It means one is superior to the other.
So we are not talking about one good thing and one bad thing or we are not talking about two bad things.
Therefore, everyone from the east to the west of the world should know that both knowledge and wealth is good.
There are rarely people in this world who think science is bad, but there are many people who think wealth is bad.
Here we tell them that this question, which was raised in the presence of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), is a proof that both wealth and science are good, because the Imam did not say that the question is based on a false premise, but rather he gave reasons about the superiority of one over the other.
So let's correct our mind.
Both science and wealth is good and we want to see which one is better than the other and we want to give an answer that is suitable for our today's lives.
The meaning of words must be the same in all minds.
Here, no one says that I mean the wealth of my parents, which are my fund.
Or someone says that they mean the wealth of my friends.
Here, the meaning of wealth is money, property, car, etc.
So our mind about wealth should not go to spiritual things, which is not what the questioner means.
So far, we are unlikely to disagree eachother.
But the disagreement starts with science.
Can you tell me what is meant by science?
Some people say the books that are taught in schools and universities.
We ask what if it is an educational audio file on the Internet?
Is it science or not?
They say this is also science.
We ask what if it is a film like commercial training videos of Arad Branding?
Is it science or not?
They say it is also science.
We ask, if there is a file or a text in a channel of social networks that increases human intelligence, do you consider it science?
They say yes, it is also science.
So, all this is science in the people idea, but in the opinion of the author, these are not science, but awareness and knowledge.
But in order for our definition to be a definition that can be used everywhere in the world, we define science as people define it.
Any knowledge and awareness that enters the human mind.
Whether it is in the form of a book or an audio or video file.
Whether in person or virtual.
Whether it is given to a person by a man or a woman.
Whether the younger one teaches it to a person or the older one.
Whether the teacher is scientifically superior or inferior.
People call all this science.
Now we have the same meaning in the words and we are going to continue the analysis.
Assignment with knowledge and wealth
Someone wants to buy a car.
Someone wants to buy land.
Someone wants to open a restaurant.
And in short, everyone knows what they want money for.
Generally, they want money to increase their level of well-being and comfort and to benefit more from the pleasures and blessings of the world.
So this is also very good and there is no problem.
But when you ask the same question about science, you see that the opinions are very scattered and many do not know what they want science for.
In a survey that was conducted on more than ten thousand people in America and they asked why you pursued science, more than 58% answered that we had not thought about this question until now and because our parents sent us to school.
Two general views about science
The first category is those who have an inherent dignity for science.
That is, they say that science in itself is noble and valuable, whether it is used or not.
And the second category, who believe that science is noble if it is useful, and they do not consider science as a destination or goal.
If science helps them to achieve their other goals, they consider science good, but if it does not help them, they consider science useless.
Today, we see that when this question is raised, many people say wealth, while in the past they mostly said science.
You may think that people have changed over time, but human nature has not changed over time.
The people of a hundred years ago are the same as the people of today in terms of their nature and the same CPU that God created them, and from China to America, they are all created the same.
According to the latest research, only 7% of the world's people have an inherent respect for science, and more than 93% believe that science is good if it is used and not good if it is not used.
Because the percentage of these is higher than the first category, and because the sciences of this period and time do not have much effect on achieving their goals, and they consider wealth a better goal, as a result, they answer that wealth is better than science.
A modern answer to an old question
But those who say that wealth is better should answer the question, do they know a rich person who was able to become rich without knowledge and skills?
If you said yes, it has only three modes.
Either he got this wealth by the wrong way or he had something that became expensive or inherited based on very miraculous events.
If you are looking to get rich in these ways, then wait, maybe it will happen to you too.
But the basic principle is that a person becomes rich by acquiring a skill and becoming strong in it.
So go for science.
But not every types of science.
Science that will increase your wealth.
Since his childhood, he was sent to pursue useless sciences, which he did not gain from learning.
If you want knowledge and wealth, become Aradies.
We are looking for wealth.
And we don't see the need to pretend and present ourselves in a different way.
You may be two types.
Or you are looking for money and wealth like us.
Or seek science.
Join us in both cases.
Because we know the way to get money through science.
We believe that money cannot be obtained in the right direction without science.
We believe that God has placed a measure in wealth for each occupation and has placed one share out of ten for all occupations and nine shares for business alone.
That's why we do business.
And because we know that business has customs, principles and rules, we learn it so that we can become richer.
Our foundation in education is the business school, which is free.
The site's tutorials are free.
The information of our social network channels is free.
The science of branding is free.
The science of business by which a person becomes rich.
So, if you are a seeker of science and you are not a seeker of wealth, follow our teachings, we taught you useful knowledge and we did not ask you for money.
And if you seek wealth, you have no other way than business, and only Arad Branding teaches you business and enjoys growing you.
Take Arad Branding Business School more seriously.