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Intelligent Strategies for the Comments We Leave.

Rarely does a person say to themselves, "I have accepted a certain individual or organization, so whatever they say, I'll agree."

Or, "I like a particular person or organization, so whatever they say, I'll agree."

God knows that the foundation of growth is built on these two lines, but most people don't believe it.

Generally, humans analyze everything they hear and every task requested of them in their minds, assessing its benefits and drawbacks.

If they feel it is beneficial, they may do it; if they sense no benefit, it's unlikely they'll proceed.

This doesn't necessarily mean they make the right decisions.

Many futile tasks deceive people, and they continue doing them for years, thinking it benefits them.

If you want to know if a decision made by the people of a country is right or wrong, you can look at the results of their actions.

Do we have happy and content people?

Do we have a wealthy and prosperous country?

Do we have joyful and cheerful individuals who enjoy God's blessings without worry?

If they do, it means they have properly utilized the blessing of reason.

If not, it means they haven't used it correctly.

In this article, we aim to discuss the comments posted by Aradis on the Arad Branding website: whether they are beneficial or not.


Organizational Benefit and Individual Benefit

Fundamentally, we have an individual benefit and an organizational benefit.

Individual benefit is what everyone is pursuing for themselves.

This is called personal benefit.

Organizational benefit refers to the benefit that accrues to an organization or institution.

Now, that organization may distribute the obtained benefit among its members, turning it into individual benefit, or it may retain it for itself, not benefiting others.

In today's Iran, organizational benefit is almost non-existent, and people have little belief or trust in it.

The main reason for the growth of all advanced countries is that organizational benefit is crucial for their people, and they strive towards it.

Then, organizations return that benefit to the people.

In Iran, people are generally only concerned with their own interests.

Of course, our people were not like this before in these past few decades, and certain events led them to become focused solely on themselves.

However, the reality is that no one cares and no one trusts anyone else to bring about organizational growth, as they have witnessed those who made promises to the people in the past ended up benefiting themselves, leaving nothing for others.

This lack of trust has led people to be only concerned with their own growth.

Perhaps you might say to yourself that it's okay to be concerned with personal growth while there is a major flaw in it.

The tradition is that God's hand is with the community.

Wherever you see growth and progress, be assured that a community has been involved.

It is impossible for Iran to reach anywhere with the current mindset of its people, who are only seeking personal growth.

If our people unite for a correct and righteous cause, then you will see an economic revolution under the shadow of the Islamic Republic system.

If you see them not uniting, then know that it's the same old story.

Unity in the economy is the key to victory because the path of economic change and transformation is difficult, and this path cannot be traversed without allies and companions.

A person struggles to go to a sports club, attend a regular class, or undertake a simple journey without friends and companions, so how can they navigate the competitive and challenging path of economic transformation alone?


How can we resolve this contradiction? 

We understand that the country's growth is not possible without organizations.

However, many organizations solely focus on their interests, and the people who elevate these organizations won't necessarily benefit from the growth.

It is crucial for individuals to understand the nature of these organizations and discern which community or group they belong to.

It also has a simple code, which is mentioned in the words Imam Ali in expressing his rights to the people.

In the words of Imam Ali, when he seeks obedience and sincerity from the people, he states that everyone has a right upon him, and he will distribute the benefits and gains among them.

Therefore, it suffices for an individual to observe whether the growth achieved by an organization will benefit not only the organization itself but also its members.

For those at Arad, especially the older members, you can testify to the impact of Arad's growth on its members.

As Arad becomes wealthier day by day, it is essential to question whether this wealth is directed towards the growth and prosperity of its members or if it is merely acquiring assets like land and property.

Consider whether the educational, welfare, and credit services provided by Arad have increased or decreased for its members as it grows.

If you agree that Arad today offers more services, even to newcomers, compared to previous years, it's evident that Arad's growth directly benefits its members.

If you feel otherwise, it's worth treating Arad as just another organization and focus solely on your individual growth.

