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Domino'S Lava Cake Price 2023

Most of the calories in Domino'S Lava Cake 2022 come from the crust or melted chocolate, which is inside of it.

Domino'S Lava Cake

Domino cakes have extremely sweet lava, and the outside of the cake is not that sweet, which gives the impression that that part had the most calories.

Lava cake would have the same calorie density by weight as other cakes but slightly higher than volume.

The traditional "lava cakes" are just underrated, for their center which stayed liquid because it was not very cooked.

Sometimes lava cakes are made by baking a piece of ganache in a chocolate cake.

This is a slightly more reliable method: as long as the cake is warm, the center will remain "melted," and there is no chance of it becoming hard.

The ganache is also likely to be sweeter than the cake.

lava cake calories

Domino'S Lava Cake Features

The secret behind the sticky center of a domino lava cake is that the cake is baked at a high temperature to set and crisp on the outside.

Meanwhile, the chocolate lava center remains liquid.

Title Description
Density Based on weight 
Considered as Both "fondant" and "cookie cake
Taste Sweet
Price range $18.66 and US$19.09 kg

These cakes make for an elegant yet straightforward dessert; as such, they don't look like traditional lava cakes.

The soft, flowing, sticky "lava" is just a batter that isn't ready.

So by weight (poached batter is lighter), lava and cake have the same ingredients and calories.

"Lava" seems sweeter because it's denser, so it has more sugar by volume.

According to domino's nutritional guide, the cake includes both "fondant" and "cookie cake".

lava cake dominos

Buy Domino'S Lava Cake

When buying a domino lava cake, pay attention to the event you want to have the cake, so we have some tips:

  • Choose your cake according to the event theme, you can choose a special theme.
  • Coordinating colors is also very important in buying a cake.
  • When buying a cake, pay attention to your child's interests or the person born: a favorite cartoon character, for example.
  • Be careful to choose a flavor that most guests like, and is also the favorite of the birthday person.
  • One of the important issues in buying a cake is your budget, so pay attention to your budget.

lava cake

Domino'S Lava Cake Price + Buy and Sell

The increase in the approved price of industrial flour at the end of April this year caused an increase in the price of flour-consuming products.

However, the price of domino lava cakes and their similar products has not fluctuated much in the last five months.

The production of this kind of cake faced a sharp drop in previous years, which affected its price, due to the followings:

  • The situation of corona disease,
  • closure of schools and various places and
  • traffic restrictions.

While the increase in the price of raw materials also caused a decrease in the sales of this product.

The price of this product is between $18.66 and US$19.09 and may be different by so many factors.

However, the amount of production this year will grow by 30-40% compared to the previous year.

Contact us to get more information on buying and selling.

lava cake maken

The Answer to Two Questions About Domino'S Lava Cake

1: Does Dominos lava cake have one or two?

The Chocolate Lava Crunch Cakes from Domino's are sold in sets of two so that friends and family can enjoy one while reserving the other for later.

2: Do I need to refrigerate Dominos lava cake?

Although I wouldn't suggest it, you can store your finished molten lava cake in the fridge. The liquid or lava-like center could solidify when it is cooked, stored, and reheated.

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