اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

If you produce content in this manner, you engage people.

If you genuinely want to captivate others, you must learn the principles of professional content production.

Content creation helps you connect with people consistently and universally, rather than engaging in one-on-one conversations.

When you generate content, it remains in the virtual space.

Some may see your content on the same day, while others may become aware of it in the future.

Therefore, you must know what you want to produce.

Contents are generally categorized into four types.

  1. Textual content, similar to what you are currently reading.
  2. Visual content, such as infographics
  3. Audio content, akin to educational podcasts
  4. Video content, resembling business school lessons


Type of Communication in Content

More important than whether the content is textual, visual, auditory, or video is determining what message you want to share with people and how you intend to convey that message to them.

In this article, we delve into six models of the most common methods for conveying concepts in content production and provide our opinion on which method is preferable.


1. Top-Down Communication, Resembling Rulers and Kings

Speaking in this manner is only appropriate for rulers, kings, and dignitaries.

If it comes from someone who is not entitled, it is subject to ridicule and mockery.

Unfortunately, some individuals, by imitating dignitaries, believe they can communicate with people like them.

People accept someone who is genuinely great and behaves with greatness, even if they occasionally scold or reprimand.

It's like a father or mother who, having raised their child and completed kindness towards them, might get upset and scold them, even slap them in the face.

This type of rhetoric is not suitable for non-dignitaries and those who have done a lot of good for that person, and it is deserving of mockery and sarcasm.

We do not recommend this style of communication for merchants in content production, except in exceptional cases, as we mentioned.


2. Speaking in a manner similar to professors and teachers

These dignitaries, who are the apple of our eyes, employ various styles such as preaching and advising, encouragement and admonishment, threat and persuasion, command and prohibition, and so on, due to their esteemed position.

It is a style that still befits their status, and whenever a group of people considers you their master and teacher, you can benefit from this model, otherwise, it is not recommended.


3. A communication style resembling that of consultants or friends and acquaintances

Another mode of conversation is the one employed by friends and consultants when interacting with people.

Expressions such as "In my opinion, it is better to take this step"

Or "I feel that doing a certain action would be more beneficial and closer to righteousness" are used.

There is neither a command nor prohibition.

No assignment is given, and no request is made.

There is no reward or punishment.

We only accompany the audience by providing information that must be useful and beneficial, similar to the article you are currently reading.

This communication style is one of the best for merchants, especially newcomers.

However, a better mode exists, referred to as the fourth mode, which is considered the most beautiful, and it will be discussed at the end of this text.

After covering the fourth mode, we will move on to the fifth and sixth modes.

The fourth mode is talking from bottom to top, the opposite of the first mode.

This mode represents the peak of disdain and humiliation for a merchant.

Phrases such as "Would it be possible for you to make a purchase from us?"

Or "Please visit our website to save our business" exemplify this style.

If you buy from us, we thank you.

It remains only to make a plea to sell its merchandise.

Similar behaviors are observed in all shopkeepers who, in certain cases, resort to humility and degradation to secure a sale.

While the first mode, looking down, is disadvantageous for a merchant, this mode is even worse.

If forced to choose between kingship and beggary, do not lean towards beggary.

It is bad for a merchant to belittle himself.

Arad's entire effort is to create wealthy and dignified merchants so that they can prosper in the world, not to throw themselves into degradation for wealth.

Skipping this mode brings us to the sixth mode, which is speaking without rhyme or reason.

Speaking baselessly, such as the conversations of some people who, because they have no scientific knowledge about something, still talk about it for hours.

Baseless and undocumented talks that are only suitable for wasting time.

The most significant owners of this style are newly matured youth, so it is best to avoid this style as much as possible.

If you speak in this way, then say, "I am a merchant", the other person secretly says, are you a merchant?!

You can't even do the easiest tasks.

How are you a merchant, liar?


Preferred Style: Storytelling and Memoir

According to the author, the best style that contemporary people appreciate is storytelling, narrative, and memoir.