Fortunate those who find an organization where individual and organizational growth go hand in hand is commendable.

Arad, with its growth aligning with the personal development of its members, brings abundant joy and success.

Senior managers delight in the success stories of your business achievements, a luxury not enjoyed by those around you.


The Role of Comments in Organizational Growth

Your comments, Aradis, have two fundamental impacts on the organizational growth of Arad.

Firstly, it enhances the site's SEO power.

Arad has assigned commenting as a crucial task for Aradis, unveiling a guest post to further amplify the site's strength.

Arad states that a site becomes more credible with valid comments, urging you to have a share in this credibility.

Secondly, the organizational impact lies in the fact that your numerous comments, dear Aradis, provide energy and joy to us and all Arad's friends.

On one hand, it motivates friends to work more energetically, and on the other, it discourages adversaries, fostering a stronger effort from friends without opposition hindering their growth.

Now, imagine a page with no comments at all.

It would be a rather disheartening page.

So, every time your intellect questions the impact of leaving a comment, remind yourself that it not only enhances the credibility of your guest post but also contributes to the joy and enthusiasm of fellow Aradis.

Moreover, my comment serves as a source of joy for some individuals, encouraging them for business growth and progress, while for others, it leads to a sense of despair in their attempts to undermine the country's commerce.

And may God, witnessing your benevolence and enthusiasm for others' growth, bestow kindness upon your destiny.


The Role of Comments in Personal Growth

Do comments only impact organizational growth?

If you're clever, the answer is no, and they have an effect on your personal growth too.

If you're not clever, they won't have an impact on you.

Arad's website comments have now transformed into a powerful independent medium.

Most Arad merchants and many economic players outside Arad observe it.

The daily visits exceed a thousand for each news on the main page, with higher numbers for those pinned at the top.

In some cases, it has even reached over ten thousand visits.

As you read the comments at the end, others surely read them too.

So, your name and writings are seen.

This means branding.

So, be clever.

The first cleverness is to register your comment sooner.

Naturally, the sooner a comment is registered, the higher it is placed, making you more visible.

Of course, in specific cases, when we see a pleasant comment, we prioritize its display.


Include a Signature for Your Comments. 

A comment signature is a short phrase or word accompanied by an emoji or without one, placed at the end or beginning of all your comments.

Signatures at the end of comments are more captivating than at the beginning.

Lets read the signatures of some Aradis together.

For example, Mr. Mahdi Yadollahpoor consistently includes this expression at the end of his comments.


Now, it's possible that the color of his heart may change at times.

Mr. Ghasem Bazyar commonly uses the following signature in his comments:

🟢 Our recommendation is to join AradBranding first; transform your economic life.

Mrs. Kianoosh Rostami's signature involves placing a series of emojis at the beginning and end of her comments, like this:


Mr. Oveis Moafi usually uses this signature:

⭐⭐⭐Arad♾️ for everyone⭐⭐⭐

Signatures help both Arad's managers understand you better and other Aradis to remember you.

Therefore, make sure to consider a signature for yourself, a word or phrase that suits all your comments.

Don't be overly meticulous, as you can change your signature whenever you want.

Our hearts are full of love from all Aradis expressing their affection.

However, we recommend putting your signature to promote your own brand, excluding Arad, as outsiders consider so much affection as insincere.

Suppose I am an almond merchant, I need to create a signature that embeds my brand in the minds of Aradis.

For example, my signature could be:

🥜 Aradis must enjoy almonds more deliciously and affordably.

Be creative in your signature, and try not to copy from others as much as possible.

This way, I convey to others that I am in the almond business.

Also, your name is mentioned in the comment.

Anytime an Aradi wants to buy almonds for their business or be a customer, they will remember who I am.

Now, the question is, where does someone find my number since Arad's website doesn't allow phone numbers?

It's simple.

Write an article on your own site and title it like this.

'Mr. or Mrs. X, almond merchant.'

