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Dried Yellow Peas; Contain Protein Calcium Vitamin B Meat Animal Products Replacement

Dried yellow peas are one of the most popular legumes that have high consumption in our food basket and many people use this valuable product.


Dried Yellow Peas

Dried yellow peas have always had a special place in the world's food basket and are an integral part of the country's traditional cooking.

Yellow peas, which are used in various dishes, are very popular because of their high protein content.

One of the popular and delicious types of these legumes is the dried yellow chickpea, which is separated using mechanical methods and the skin of this chickpea is removed.

This product is dried in various workshops and factories and sent to the market with beautiful packaging.

There are many types of these peas available in the market, the best example of which is dried yellow peas.

In this section, we are going to fully introduce this product and review all its details.


Dried Yellow Peas Features

Quality, good taste and deliciousness are among the dried yellow peas Features.

This product is used in all kinds of dishes and soups because of its many properties and pleasant taste.

Title Description
Content Protein, Calcium and B Vitamins
Replace Meat and All Kinds of Animal Products
Turned Into Protein Supplements, Starches, Flours
Use In Dishes and Soups

It should be noted that due to their high protein content, dried yellow peas can replace meat and all kinds of animal products in the diet of vegetarians and provide all the necessary resources.

Yellow peas are a processed product of split peas, which are called cotyledon yellow peas.

Also, due to the presence of high starch, it can be somewhat fattening, and therefore its use is highly recommended for children and the elderly.

It should be noted that chickpeas contain large amounts of calcium and B vitamins, which are essential and important for the body.


Buy Dried Yellow Peas

Therefore, we will mention some points in buy dried yellow peas.

As you know, various products with different qualities are available in the market, and if we do not have information about them, we may go to them for poor quality.

If you intend to buy dried yellow peas, it is better to buy from reliable sources and authorized sites and avoid low-quality products with an unusual appearance.

This product has a lighter color than imported chickpeas and its appearance is completely smooth.

If you intend to buy this product, check its appearance in the first step because paying attention to the appearance and taste and aroma of chickpeas is one of the things that you should pay attention to when buying.


Dried Yellow Peas Price + Buy and Sell

Due to the high demand in the market, the Dried Yellow Peas Price has increased significantly, and in the meantime, you can make an affordable purchase online.

The price of dried yellow peas varies according to the mentioned items and ranges from 1 dollar to 3 dollars.

Among the factors that affect the price of this product are the existence of intermediaries and currency fluctuations that cause the price of these products to increase and decrease.

With the aim of improving the quality level of the products of our collection, we remove intermediaries and directly procure these products from their manufacturers.

Therefore, you can get the product from us without intermediaries and at a suitable price, contact us.


The Answer to Two Questions About Dried Yellow Peas

1: Why Dried Yellow Peas is the best replacement for meat?

Because of their high protein content.

2: What are the uses of Dried Yellow Peas?

Protein supplements, starches, flours, and fibers can all be made from them.

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