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Cherry tomatoes dark inside which is safe to eat

When black seeds, which makes the inside of the tomatoes dark, are discovered within cherry tomato fruits, it might be cause for concern for many gardeners because it is possible that this indicates that the fruits are sick and they are not safe to eat. It is possible to feel uneasy when confronted with a tomato that contains black seeds due to the fact that this condition does not appear to be common, particularly when there are black patches inside tomatoes. Before we can take measures to stop black seeds from appearing in tomatoes again in the future, we need to have a better understanding of what exactly these dark tomato seeds are. Why are the seeds of my tomato dark in color? There are a few different things that could be causing the black coloration of your tomato seeds, the most likely of which being too ripe tomatoes and blossom end rot. Even though dark tomato seeds are not aesthetically pleasing to many customers, they do not provide a significant health risk and hence should not be a major source of concern. The tomatoes' black seeds are only a reflection of the general health status of the plant as well as the environment in which it was grown. The seeds of a healthy common-variety tomato have a color that can be described as greenish yellow in its natural state. On the other hand, there are occasions in which the seeds turn out to be darker, with hues ranging from brown to black. If the tomato itself does not exhibit any evident indicators of disease, decomposition, offensive scents, or any other features that make it less than desirable for consumption, then it may still be edible. There are a few different schools of thought concerning the factors that lead to the darkening of the tomato seeds. Let's go through them one by one and figure out which one of them could be the reason why the seeds in your tomatoes are dark. — Over-ripened Tomatoes The seeds of an overripe tomato that is otherwise healthy may be black in color most of the time. The seeds have reached the stage where they are ready to germinate, as can be seen by their black color. In certain instances, the tomato's black seeds will wind up germinating within the flesh of the fruit. There is a name for this process; it's called vivipary, and it's more common than you might imagine. You can even find overripe tomatoes that are bursting at the seams with cotyledons, which are the very first set of leaves to sprout on a plant. The plant hormone known as abscisic acid that is present in unripe tomatoes stops the seeds from germinating while they are still contained within the fruit. The level of abscisic acid in the tomato gradually decreases as it ripens, which stimulates the seeds to darken and sprout as the tomato matures. It is more likely for the tomato fruit to reproduce on its own organically through its seeds. Because of the overripe tomato's high internal moisture content, which creates the ideal environment for optimal seed germination, the best circumstances for germination are created when the tomato is allowed to ripen beyond its prime. – Blossom End Rot (BER) Tomatoes are susceptible to a wide variety of illnesses, the most prevalent of which is blossom end rot. A tomato that has been infected with BER will have a dark patch on the bottom of the fruit. This is the symptom that is the most obvious to the human eye. This is the place where the bloom first took root and began to grow. It's possible that the dark patch may start to decompose, which will gradually have an effect on the seeds inside, making them black. This can result in a condition that is rather unattractive, which is why many gardeners advise against eating tomatoes with BER signs. It is recommended by some gardeners to remove the dark areas of the tomato because the healthy part of the tomato can still be consumed without risk. According to the findings of certain studies, the cause of BER is the tomato plant's failure to extract adequate calcium from the soil at the optimum rate. This results in the development of BER. In addition, there are researchers who believe that BER may be caused by inconsistent watering regimens. Internal BER, which occurs when the fruit suffers symptoms of BER but does not display any exterior evidence of BER, can also cause the seeds in tomatoes to be dark. This happens when the fruit does not display any external signs of BER. In the event that this occurs, there are gardeners who suggest taking out the charred seeds and continuing to consume the tomato as normal. Some individuals opt for a more cautious approach and dispose of the fruit totally. - Other Possible Reasons There are certain varieties of tomatoes that are inclined to have genetic abnormalities that enable their seeds to naturally darken without the presence of any illnesses or diseases as the underlying cause. Additionally, it is not uncommon to find one or two black seeds inside of an otherwise flawlessly healthy tomato fruit. It is likely that these few seeds turned black because they were unable to absorb necessary nutrients while they were growing. This is one of the possible explanations. What are the Contributing Factors to Blossom End Rot (BER)? BER is typically brought on by a lack of calcium in the diet as well as irregular watering patterns. To minimize the risk of BER developing on your tomato plant, it is best to give it a sufficient amount of calcium and to water it on a consistent basis. This will help to prevent the disease. - Can Overwatering Cause BER? BER is brought on by inconsistent irrigation practices. If the tomato plant receives an excessive amount of water, its root system may drown, which will ultimately lead to the plant's decomposition and death. The most effective method for avoiding the spread of BER is to maintain a consistent watering routine using an adequate volume of water. - What Methods Can We Use to Prevent BER? BER can be avoided by ensuring that the tomato plant obtains the appropriate quantity of critical nutrients, particularly calcium, as well as maintaining a consistent watering schedule. This will help prevent BER. The application of mulch can assist keep the soil moist and prevent it from drying out, which in turn will benefit the plant's root system. During hot and dry months, the moisture in the soil can be preserved by applying a layer of straw, compost, or grass mulch. Mulches make it so that there is water present more frequently, which is one way that BER can be avoided.

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