When someone searches your name, they become acquainted with you.

For example, Mrs. Nayere Ashouri, whose name you see every day in the comments, has been searched so much by people that they are now Google-able.

It's interesting to know that their previous product was chocolate, and currently, they are active in sleep products, but Nayere Ashouri chocolates are still being searched.


Showcase your professionalism in your comments. 

Utilize the Arad comment platform to be recognized by a diverse array of traders and economic actors.

So, what do you want to be acknowledged for?

Your professionalism or your weaknesses?

The initial indicator of professionalism is manifested in your performance reports.

A professional trader is one who dispatches goods, engages in negotiations with clients daily, generates and delivers profits, and fosters employment opportunities for others.

Most of you are professionals, but for reasons we've heard from you, you refrain from expressing these achievements.

Reasons such as:

Fear of envy – others might borrow from you once they realize your favorable situation.

Others may approach with numerous questions that offer no benefit, consuming your valuable time.

Becoming a target of jealousy, resentment, and animosity.

Others understand that my product is profitable and the market becomes competitive.

These reasons lead you to conceal your successes and refrain from sharing statistics of your growth with others.

This article isn't here to dismiss the raised perspectives; just be aware that you might be mistaken.

Sharing your successes leads to further growth.

It's true that success comes with challenges, but the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks.

The first and most significant benefit is that you delight your friends and upset your enemies.

What greater joy is there than working towards making friends and loved ones happy while leaving adversaries disheartened by their failures.


Craft a comment that brings value.

Why do you appreciate Arad?

Is it like a parent to you, a relative, or for a specific reason?


Arad communicates and takes actions that directly benefit you.

Because of these benefits, you choose to accompany it.

Now, let's employ this approach in your comments.

Share elements that make readers feel they've gained something valuable.

Arad has undoubtedly yielded benefits, solidifying trust and earning respect.

Integrate this method into your comments, conveying experiences that captivate readers.

Benefits have been gained, undoubtedly leaving a lasting impression.

Your loyalty will be remembered, earning you both value and respect.

In essence, you intend to navigate your journey with Arad, and fellow traders share a similar aspiration.

Mutual goodwill and understanding will prove helpful in both virtual and real-life situations.


Inform others about the narratives of your city and your products.

Each of you operates from a different corner of the globe, working on distinct products.

If you share insights, memories, advice, or stories about your city or commercial products in Arad comments, do you know what happens to Arad's comments?

You create a comprehensive compendium.

It becomes a rich resource, akin to the Arabian Nights (Tales From The Thousand And One Nights).

A poetic and economically fruitful collection.

And how delightful and charming it will be.


Craft a unique comment.

Comment writing is a content creation exercise.

It sheds your stresses, making you stronger for content generation and powerful guest posts.

Gradually, you'll notice an enhancement not only in your typing and textual skills but also in your expression techniques.

You'll marvel at your growing strength because you gain confidence.

In the initial days, you wonder what to write to avoid embarrassment in front of your readers.

However, after a while, you ponder what to write that contributes to others' growth.

It means this simple comment writing elevates you from a point of embarrassment to a point of pride.

So, please write uniquely.

Something penned just this once, not written in the past, and not intended for the future.

This applies specifically to your comment text, your signature at the end should be consistent and repetitive.

Avoid copying from elsewhere as copied content, it will be obvious.

Refrain from using artificial intelligence for comment writing as it gives away that a robot wrote it.


Keep it brief.

Some individuals compose comments that evoke memories of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh.

A comment is noble, not a full-fledged text or article.


Speak effectively. 

Write impactfully, and try to establish a meaningful connection between the text you've read and the comment you're composing.

When you find yourself struggling to write a comment, you realize your mind is challenged, but over time, your intellect grows, making you more robust.

In business, all growth is tied to intellectual advancement.

A wiser merchant is a more successful one.

