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what is crown fard dates + purchase price of fard dates

Many companies like Crown Date are producing 1 kg packaging of Fard dates which are affordable in price. Fard date has Saudi origin. Dates from the Fard variety are known for their distinctive glossy and practically smooth surface, as well as their rich dark brown color and sensitive skin. Dates from the Fard variety have a sweetness level that falls between in the middle of bland and sweet, and their flesh is both thick and pliable, wrapping itself around a single tiny seed. Fard dates are a terrific guilt-free lunchtime snack that can be added to smoothies for a portable pick-me-up. They are rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, iron, potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin C. Dates are an all-around healthy fruit, and as such, they are something that you should absolutely incorporate into both your diet and your lifestyle. Dates are an excellent and convenient source of nutrition that can help enhance your overall health as a result of their high level of antioxidants, fiber, and various nutrients. Because there are so many different kinds of dates and varieties available on the market, you will definitely be able to discover one that is appropriate for you. The assortment features products from a wide variety of well-known brands, such as Date Crown, Masafii, Siafa, Sunfruit, and many more.   Fard dates origin

Fard dates origin

Original Fard Dates of the highest possible grade, imported from Saudi Arabia which is its origin. 400 grams in weight, with a shelf life of six months. These Fard dates are perfect for adding a layer of flavor to baking dishes and sweets because of their semi-moist texture and gentle, subdued sweetness. They also have a little chewy consistency. Because of their high protein and calcium content, these Fard dates are excellent for including in health bars or eating on their own as a nutritious snack in the evening. On the occasion of Ramadan, you can make your loved ones feel extra special by giving them some of our dried dates as a present. Dates are rich in a number of essential nutrients, including calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, and manganese, as well as vitamins A and K. In addition, dates are an excellent source of fiber and sugar. They are related to a variety of health benefits, including the enhancement of one's energy levels, the alleviation of constipation, improvements in both vision and bone health, and an overall enhancement of one's metabolism. We employ cutting-edge packaging to preserve the product's freshness while also maintaining an industry-standard degree of sanitation and complying with regulations for food safety. Date crown fard 1kg price

Date crown fard 1kg price

Dates of the black fard variety are an excellent food choice for their high fiber content. The price for 1 kg differs from region to region. These dates are renowned for their delectable flavor and mouthwatering texture. The black fard dates are picked by hand, rinsed in filtered water, dried in clean environments, graded according to size, and then sorted. One hundred percent naturally dried and without any additional ingredients or preservation methods. These dates have a high potassium content, which can aid in the prevention of disorders such as diarrhea. Because it contains a substantial number of minerals, it is an excellent diet for enhancing bone health. Dates are full of vitamins, which make them an excellent food for boosting the health and functionality of the neurological system. Improves cardiovascular health and is the heart's best buddy. Our company is focused on creating a better tomorrow, which is why it strives for excellence and makes every effort to implement innovative ideas in order to evolve into a successful future corporation. We consistently work to enhance and advance our abilities, and one of the ways we do this is by attending periodic seminars that cover the most recent and cutting-edge techniques. Fard dates review

Fard dates review

The review through the internet shows that Fard dates are popular mostly in Arabian countries. There are numerous health and nutritional benefits to date fruit. All of these components of dates' chemical composition are closely linked to their nutritional and health advantages for consumers, including carbohydrate and dietary fiber content; protein and fat content; minerals and vitamins; enzymes; phenolic acid; and carotenoids. Research has shown dates to be effective in treating a wide range of illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Date syrup, date juice, and date paste have all been produced as a result of this discovery in order to make use of the nutritional benefits of dates. All consumers, but notably those who lead an active lifestyle, such as athletes and sportspeople, should have access to adequate sources of nourishment. Dietary supplements have been widely advised as a means of enhancing athletic performance and preventing energy depletion. Date fruits, for example, might be turned into nutrition bars to help athletes accomplish their performance and nutritional goals by providing the necessary energy for improved athletic performance. Using date fruit as an example, we examine the fruit's chemical composition and health benefits, as well as its use as a food in sports nutrition bars. Date crown Fard benefits

