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Dap Fertilizer in Pakistan; Nitrogen Phosphorus Source Feeding Soil Promotes Healthy Flower

DAP fertilizer in Pakistan seems to be a great choice to feed your garden and plantations with all the nutrients they so desperately need.

Dap Fertilizer in Pakistan

DAP, or diammonium phosphate, is the most widely used phosphorus fertilizer in Pakistan.

As a result, we use phosphoric acid and ammonia, two crucial ingredients in the fertilizer business, to manufacture this fertilizer.

DAP fertilizers have several applications in agriculture because of their high nitrogen and phosphorus content.

The chemical formula for diammonium phosphate is (NH4)2HPO4, and it is this compound that serves as the main ingredient in this fertilizer.

This fertilizer is manufactured by combining phosphoric acid with ammonia.

This creates a heated slurry, which is then cooled, granulated, and sieved to get the final product.

Since sulfuric acid is used in the reaction, it is essential that the process be carried out in a safe environment.

diammonium phosphate

Dap Fertilizer Features in Pakistan

DAP fertilizer is very popular in Pakistan for some reason.

In fact, this fertilizer has some interesting features that make it a must-have item for every gardener.

Title Description
Known As Di-Ammonium Phosphate
Made of Phosphoric Acid and Ammonia
Source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Main Usage Feeding Soil

Phosphorus promotes healthy flower bud formation and full blossoming.

This fertilizer is in granular form and it can be transported easily and in huge quantities.

In addition, it may be kept for a very long period.

Almost all of the phosphorus is water soluble.

In the first stages of root formation, this is crucial.

DAP fertilizer has a pH between 7.8 and 8.2, making it an alkaline substance.

Consequently, you may use this fertilizer on both neutral and acidic soils.

But here's an intriguing fact, DAP raises the soil pH after application.

diammonium phosphate fertilizer

Buy Dap Fertilizer in Pakistan

DAP fertilizers play a crucial part in crop production in Pakistan.

Many Pakistani gardeners buy DAP to nourish their crops, trees, and soils each year.

However, concerns about the quality of DAP have never gone away.

Here is one way of testing if your DAP fertilizer is of good quality.

A quality test for DAP requires mixing 1 gram of fertilizer with 5 milliliters of distilled water and shaking the mixture well.

Add 1 cc of nitric acid and mix one more.

To determine whether DAP is pure, dissolve it and see if it creates a semitransparent solution.

If any insoluble substance remains, the DAP has been tainted.

Di-ammonium Phosphate

Dap Fertilizer Price in Pakistan + Buy and Sell

Since agriculture is an important sector in Pakistan's economy, many online shops in Pakistan sell DAP fertilizer in large quantities.

Most of these shops sell this fertilizer at the price of $340 per ton.

Needless to mention that you can always ask for quantity discounts, if you are a bulk buyer.

In such a case, we would recommend you visit our website, where you can weigh up the quality and prices of different sellers.

In addition, our experts will be there to help you find the highest quality at the lowest price.

Send us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Dap Fertilizer

The Answer to Two Questions About Dap Fertilizer

1: How to determine if Dap Fertilizer is pure?

To determine whether DAP is pure, dissolve it and see if it creates a semitransparent solution.

2: What is the pH rate of Dap Fertilizer?

DAP fertilizer has a pH between 7.8 and 8.2, making it an alkaline substance.

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