Whenever you lack the patience, insert a short sentence with your signature to reassure us that you are present and, God forbid, your weariness, illness, or passing hasn't separated you from us.


And the delightful pleasure full of pride and boasts

Search across all the websites on the internet.

Can you find a site where sophisticated, intelligent, compassionate, and like-minded individuals leave comments at the end of their news, exceeding several hundred people?

Compare the comments of Arad's community with those on other sites.

We don't feel like just a site with some users leaving comments.

We feel like a paternal home where all the children and grandchildren have gathered, each uttering something profound and sweet to nurture the growth of other family members.

Even a simple mention of an Arad member's name brings joy, regardless of what they've said or written.

Thank God that Mr. A is cheerful and happy today.

A father is pleased to witness the happiness and existence of his children.

The fact that they argue and have disagreements is just a side note to the story.

The essence is being together.

There are even a few who write comments daily with displeasure, but surprisingly, those comments also bring us joy.

Mr. A.b,

Mr. H.k,

Mr. B.s,

Ms. M,z,


Write with the same sharp tone.

A family is about having both opposing and agreeing children.

But don't leave.

Maybe Arad has flaws in your view, and undoubtedly, it does.

We are not perfect and are full of faults and mistakes.

However, stay with us, together, we will correct our flaws.

But if you leave, there is no news outside Arad.

No one else will discuss growth and progress with you.

The little hope that remains in your heart will die.

Engage in a dispute with us, but don't leave.

Comments (49 Comments)

Mahdi Rezaei

Personal branding is not just about profile pictures and social networks, but the type of literature and expression technique used shows your brand! So compliance
Commenting principles show that you are a professional




When you leave a comment, it can help to improve your writing skills and your thinking skills at the same time.



Rahele Nateqi

being a part of a community gives you power to do better.



jalal rezaei

Commenting on a website is crucial for fostering engagement and interaction, building a sense of community, and obtaining valuable feedback for content improvement. It contributes to the website's credibility, showcasing active user participation and interest. Increased comment activity can boost the site's search engine ranking, enhancing content visibility. Comments facilitate the exchange of ideas and perspectives, enriching the user experience.



Venus Falahati

Comments play a very important role in measuring thoughts. As many organizations measure people's reactions to a topic in comments to measure the thoughts of their forces or even to measure public opinion.




checking Arad's website has become our daily habit and we are accustomed to look for good news in our website. our souls is nurtured by reading success news of team daily. feeling good to live in such family.



mehdi lotfi

we should consider that leaving comment in any topic doesnt come to end in social media and online activities . being in society and social invierment is actually a more efficient field for our reaction and behavior about different topics



amin mirzaei

Absolutely! The growth and progress of a company directly leads to the advancement and development of its employees. This growth can manifest in various forms, including increased sales, market expansion, technological advancements, and improved work processes. As the company progresses, employees will also become more efficient and effective. This can lead to an increase in motivation and self-confidence among the employees and influence them to perform at their best. This positive cycle creates a dynamic and energetic work environment that all employees take pride in.




Wao very professional Arad branding really helps improve the business economy throughout the world including me from Indonesia may God give us all mercy Amen



Ahamd Reza

From a website owner's perspective, comments can boost SEO by increasing the page's relevance and providing fresh, user-generated content. Overall, comments play a pivotal role in building an interactive and collaborative online environment, enriching the overall user experience and fostering a sense of community around the website's content.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

Individual benefit and organizational benefit are mixed in Arad. We have always witnessed that these two are interwoven. Every plan and idea that Arad considers, it is for both the individual benefit of all members and the organizational benefit.




The comments show the person's character and understanding of Arad, and it should be noted that we should avoid hypocrisy and show off because the passage of time will reveal the true nature of people...



Amene Abbasi

Writing comments would help our website and business to grow faster and also make us to be seen by others in the website.



Alireza Sharifi

Trying to improve our personal and individual capabilities is an important obstacle we face. We must try to improve our organizational capacities and capabilities. In today's world Nations that develop a good and healthy organization are wealthy nations.



