اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Our revolution was an explosion of light + we make every effort to brand Aradi merchants.

Today, Bahman 22th marks the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution, and we begin our text with congratulations and celebration of this auspicious day, adorned with the words of our Supreme Leader, who said:

"Let everyone know, both our friends and our enemies,

On the battlefield, we pushed back the enemy.

In the political arena, we pushed back the enemy.

In the field of security, we pushed back the enemy.

In various areas, we pushed back the enemy.

By the grace of God, we will decisively push back the enemy on the economic battlefield as well."

Praise be to God, we as Aradis are standing at the right point.

As merchants, as commanders of the economic war of Islam, we stand valiantly, and with our negotiation power, we will channel profits, capital, and money towards Iran, God willing.

Just by standing at the right point, we are miles ahead of many who have yet to understand the pain and whose priority is worthless or less valuable things.

We thank God for the deep understanding bestowed upon us, placing us among the chosen of the Prophet's nation.

How fortunate we Aradis are, with our leader's eyes of hope upon us and our ilk.

By God's grace, a portion of the fulfillment of this promise and divine assistance will be in the hands of us Aradis.

How magnificent it would be if history were to write:

"Aradis were those who correctly recognized the warfare of their era and, by equipping themselves with negotiation skills and knowledge, drew wealth and riches towards themselves and their country, standing against poverty."

Once again, we congratulate you, noble ones, on this glorious day, and we ask you to pay attention to an important news.



We make every effort to brand you.

We all Aradis know that attracting leads and signals is the first part of commerce.

And we know branding is the key to solving this puzzle.

We have repeatedly demonstrated that Arad Branding has solved this puzzle multiple times and will continue to do so.

However, what has always prevented us from wanting or being able to sacrifice for branding all Arad merchants is that there have always been among Arad merchants those for whom Arad has not been a priority.

By the grace of God, it became clear this month which people have pinned their hopes on Arad for money and which people are not pleased with Arad and have made their hearts happy elsewhere, thanks to the policies set regarding Arad's participation in the site.

It is necessary to categorize Aradis first and then give a happy news, although it is pleasing to one group and upsetting to another.

First, answer a question.

What priority is money in your life?

Some say first.

To them, we say bravo.

It is true that money is not everything, but poverty is misery.

So, you must prioritize money as a means to meet many of your needs.

Eating requires money.

Wearing clothes requires money.

One says I took my mother to the hospital, so it requires money.

One says such and such relative passed away, now buying a shroud and burial also requires a lot of money.

Breathing requires money.

If you devalue or de-prioritize money and remove it from the top priority, you will suffer great loss and it will ruin you.

Whenever your money or your world is provided for, you can comfortably attend to other matters.

And in Arad Branding, our only and only primary concern is your money.

If money is truly your primary concern, you must answer another question.

Where is Arad Branding in bringing this money to you?

If you say you make money from other places, then God bless you, we don't care much about your concern.

If you say you have identified ways to get this money from Arad Branding, then it's meaningless to be everywhere and wander, but forget Arad Branding in a day or two.

Can a person forget to eat?

Arad Branding categorizes Aradis into two groups.

The first group consists of Aradis who are active in Arad every day, both in comments and in schools and platforms.

The second group includes Aradis who are in the middle and whose hopes are elsewhere, and they have earned their daily sustenance somewhere else and are pleased with it.

May God grant those whose hopes are elsewhere their wishes from there, and we will try to provide our services to them as much as possible within our usual rules and capabilities.

But for those who are active in Arad every day.

Today's good news is special for them.

We no longer care about the year and month of their contracts.

Their contract may have been signed two years ago, three years ago, or any time earlier or later.

We intend to execute branding for all these dear ones with the utmost power.

From guest posts to website and infrastructure,...

We try out best for the Arad present ones every day so that they become more branded day by day and naturally become more successful.

And this well-knownness will help solve the problem of lead and signal completely.

According to calculations based on the number of active participants in comments and business schools and the capabilities we have in our employees, we will fully meet the challenge of this volume of branding, God willing.

Relocation to the new office and the initiation of the technical department's recruitment began yesterday, and will commence with even greater strength starting from tomorrow.

We aim to perform daily tasks for all participants on the site, regardless of their scores.

We ourselves ask you to demand from our technical department.

