the situation is different.

First, you only need to decide to become friends with Aradis in different countries and in various products and bring yourself closer to them.

In the second stage, examine what needs your country and its people have that cannot be met domestically.

Once you identify these, simply share these needs with your Aradi friends to see which of them can best fulfill them for you.

In the third stage, you present the good and constructive proposals you receive from your Aradi friends to the economic activists in your country.

Since your proposals are well-thought-out and valuable, you will be well-received in your country.

You have not only met the needs of your country and brought great benefit to your compatriots, but you have also earned good money through trade.

Comments (29 Comments)

Syed Ali Hassan Shah

The article on Arad Branding is excellent. With Arad Branding, we not only earn but also continuously learn. Let's connect and explore business opportunities together




Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Nothing can happen in a vacuum. And even the mightiest of philosophers are in need of interaction, communication, and connection.




Cyril Dingha

Great knowledge. Thanks for this wonderful elaborated information. I've come to discover that in Arad, it's all about growth 💪💪💪



Nouhou Bagouma

That's great a knowledge sharing ARAD BRANDING have no secret in business, every day is a day , and at the end, to earn you have to learn You can join me on




Mariama Jallow

Hi good day hope you are all,this is article is very interesting because it emphasis on how to build a bond with another Arad member and build a trust between them. Is Mariama Jallow Aradbranding Representative from the Gambia 🇬🇲 west Africa




Meliz Gaingos

Great share, Information is clear and transparent. We share the same goal which is commerce and to become wealthy and most importantly being genuine and friendship. Earn good money through trade. |



Sharafat Ullah khan

I have read all this writen guidenc of yours very comfortingly it is very informative and very good and it can't be a better way to explain to someone I like it very much.



Bertrand Urama

This is one of the most insights l came across since being Aradi, especially no 3 is worth reading again and again, more power to your elbow the writer




Joshua, Miracle Victor

Thanks, nice info.




Sharafat Ullah khan

I have read all this writen guidenc of yours very comfortingly it is very informative and very good and it can't be a better way to explain to someone I like it very much



Adebisi Festus Adekunle

Dear Aradi's, No matter where you are in the world, As we continue to work together across different countries and time zones, here is a simple reminder that our diverse perspectives and unique backgrounds are what makes us strong and innovative. Let’s continue to support each other and leverage our global insights to achieve our shared goals. Here’s to our continued success together! Festus Adebisi 🇳🇬




Shafiu Dahiru Abdullahi

Of course these truly is naturally, every days within every second in times, Arad branding organizing to leads and willing to benefiting the world countries, as well people from different society to change the ideas, thinking, from negative to positive,i mean, countries and there people willing to aquaring knowledge and ty known what are the goodness and badness in their lives,we thanks arad branding organization.




Koranteng Michael Wise

The greatness of every advanced society depends on how members of that relates to each other with the elements of love, selflessness, and oneness. And exactly this what Arad Branding company stands for with focus on commerce and money for all. What a great objective for global growth, let's all play our respective roles effectively and efficiently in bringing this goal of Arad Branding to the peak of the world's economic ladder. Thanks!



Aliceson Cooney

Thanks again so much for your advice Arad, we all should know about our own stand for better prosperous in future as we get through Blessed afternoon greetings Arad familles May God bless 🙏 Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬




Akram sayad

Very good and informatory for knowledge and communication with entire globe,interaction with world wide people and understand the reqiuirement and supply for our growth.



Fatima Zehra

No doubt the ideas in this article are worth reading and experimenting.. For any business one needs to create a social circle. It is essential because no one can sell or buy in isolation. There is no business where one can make profit without approaching the people. As the saying goes in trade, 'people buy from people they like.' This likeability can only come through friendship. Which takes us back to good communication skills.. With a communication you can make maximum friends and that's how you can build trust and likeability for yourself among a majority.
Being an introvert myself, how hard it is to communicate and man it kills me to talk about commerce. But since here we are to become a trader and be successful, we have to get out of our introvertness and join Aradis, make more friends and be family to them.
Tip to get into extrovert zone: forget about being judged. Be yourself!
Learn more by contacting: t.me/fzehra370




Malik Emmanuel

The information about Arad are exceptionally forward-thinking and emphasize the power of global unity and shared economic goals. They brilliantly highlight how continuous learning and strong international connections can drive personal and societal growth.




Milton Abel Otamejaye

Haven discovered these four great advantages of the Aradis, I'll ultilize them for wealth and economy growth of my country Nigeria also.




Shaharbano naqvi

We Learn Every Day, So We Grow.

Very very useful points a big thanks to Arad the great platform🤍

It is so true Ignorance is the greatest enemy of humanity, and you often see it in people who receive no education and do not increase their useful knowledge, resulting in no growth.

In Arad, we all learn relevant and useful knowledge related to the economy and commerce every day, and this education strengthens us and helps us grow.
In Arad, you may have emotional and heartfelt connections with many Aradis, even more so than with many of your relatives
Thus, without a doubt, we say Aradis are better today than they were yesterday.
Yes i love Arad and feel proud for being Aradi🤍




Jerry Heights Yeboah

Thank you. This is a very important information for all Aradies, highlighting the basic benefits of Arad to traders of different countries. This does not just bring benefit to the individual trader leveraging Arads connections but also to your countries economic needs.




Siraj uddin




Mohammed Redi

I have read all this written guidence of yours very comfortingly it is very informative and very good and it can't be a better way to explain to someone I like it very much




Siraj uddin

I'm here.



Boyelayefa Solomon

Thank you for this insight it's really comforting. Sales representative Arad Branding Abuja Nigeria contact me on Whatsapp at:





It is said that the day a man stops learning is the day he dies, this has made a great impact. Arad is all about growth and I’m willing to partake in it




John Oluwaseun

Very good and informatory for knowledge and communication thanks arad branding,am lucky to find myself on this great platform



Awan Franklin

I really appreciate you to join in this company is very amazing thanks




Becker Ernest - Furniture, sanitary ware, ceramics and tiles , plastics

Great information, important for a merchant, thank you Arad




Awan Franklin

I'm great too beer do business with this company




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