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Columbia Knife in Pakistan; Steel Carbon Stainless Material Moisture Resistant

Columbia knife in Pakistan is considered among the best knives in the world and it is recommended to use this knife for cutting fruit.

Columbia Knife in Pakistan

Colombia knife is of relatively high quality, the material used to make this knife is imported from advanced countries.

Columbia knife has a long lifespan and if it is used properly, it can last for about 2-3 years.

This product has a very sharp blade and the quality of this blade is very high and it will not slow down anytime soon.

The first country that could make the Columbia knife was Germany, this country was able to produce the best knife of the century.

Columbia knife is produced by other countries except Germany.

This knife is produced in Pakistan and exported to some countries.

Columbia Knife

Columbia Knife Features in Pakistan

Columbia knife in Pakistan also has various models, also this popular knife has many features that we will mention below:

Durable stainless steel blade

The blade of this knife is made of steel and is of relatively high quality, the steel used in this knife is stainless.

Title Description
Lifespan About 2-3 Years
Material Steel, Carbon
Features Moisture Resistant
Price Range Between 25 and 60 Dollars

Due to the use of steel inside this knife, this knife is highly resistant to moisture and water.

The ability to generate fire

One of the important features of this knife that cannot be ignored is that flint is used inside it and it has the ability to light fire.

This knife can also be used for climbing, but it is recommended to use special equipment.

columbia military knife

Buy Columbia Knife in Pakistan

Before buying Columbia knife or when buying it in Pakistan, you should pay attention to some necessary points that we have mentioned below:

  • The use of Columbia knife is restricted for some people, because these people are those who have nervous problems, so these people should not use this knife.
  • Because this Columbia knife is very sharp, it should be kept away from the hands of children and its sheath must be used.
  • You can buy this Columbia knife for mountain climbing or at home or in the car, but you should be careful with your hands when using it.

columbia knife steel

Columbia Knife Price in Pakistan + Buy and Sell

Nowadays, the price of Columbia knife in Pakistan has increased by 25%, although the price of this product will be different in some countries.

The price of Columbia knife is between 25 and 60 dollars, although the price of this product has increased and last year these figures were lower.

The price of Columbia knife depends on factors such as: quality, size, color، But in some countries, this is not the case.

Considering the weekly price change of this product.

It is recommended to contact our experts to provide you with the final price of this product according to the amount of purchase and your choice.

columbia saber knife

The Answer to Two Questions About Columbia Knife

1: What are the characteristics of Columbia knife?

One of the important features of Columbia knife that cannot be ignored is that flint is used inside it and it has the ability to light fire.

2: What is the price of Columbia knife in the market?

The price of Columbia knife is between 25 and 60 dollars.

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Comments (3 Comments)


A very good knife with high performance and resistant to moisture


These knives are very sharp and have a strong body, and you can take one of them with you when traveling or climbing.


These knives are very suitable and very useful and very useful for hunters but they should not be used for fights

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