If you are accompanying Arad every day, the technical department must strengthen branding for you every day, even to the extent of a guest post.

If this does not happen, open a ticket in Arad User and demand it.

Surely your demands will create more movement in our employees.


Shipping points and success in business

Sending goods and success in commerce is another score that previously existed for Arad merchants, which involved sending trade documents and goods.

This score has also been added back to the branding scores.

Merchants who send their documents to the Telegram ID or Eitaa, aradbranding24, will receive between 4 to 10 points.

All these scores help to increase your branding power.

We recommend once again viewing the branding and site participation score page. 


Congratulations again and a final wish

Once again, we congratulate you active Aradis on this blessed day, and we promise on this day not to fall short in branding our companions who have prioritized Arad as their top priority in life and to strive to make them busier day by day and add to the number of their signals.

Pray to God for us to succeed in fulfilling these commitments for our daily companions, and also pray for those who have not taken Arad seriously to take it more seriously.

Comments (15 Comments)

Sepideh Afshar

Hello to great ones.
congratulations to ARAD and Iran for this victory and happiness.



Sharife Nateghi

In today's world where we have to spend money on everything, money and how to get rich should really be the main priority in our lives and for this purpose
We must do our best to achieve it.



Muhammad Fazeli

For reaching sucess we need to changer our useless path and make a new path it means revolution



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

It is enough that we , I mean Arads have stood at the right point, we are ahead of many and I ask God for more success for the big Arad family.💛



Sharife Nateghi

Arad provides services for businessmen who have daily activities and participation with us, from guest posts to the necessary infrastructure for branding, such as a website, etc which provides more leads and signals for tge traders.



Fatou Senghor

Je pense que dans la vie pour reussir et avoir un travail qui honore il faut au debut l'amour de sa profession. Quand on aime son metier on s'y met avec effort pour avoir le plein succes.le commerce fait partir des metiers les plus nobles et les plus benis d'Allah donc avec amour et serieux on peut le reussir. Une personne qui aspire exercer du commerce s'il le croit et l'aime meme sans beaucoup de moyens peut le reussir et faire des profits grace a sa determination et ses efforts a surmonte les difficultes pour atteindre ses objectifs.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Building a personal brand is an ongoing process that requires consistency, authenticity, and adaptability. It takes time and effort to establish a strong brand presence, but it can help differentiate you and open doors to new opportunities.



Reza Karimi

Hello to all dear Aradies
I congratulate you on the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. May this revolution be connected to the world revolution of Hazrat Sahib al-Zaman, God willing. 🙏
The services provided by Arad for businessmen show the goodwill and double efforts of this family in the growth and development of businessmen and finally, the country. With God's grace, we will witness that the roots of this tree, like the tree of revolution, will become stronger day by day to create a fundamental change in the country's economy. Thank God we are a small part of this revolution.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Fatou Senghor

Tout d'abord toutes mes felicitations au peuple iranien pour cette revolution qui leur a permis d'aller plus loin sur beaucoup de plans. AH OUI une bonne revolution apporte un changement et ouvre vers des lendemains meilleurs. Qu'Allah nous assiste et benisse tout ce que l'on fait de halal. Que cet assemblee d'Aradis soit benie et aimee par le monde des affaires



Javad Gh.


First of all, congratulations for the victory in the province of the 45th anniversary of this revolution.
Really, if someone closes his heart and really listens to Arad, he will definitely get an answer and get very good profits.



Marzieh Olamaei

The main mission of all of us Iranians is to build a prosperous country economically. Until we do business, we cannot have a say in the economy.

happy 22 Bahman.
the anniverssary of Islamic republic of iran.



Rahele Nateqi

Congratulations to everyone!



Zahra Alavi

This is certainly the best news in the best day of every true friend of Arad
Arad seriously care about all the people that join and works with them.
I hope everyone can enjoy these unique opportunities



M. Abbas Mohsenian

A specific revolution or movement that aimed to bring about significant change and promote the interests of merchants or aradis.



Mohammad Ali Hussain Babla

Thanks a lot to arad branding for helping their active merchants to get a very good branding like guest post creation,website optimization, and infrastructure developments by the technical team of Arad Branding.As a result, these merchants get leads and signals to their business and earn money, high reputation, status and so on.May God bless the Arad branding.How nice it would be to work and be active with Arad branding instead of just sitting inactive!



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