The evidence for this lies in the public's reception and enthusiasm for movies and TV series.

Whether historical or fictional, people enjoy both realistic and imaginative storytelling.

Have you ever noticed that when a character in a movie wants to talk for a minute, we get tired and say, "Enough already"?

People are tired of preaching, advice, counseling, and teaching.

They prefer to watch narrative films.

They are willing to watch 200 episodes of Turkish series but don't want to endure a ten-minute sermon.

People want to review real and unreal memories and stories.

They have become lovers of seeing more than hearing.

Just look at the comments on our own news.

When someone wants to give the best advice and guidance on a topic, we don't like it very much.

But when a person comes and starts telling a corner of their life with more attention, we read it more carefully.

We want to see what will happen to them.

For example, a few days ago, when the content of our dear merchant Mr. Mahdi Karimi titled "From Yazd to Isfahan and Achieving a Billion-Dollar Income" was posted on the site, what interesting comments it received.

How much joy Aradis expressed when they read your articles.

Interestingly, apart from Aradis, more than 200 people from non-Aradis were drawn to Arad's site by just this article through Google Discover, and they also became readers of this narrative of our dear merchant.

And from the same page 46 lead, it was obtained that they are eager to enter the business.


Learn from your Creator.

God, whose superiority cannot be described, when He wants to speak with His Prophet and bring these words into His book so that all people can benefit from them, in many words indicates storytelling and narrating His stories.

Right at the beginning of Yusuf chapter, verse 3, where He says:


نَحْنُ نَقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ أَحْسَنَ الْقَصَصِ

We do relate unto thee the most beautiful of stories


The Quran, as the word of God, is replete with stories and narratives of both virtuous and wicked individuals.

Our Creator has conveyed the majority of His teachings and admonishments in the form of stories, although He could have dominated us like a tyrannical ruler, commanding and inflicting punishment in case of disobedience.

Many films have been crafted based on these Quranic stories, becoming some of the most viewed in global cinema.

So, as long as possible, incorporate your words in the form of real-life stories and events that have occurred in your life when communicating with people.

If you want to talk about your products, share a story that highlights what you want to convey about them.

Pay attention to the speeches of top managers at Arad Branding, one of the reasons for the attractiveness of their words is their inclusion of captivating memories and interesting incidents that happen during their daily work.

Both traders and employees at Arad Branding experience a world of events during the day, making many of them worth hearing.

Anything that evokes emotions in you, even if it causes discomfort, can become a place for others to experience and learn.

This type of communication, whether in text, image, audio, or video form, is the best way to be seen and build a brand for yourself.

Our scientific article has come to an end, and you can go to the comments section, leave a comment, or close the page and exit.


And now, an unfinished story.

God has spoken about all kinds of human relationships in His book.

In the Quran, we have bad rulers and kings like Nimrod and Pharaoh.

We have bad people and nations like the people of Moses.

We have a bad mother like Noah's wife, who led her son astray.

We have a bad father like Azar.

We have a bad woman like the wives of Noah and Lot, and the wife of Abu Lahab, who is condemned.

We have a bad husband like Pharaoh and Abu Lahab.

We have a bad son like Noah's son and the brothers of Joseph.

But in the Quran, we don't have a bad daughter.

As a wise person used to say: because God knew that for His Prophet, only one beloved and valuable daughter would remain as a legacy, He did not include any words about a bad daughter in His book so as not to become the source of anguish for His Prophet.

And a group of the same community...

Remains for the day of resurrection.

Comments (40 Comments)

Roohollah Akbari Salim

Negotiation is a skill every professional need, but it’s no easy feat. It can take a long time to reach an agreement no matter what you’re negotiating; and ultimately, you might not even get the outcome you desire.



Azin Fakhr

The approach which was offered is amazingly fun and engaging. It can be used to create a deep connection with the reader. Similar to this article which we have read enthusiastically and we were curious to see what's next.