Sharife Nateghi

It's absolutely right that the improvement in a community as a whole will benefit every single one of the members in that community, at least in Arad things are this way.
The points about writing a comment were so helpful, since personally sometimes I wasn't sure how to comment on some special posts, but now I'm more aware of it.



M. Amir Eftekhari

The comments left by you, do leave an impression! Leave a good impression and do not burn your brand.



Hasnain Haider

I deal dry fruits of Gilgit Hunza Pakistan including walnut, dry apricot, dry cherry, fig etc so feel free to contact me if you wanna to purchase dry fruits



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Before submitting your comment, take a moment to review it and consider the potential impact of your words. Ask yourself if your comment contributes positively to the conversation and aligns with your values.

Remember that effective communication and respectful engagement are key to fostering healthy and productive discussions. By applying these intelligent strategies, you can contribute to a more positive online and offline environment.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Thinking about the growth of an organization is crucial as it often translates to increased opportunities, job stability, and personal development for employees. A growing organization can provide a dynamic environment, career progression, and better chances for success and innovation.



Mohsen Imam

people appreciate a discussion more where they can learn from you, ask questions, and share their point of view as well. This is why comments can help build a sense of community. People will feel like they are involved in the site and want to come back and comment on what is posted next.



Fatemeh Faraji

We ahould share our experience to each other through comments. It would help us to growth better and biuld best future.



Azin Fakhr

As mentioned in the text, to many people thinking about organizational benefit is not even imaginable and it is completely meaningless to them. It can be said that they haven received any compassion that they don't even imagine that there is a family like Arad, that the seniors of this family care about the benefit of each and every member of this family, and many times they are more compassionate than themselves for financial, personal and intellectual growth.



Muhammad Fazeli

Writ a good comment is a helpful way to write a good article and most of the time we will understand how a site or social media is popular also there are so many traing and notable points are in comments



Rahele Nateqi

In order to choose an occupation, you need to consider some factors which are as important as payment: such as managers, colleagues, work atmosphere and so on. It's clear the more the organization grows the more each member of that will gain benefit.



Zahra Rezaei

When you are part of a family, you react to every event and situation. You find joy in each of them, and family pride becomes a higher priority than anything else. Being with each brother and sister, you share a heartfelt connection regardless of their weaknesses or flaws. The blood relation is the most important for you, and you are willing to do anything to protect the unity and happiness of your family. You can exactly feel this atmosphere among the comments of the large Arad family.

One of the main reasons for the Aradis' loyalty and affiliation with the Arad collection and the preference for the Arad organization over anything else is that each Aradi fully understands that the greatness of the Arad collection has no result unless each Aradi benefits.

Arad, the provider of the most distinctive money-making methods 💯💵💰"



mohsen jabbari

In the name of God, we have a narration that writing is a way to encompass thoughts and what is floating in the mind. We enjoyed reading your highly informative text as always and we will employ its educational aspects, God willing. One of the beauties I see in your will is the depiction of the phrase "Zoghwareh" to seek knowledge and wisdom. There is a point to learn from turning our will in every direction, and that is that after a while of being in the will, one feels an increase in mental capacity and speed of mental processing.



Mahdi rezaei

Commenting has individual and organizational benefits, the personal benefits for us are that it makes our minds open and think more easily about issues, and the organizational benefit is that the site's SEO becomes stronger and more reliable and it is easier and more visible in Google searches. So anyone who is interested in himself and his organization, leaving a comment is one of the easiest things to grow



Reza Karimi

God would love the gatherings. It is said to have mercy on one another so that God will have mercy on you. Unfortunately, these days we see less mercy and death. Most of the people are looking for their own benefit and they don't care about the rest. While being together is pleasant, empowering and relaxing. 👌 There is a joy in helping others that is different from other joys.
Arad is a distinctive corporation in which this principle is clearly seen, and l experienced this intimate gathring, deeply.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

Organizational benefit can lead to individual benefit if people change their beliefs. To be successful, take training seriously and be practical.



