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Disposable Cardeoni Hat Wholesale

Disposable Acrylic Cap is another health product that is widely used in food plants, restaurants, kitchens, clinics and sports environments using cassette caps or safety (carting, paintball, motoring, car riding, etc.).
This product is high quality like other products of this company and is one of the most widely used tools.
The Acardanian hat is produced in blue and white colors and has the following features:

Is Anti-Sensitivity
It has high resistance to moisture and transmission
It's very subtle
Made in Iran
12 G Fabric With Air Pass Capability
Has Navigation
Ease of Use
There are 100 numbers in the package.
Very light and waterproof

Other Products
Patient Infusion (Droshit)
Winged patient hydroponics
Sterile Packing Roll
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Filter Valve And N95 Masks
long apron
Surgical cap
Cover Sleeve Fiber
Nitrile gloves

Items Using Acardueni Hat
In addition to health centers in restaurants, kitchens and food and pharmaceutical industries that are critical to health care, the Akardanian hat is used.
The main purpose of using this product is to prevent hair loss.
They are very small in size and they are also known as akardini hats.
Nowadays, these hats have been able to become suitable substitutes for nylon hats due to the excessive sweating during the use of nylon hats.

The fabric that makes these hats is made of Spanband.
The Aspanbond fabric is a non-woven fabric and has become a disposable product due to the low price of the Aspanan Band fabric, the Acardenone cap is also one of the most applied disposable products.

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Bahman vafaei