Reza Karimi

Content creation is an art. But despite this, there are many channels and sites that do not sell well despite producing content!
The reason, as mentioned, is that the content is not attractive to your audience.
Of course, no matter how attractive your content is, it still doesn't appeal to some people. But in general, writing content in a way which is attractive (in the form of stories or memories) is very helpful.



R Rezai

in my opinion, visual content is the more effective type of content because it is connected with your memory and people usually remember such content more feasibly. Generally, everything that is engaged with the eyes will be remembered more easily.



hadiseh motlagh

Even now, social media uses more topics that have a story mode. Because this method, in addition to being more effective, also attracts more audiences.



Ahmad Ashkian

People indeed show no interest in advising in traditional ways. Now we can interact with them more sufficiently if we add heart-to-heart talking and try to understand their needs.



jalal rezaei

To engage people with your content, craft compelling and relevant messages. Address their needs and interests, use a conversational tone, and provide valuable information. Stay updated on industry trends and actively respond to audience feedback to build a connection.



Alireza Sharifi

Putting on the webpage or virtual space is an appropriate way to have leads and signals. As you know, signals are the most important part and pillars of trading. According to the article, there are many types of content and the most important one is texting. You can originate lots of useful text and put them on your pages. People, then, follow you and you can wisely start your negotiation.



Mahdi Rezaei

According to what has been said, the best content is in the form of a story or a memory, because the further we go, the excitement of that content increases and it makes the audience more involved, as well as the number of audiences.



mohsen jabbri

The capacity to engage people with information and create messages that are both interesting and pertinent is Arad branding's most important strength.
arad is the only company who cares about its audience Talks to them in a conversational manner, attends to their needs and interests, and provides them useful information. the purpose of all these is that it wants To establish a relationship, keep abreast of market developments and aggressively address audience comments.




Using storytelling and reminiscence techniques in crafting content for a business website can be a powerful way to captivate potential customers. This style of writing enables you to establish an emotional and personal bond with your audience, drawing them in and piquing their interest in your products or services.



mehdi lotfi

being ruler and leader is not easy . if you try to make everyone satisfied you will ruin the pack . the shape of communication with your crowed is very important .



Fatemeh Faraji

Storytelling is the best way to memorize important lessons during our life. I think all of us have heard the "One Thousand and One Nights" stories and most of us studied that book.



fateme hosseinkhani

Storytelling and having an attractive trend in the content will attract more customers and a better position for the site in Google.




To engage people on social platforms, create content that's relatable and authentic. Use visuals, like images or videos, and ask questions to encourage interaction. Keep it concise and shareable, and don't forget to respond to comments to build a community.



mohammad mousavi

People really have a strange attraction to story-like words. In school and university, there were always professors who told us about their memories and opened more space in the hearts of children, although other professors may have been at a higher level in terms of information load, but their way of telling stories fascinated us.



Rahele Nateqi

before we are going to talk about something, we must see who the audience are and what they want. because some people have different ways to communicate, so when you want to create any content, you must consider it as well.



Sharife Nateghi

In order for your content to seem appealing to people, you need to use propriate tone, pictures, font, etc, and give them the sense that this is an offer whivh can help them progress. They shouldn't feel they are forced to do something, and should feel they have the right to choose.



Amene Abbasi

Content production is a key factor for expanding a business. We see many bloggers and businesses that are working on their content and websites so the content they produce would engage the visitors and make them be seen. So for any platform we use, content is the base to grow it and gain clients' attention.



Alireza Rohani

These days, the topic of content production is discussed at a high level, and its place is becoming more and more evident every day. The place of content production in today's world is one of the methods of advertising, traditional advertising that advertises products or services by printing banners and tracts and other such things, but the method that has received a lot of attention and is of course very effective is the new advertising method. It is the same as advertising.