Mahdi Alavi

So basically it's about benefiting the organization that you are working in and that's very rare if you see someone who tries to do what he can to make it grow, and that's the way because you will get benefits too.



Marzieh Olamaei

Leaving a comment can be an interesting activity.
You can say your opinion freely and let other to know about all of your thoughts!
Also you let other to be more knowledgeable with your comments.
Furthermore when you leave a comment for an organization, its benefits will back to you yourself!

Thank god for having Arad, my second family.



hadise motlagh

We are working day by day to improve and get closer to the goal.



Haniyeh Rostami

it is very important that team members believe in the collective benefit of their efforts that is believed to be for everyone and alongside that they come to the belief that collective benefit is profitable for each of these individuals



Mariya Salim

Leaving thoughtful and rational comments everywhere is a sign of contemplation and confidence which comes from knowledge and experience. This becomes more vivident in Aradbranding website where all experts and professionals gather to share their information and experiences.



Hasan Kaviani

Teamwork is key to success in every organization and company. It's unbelievable to see that each Aradi is a part of a big family trying to reach the stars.



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

Any collective is simply the coming together of the individualities of its members. From the smallest social unit to the largest imaginable one, there must be energy and constant movement, between outside and inside, to sustain the collective that ultimately sustains the individual.



Fateme Afrad

Having a reasonable content in our speech would be necessary for every one of us, even if we are giving comments on our website or for having any conversation with our customers.



Mostafa chaldavi

If you trust the business you must to have a plan to do the better, anyone can talking but how want to do it, take it very well




Dear Aradis, Thank you for articulating such insightful perspectives on the importance of organizational and individual growth. Your words resonate deeply with me, highlighting the critical role that unity and shared purpose play in fostering prosperity. Arad provide a space where individuals can engage in meaningful discourse and share their insights and experiences. It's evident that Arad fosters a culture of collaboration and learning, where every contribution, no matter how small, has the potential to make a positive impact. +27 69 988 5763



Mahya Soleimaniun

In general, the existence of a comment box is necessary for every website. It makes everyone who deals with the collection share their opinions and inform others about the points they say.



Seyyed Mojtaba

Using the AradBranding capabilities which share by traders and members can help both sides to increase their income and developed
And how much is good to see a system and team work together to expand together and increase both sides income



Fatima Radmanesh

Some key points that when we consider them we are going to see their great results.
I do believe in the power of us being united and this is unique in the whole world.
The environment that we have here is totally different and we love to make it better everyday.
Long live Arad 🍀



Ahmad Ashkian

As part of thr family, we should always try to add some thing to our community and make it even more successful. Our comments can be the best way to do that.



Javad Gh.


If we really like the company, the comments we write are based on our feelings and words. We no longer think about individual and organizational benefits. We are only thinking about what to do to make our site more visible and have more entries, which will definitely benefit us.
It was an interesting point to have a signature, I completely agree, it makes us be recognized.




there is an old saying which goes like this ,two heads are better than one ,now just imagine how helpful sharing comments would be like .



Sharife Nateghi

Close attention must be paid to the point that our comments should be related to the post. Any distracting comment regarding unrelated points would be considered unprofessional.



Zahra Alavi

The most important impact of leaving comments under our posts is the feeling of unity and good feeling of having our opinions shared with our family members. Like a family gathering and chit chat😌



Alireza rohani

The above text is full of benefits and it has really beautifully illustrated the importance of comments and writing comments and the organizational benefit and individual benefit, and it has expressed the role of comments in both organizational and individual growth, and it must be said that this shorthand And how effective is unique writing that is beautifully expressed in this text.



Ali AhadTajari

A good businessman tries all the ways to find a customer
Don't fool yourself, there is no easy way and you have to work hard!
The existence of this Arad Branding is a great opportunity, use this opportunity.



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