Date crown Fard benefits

When consumed in moderation, Crown Fard dates are considered safe and full of benefits for pregnant women to ingest. In addition, the nutrition facts for Fard dates reveal that these dried fruits have good calorie content and the consumption of even a little handful of Fard dates can supply both the mother and the infant with sufficient quantities of essential nutrients. In addition to this, it is the perfect option for a snack because its sugars decompose to deliver the optimal quantity of energy without causing an increase in blood sugar levels. In this piece, you'll learn more about eating Fard dates during pregnancy, including whether or not it's safe and the potential advantages. Roughly 200 calories, 54 grams of carbohydrates (of which about 5 grams are fiber), 1 gram of protein, and 0 grams of fat can be obtained from eating three dates. In addition, lower amounts of a wide variety of nutrients, such as B vitamins, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and manganese are provided by this size portion. To put it another way, Fard dates aren't just sugary bombs or sources of pointless calories.

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Comments (44 Comments)

Helma behrozi

Fard dates have a small seed, sweet taste and a natural, waxy layer covering its smooth surface


You can get your desired dates from anywhere in any size you want


This date is extremely sweet and luscious and has many properties


Dates have many properties and because they are diverse, they give them different names and each one is very delicious


Today, a kilo of dates is almost 1 dollar and this is very good and excellent and can make a person strong


Dates are a sweet and energetic fruit rich in vitamins and minerals useful for body health.

Sara Razi

Eating a handful of dates may be useful in improving heart health and preventing cardiovascular disease


This product is very different kind and so delicious and tasty
This is very quality

Hossein inanloo

Hello, I bought this product. It's very good. I suggest it. Dates are full of energy at a reasonable price


Hello, dates contain many vitamins. You can use dates with walnuts or different nuts


Dates are a very tasty and healthy snack, be sure to use them daily


Dates have different types that this type of dates is very sweet and luscious


One-kilo brown dates are produced in different weights, but the best-selling ones are one-kilo

Muhaddith Abbasi

Dates have carbohydrates and have many fans in Arab countries

Amir jhngir

These motivations are very practical. I really enjoyed using the Crown Fard reading


Examples of extra dates include fresh dates and fresh dates, which have all the properties of dates.


The price of dates is reasonable and not expensive at all


Dates are available in different packages and also have different prices according to the weight

Amir jhngir

These motivations are very practical. They are suitable for reading. I enjoyed Crown Fard.


These dates are available to people with great quality and packaging in all kinds of stores at a great price


Dates are a very useful product for your daily consumption and have high calories


Many health benefits of eating dates include: relieving constipation, regulating cholesterol levels, bowel disorders, heart problems, anemia, and sexual disorders.


Dates have many properties, that's why I always give dates to my daughter as a snack


Hello, this fresh date is very high quality and excellent. I used it and I suggest you buy it at a reasonable price


Dates can be expensive but I think the price is absolute worth it.

Mona hajimirzakhani

Many companies like Crown Date are producing 1 kg packaging of Fard dates which are affordable in price.


Hello, these dates are very good and very high quality, and I used them and I suggest you to buy them at a good price.


Nowadays, due to pollution and diseases, it is great that dates are offered in one-kilo packages, because they are more hygienic.


Dates have excellent nutritional properties. The amount of dried dates is more than fresh fruits.


The dates on this website are very high quality


There are people who do not like dates but still eat them because dates are very beneficial for health.


Dates increase body temperature, it is better to consume less in summer


This date is very useful as they say and the price is really good in my opinion

Sahar kamali

If you eat two dates a day with milk or tea you will have full energy to do your daily activities or study.


If you have a diabetic patient at home, you can order these products and use their natural sugar


Dates are a fruit that has many nutritional and mineral properties and are rich in vitamins, and its consumption prevents many diseases


Hello, good day. Dates are a rich source of vitamins and minerals and are very beneficial for body health

hana esmaili

One of the types of dates that exist is the Taj Fard date, the price of which is different from other dates


HeloDates are a very useful product for your daily consumption and have high calories


Hello, thank you for the high-quality dates that you have for sale. I bought them and they were delicious

Saman najafi

Dried dates can be a suitable alternative to artificial and harmful sugars


Another important feature of dates is that they are exportable. In fact, this product is a globally recognized brand. Therefore, it enjoys a very good business in the foreign market. Many companies are active in the field of selling this product.

Bagher Rasouli

All products on the Arad Branding website are of good quality and construction


Hi good morning ?.These dates are available to people with great quality and packaging in all kinds of stores at a great price

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