Mohsen Imam

Communication skills, such as active listening, negotiation, presentation, and interpersonal abilities, allow you to connect with people. Many professionals possess these skills to negotiate and discuss with customers, potential investors, suppliers, and employees.



Mahdi Alavi

So you have to be careful what type of contents you make because it's going to reach to audiences and potential customers, try to be creative with your contents and also make them customized.



mohammad mahdi taskhiri

Knowing the methods of conveying concepts can help increase the level of impact on the audience



Mohammad Sadeqi

Engaging your audience on your website is crucial for building a loyal and active community. Remember that engagement is an ongoing process, and it's important to adapt your approach based on the feedback and preferences of your audience. Regularly assess your analytics and gather insights to refine your content strategy.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Social media is a powerful tool to help marketers and salespeople connect with prospects, leads, and customers. With social media being so interconnected these days, it offers you a way to reach your audience no matter where they spend their time.
As a content creator, it's important to create engaging content that grabs your reader's attention and keeps them coming back for more.



Fatemeh Afrad

Before speaking and writing pay attention to what you wanna share as a content. No difference in any books or on social media it means that you are sharing parts of your thoughts so focus on the topic to explain it in the best way.



M. Amir Eftekhari

When we share textual content on social media, the tone of our speech represents our personality to new audiences and influences their perceptions. Therefore, it is advisable to publish our content more carefully to leave a more positive impression.



Muhammad Fazeli

If we want to attract people to read our content and refer us as signal we need to write contents with the most up-to-date methods because Google specifies it well also being familiar with the audience of the content is helpful too



Venus Falahati

We don't think anyone likes a wisdom tone of advice. Success is in getting along with people and in terms of empathy.



Mahdi Saadat

Content that resonates with people's emotions, sparks curiosity, and provides valuable insights tends to attract more attention. Compelling storytelling, relatable experiences, visually engaging elements, and content that addresses the audience's interests or challenges are often effective. Additionally, incorporating a mix of entertainment, education, and interactivity can enhance the appeal of content. Understanding your target audience and tailoring the content to meet their needs and preferences is key to capturing their attention.



Fatima Radmanesh

This is a marvelous idea.
I'm sure if you take the most of this opportunity and create content in a story line, like the way mentioned in a post, it would be perfect.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Being calm and consultant in each trade makes you professional trader and connective for peoples which brings you extra income.
In this process you need to work hard on improving your skills to attract people's on your side



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

One major point that might still slip one's attention is tone. All forms of communication bear a tone, and while it might slip the attention of the audience, varying from person to person, one is nevertheless well-advised to take it into consideration. Of course it might be too big an aspiration to match the great stylists of one's language (especially written or spoken language, in contrast to visual media), but attention to tone should still be a significant part of one's attempts at communication.



Hasan Kaviani

In making content, we have to pay attention to our viewer's behaviour and manner as well and adapt the manner of our content to their liking



Javad Ghasemi


Let's really think with ourselves that Arad really gives us all these free materials, it's not a pity to use only a few of them to improve our economic situation.
Which company and which program or book have taught us to improve our economy?
Let's join hands to become a fair country to save ourselves from this situation.



Marzieh Olamaei

Content plays a very important role in your business.
Try to make your content appealing to most people and don't be too selective.
Secondly, learn the principles related to content writing and strengthen it.



Mahya Soleimaniun

It should be kept in mind that storytelling while talking should not derail you and your conversation, but should be used for the purpose of advancing the conversation.



Amin mirzaei

I'm on board with the concept of creating different types of content to reach a wider audience. Each format has its unique strengths, and mastering them can truly enhance the ability to captivate and connect with others



Mariya Salim

Nowadays the art of content production is very significant in marketing and finding signals. So learning the tips and techniques is a vital aspect of marketing.



Zahra Alavi

We grow with textbooks and studying in different schools so we all have developed a kind of comprehension method of our own. I as a visual learner, can learn a text by its visual aesthetics so it has a good effect on my understanding. it is important to pay attention to these differences in every person when creating content.



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