Shoe polish is a helpful tool to clean your leather shoes, but it is not always available. We searched for a method through which we clean leather shoes without polish. This blog is the result of our research. It was my grandfather who first said it many years ago: "Shine your leather shoes every day because it will reflect more light on your personality." It may be quite frustrating when at the last moment you can't find shoe polish or don't have shoe polish readily available, but as the saying goes, "necessity is the mother of all inventions," so I discovered alternative methods to polish my shoes, some of which I am going to share with you now: 1)Olive Oil and Lemon: Olive oil is the best lotion and alternative for shoe polish. Simply sprinkle a little oil on your shoes, let it sit for five minutes, and then rub it with a dry soft cloth. Your shoes will look as good as new ones. To give your shoes an extra shine, add a few drops of lemon juice to the olive oil. I also use the same procedure to retain the shine and cleanliness of my house leather slippers at all times. 2)The Peel of a Banana: The peel of a banana makes an excellent organic shoe shiner since it contains potassium, which is the primary component of all conventional shoe polishes now on the market. To restore the luster of your favorite pair of casual leather shoes, all you need to do is rub the inside of a banana peel on any areas that are worn or unclean, and then wipe them off with a dry, soft cloth. 3)Coconut Oil: Normally, any oil can be used to shine your leather shoes. Use a soft dry cloth to first clean any scuffs on your shoes, then leather dip cloth in oil and apply it gently all over your shoe, it will make your shoe shine instantly, but keep in mind that if you live in a cold country, this option will not work for you. 4) Rubbing alcohol: Yes, indeed, rubbing alcohol can also be a good alternative to polishing your shoes. To use it, simply dip a ball of cotton in rubbing alcohol and apply it gently on shoes (remember to apply it very gently), let it dry for a minute, and then use a dry soft cloth to shine your shoes as if they were brand new. 5)Hair gel: Let's face it, the vast majority of men have access to hair gel.
Even a small amount of hair gel can do the trick and save the day; all you need to do is apply a small amount of gel to the shoe surface and then rub it with a soft, clean cloth to get a shiny finish. 6)Hibiscus Flower: This alternative was suggested to me by a friend, and there was a very beautiful hibiscus tree close to my house. Hibiscus Flowers can be used as a natural alternative for shoe polish; simply rub them on the surface of your shoes, clean them with a dry cloth, and buff them with a rug to give an amazing, brilliant shine. 7)Lip Balm: You are going to be extremely astonished to learn that lip balm can also be used to polish your shoes. All you need to do is apply lip balm to your shoes, clean them with a dry soft cloth, then buff them with a rag, and your shoes will be ready and shine in no time. Some extra solutions to clean your leather shoes without polish:
- Using Lemon and Olive Oil
Olive oil is considered by most people to be the greatest home shoe polish that can also be used as a moisturizer. This is despite the fact that many other oils are also effective for polishing shoes. A light misting of the leather shoes, followed by waiting five minutes and polishing them with a soft, dry cloth, is all that is required. To achieve that glossy appearance, just a few drops of lemon juice should be used.
- Using Banana Peel
If you don't have any shoe polish, one of the most effective alternatives for shining shoes is to use the peel of a banana. What you need to do is massage the inside of the banana peel on your shoes, and then wipe off any excess to have a pair of shoes that are smooth and sparkling; no one will ever guess that it was formerly polished by filth!
- Applying the Usage of Coconut Oil
Utilizing coconut oil to buff and shine shoes at home is the quickest and most effective method. After applying coconut oil to your footwear, you may complete your put-together appearance by donning your footwear. However, if you live in an area that experiences cold weather, you should steer clear of this procedure because coconut oil shoe polish will get clumpy when exposed to cold. You also run the danger of having an unattractive speck of white dirt appear on your shoes, which is tough to remove.
- Using Rubbing Alcohol
It is possible to miraculously improve the sheen and general appearance of leather shoes by applying a very small amount of rubbing alcohol to the surface of the shoes and then gently smearing it. Keep in mind that you should first test it out on a tiny area, and after it has dried, you should polish it.
- The Application of Oregano Leaves
If you use the correct fresh oregano leaves that you've picked from your garden, you may produce a great shoe polish. Because it contains unique antibacterial and antifungal ingredients, it helps make your shoes look and smell better for an extended period of time.
- Using Beeswax
Given that beeswax is a component of some of the earliest known recipes for homemade shoe polish, we may be confident that this method is still effective today. Simply heat the wax in a melting pot until it is completely smooth, and then apply it to the shoes. To get it looking shiny, first, clean it down with a soft cloth before moving on to the polishing. Wax may also be used to care for the skin of the shoes, so using it is like getting two uses out of one product.