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dried organic figs purchase price +How to prepare

Figs are a sweet and delicious fruit that can be enjoyed during warmer months. The consumption of organic dried figs has been shown to confer a number of health benefits on individuals for all ages.

are dried organic figs good for you

Fresh figs are generally available from July to the end of September in most markets and supermarkets in our country. Spain is one of the main producers of figs. It ranks ninth with a production capacity of 25,224 tons per year. The largest producer of figs in the world is Turkey, which reaches 305,450 tons, followed by Egypt with 167,622 tons and Algeria with 131,798 tons. In the Americas, the Americas and Brazil are the main producers with 31,600 and 26,910 tonnes respectively. In our country, the annual production of fresh domestic figs is usually absorbed by the domestic market, which prevents its intensive export to other countries. Thus, most countries in the world outside the Mediterranean regard it as a strange fruit. Yes, the export of dried figs is more, it is another product that we distribute seasonally in Frutas Olivar from November to February. Extremadura is the region where most figs are grown in Spain, representing 43% of national production, followed by Andalusia and the Balearic Islands with 19%. Many consider figs to be the oldest fruit in history. It is believed that this fruit has been with people from the beginning and even nourished our ancestors. They appear in all religions with their main characters: Adam and Eve, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus or Muhammad. The hieroglyphics of the Giza pyramid (4000 BC) represent their collection. Plato considered it his favorite fruit and Galen, considered one of the most complete medical researchers of antiquity, recommended it to athletes participating in the Olympic Games. Used for food and medicinal purposes since Antiquity, the fig was brought to the Mediterranean countries by the Phoenicians from southern Arabia, where it is believed to have originated. "From fig to fig" This expression, very common in our country and referring to events that occur from time to time, allows us to understand the difference between figs and figs. are dried organic figs good for you

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Figs and beer are the fruits of the same fig. These are double fig trees that bear fruit in 2 years. A fig, which is the annual fruit of its flowers, appears in August and continues until the end of September. This fruit is greenish in color and smaller in size. It is more aromatic than figs and is used to make dried figs. The fig, which begins to bear fruit at the end of the season, but is surprised by the drop in temperature, lies down on the fig until the following year, as if in hibernation. Therefore, when the first temperature rise occurs in May or June, these figs will stop growing and bear fruit. A fruit with a lot of water that has a characteristic purple skin and a dark red color inside. Both fruits are often found in the market, because depending on the temperature of the region where the fig is located, the last fig from cold regions can coexist with the first fig from warmer regions. Figs and figs have the same properties. Let's take a look at some of them: Its properties Probably the most remarkable feature of the fig is its sweet taste, which is why many consider it a high-calorie fruit. But when eaten fresh, its energy value is about 65 calories per 100 grams. The calories come from natural sugars because their fat and protein content is very low. Dried figs, on the other hand, increase caloric intake to around 250 per 100 grams, so they are generally not recommended for people on a weight loss diet. Besides being high in carbohydrates, figs are high in fiber and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and manganese. Among the vitamins of fresh figs, vitamin K and vitamin B stand out. For all these reasons, this fruit is an excellent ally for regulating intestinal transit, which helps us control cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Its satiating property also helps to control weight, which is why it is recommended (when fresh) as a flavoring agent to reduce appetite. Its mineral intake helps maintain the good condition of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. Its benefits for the skin are known not only for its antioxidant function, but also for its content of psoralen, a compound used in the treatment of conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. In turn, it has been credited with benefits such as relief from ailments The aroma of the fig tree is one of the things that we strongly associate with children's holidays in the Mediterranean. And that sweet taste that is given to any food inevitably refers to childhood. Once there, present this fruit. dried organic figs for sale

freeze dried organic figs

Strictly speaking, this is not a fruit, so this is generally a rarity in the class. We understand that the fig flower grows inside a pear-shaped pod. Over time, it turns into a fleshy, sweet, edible form known to us as a fig, so it looks like a Russian doll in every way. Flowers are hidden inside. Each flower produces a fruit called an acorn, which contains seeds. For this reason, figs are distinguished by their thick but crispy texture. The skin of figs is pale green, black, or purple, depending on the species. Its flesh is white or pink, sweet and full of tiny seeds, as you can see. Its cultivation comes from the Middle East, possibly South Arabia. Galen (Greek physician and philosopher) recommended figs as the main diet of Greek athletes. It was also called "the food of the philosophers" because Plato and Diogenes liked it. At the time, only fresh produce was available. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, drying in the sun began and dried figs were born. The product was available all year round, but sales peaked around Christmas. The first fruit of the fig tree, which appears annually at the end of spring, is called Belva. It comes from flower buds that are not fertilized and dormant in winter. Figs have to wait until the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. safe driving Hard to find fresh out of season. And there is an explanation for this. They are very soft and do not last as long as other fruits. If the weather is not too hot, keep at room temperature for several days in a cool, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight. But play it safe given the Mediterranean summer heat. Go to the fridge with the idea of ​​sinking your teeth in as quickly as possible. To keep water from pooling, place it in a loose container without squeezing it too hard, and cover the bottom with kitchen paper to retain moisture. Replace it as soon as it gets wet or you say goodbye to dessert. Figs have 70 kcal per 100 grams and contain 16. 6 carbohydrates and 2. 5 fiber. Their extreme fragility is the result of the fact that they are actually flowers and not fruits: the thin skin, which is 80% water, resists very little to shock and even voracious insects. To buy them correctly (or pick them from a fig tree), you need a clinical eye. Should be fairly mature. They do not ripen after cutting, but they do not overripe either, so they are stored for at least 24 hours. To the touch, they should be soft, but not too soft, with a slightly open skin and, if possible, a part of the stalk preserved. Do not wash before use. Humidity accelerates spoilage. Dried figs are ideally stored for several months in a closed glass container in a dry, cool place, away from light and insects. freeze dried organic figs

best dried organic figs

And all because its calorie content and carbohydrates are slightly higher than, say, an apple. But it's time to give him his due. No, they won't let you go against the scale. At 70 kcal per 100 g, it actually contains 16 g of carbohydrates (mostly sugar) and 2. 5 g of fiber. It provides a wide range of vitamins and minerals, but their content is not critical. Dried figs are fresh figs that have been dried. By significantly reducing the moisture content (from about 80% to just 30%), a product with a longer shelf life is obtained. However, it also has a much higher calorie content (about 242 calories). 100 grams of dried figs contain more calcium (167 mg) than 100 ml of milk or yogurt (120 mg) because all the nutrients are more concentrated. It is also rich in fiber (9. 7 g), potassium (845 mg) and iron (2. 1 mg). However, it is important to note that the recommended intake of dried fruit is around 30-40 grams, so nutrient intake is greatly reduced. Figs and bees, Darwin's love Unlike most plants in the plant kingdom, where pollination is primarily done by bees, the fig tree is the work of bees. The bees lay their eggs on the male figs, which hatch into young wingless bees. Especially if you are a bee, because there is not much to do inside a fig. In flight, they consume pollen as prey. And now we have a strange pollination. When a bee accidentally tries to rear offspring on a female fig, it leads to a rather Darwinian result. The mother manages to get inside the fig tree, but she dies without leaving eggs, because fig tree species do not leave eggs. best dried organic figs

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