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Ceramic tile paint kit home + resonable price

Some customers would like to paint the ceramic tile to give a new and fresh look to their kitchens or bathroom. Replacing ceramic or tile adds value to the home. But new tiles can be expensive. Tiling settings are also difficult to master - many DIYers opt for professional tiling settings. If that's not enough, removing and disposing of old tiles is laborious, cumbersome and environmentally unfriendly. Painted tile is a faster, cheaper and cleaner alternative to full tile replacement. This is a project that can extend the life of the tile and make it look almost new. Painting tiles are different from many other painting projects because the surface of the tiles is not designed for painting. Tile surfaces are typically high-gloss glazed to repel almost anything - dirt, stains, dust, oil and, yes, paint. But there are a few tips to ensure you can successfully paint your tiles and enjoy a longer life.

  • Choose the best surface: Tiles work best on vertical surfaces like dry or low humidity walls or backsplashes. It is also suitable for low impact horizontal surfaces such as some tile countertops.
  • Clean Tile: Because tile is a protective surface, years of dirt and grime can be difficult to remove. Take the time to thoroughly clean all areas of the tile, especially the grout joints.
  • Worn tiles: Shiny surfaces are more prone to paint peeling. Sanding the tile surface creates a matte finish that helps paint stick better and longer.
  • Use only tile paint: When painting tile, interior or exterior acrylic latex paint should not be used. For best results and maximum durability, use epoxy paint or paint specified as tile paint.

Knowing the main types of tile coatings can help you choose the best one for your project.

  • One-part epoxy paint: One-component epoxy resins are easy to use because multiple coats are not required. An epoxy lacquer is an air-curing product. In contrast, multi-stage epoxy resins are cured through a chemical process. Some one-component epoxy resins have been found in spray cans.
  • Two-part epoxy paint: After mixing one component with the second, brush or roll the resulting substance onto the tile. Two-part epoxies are generally easier to find, so there are more options.
  • Two Process Paint: This sort of tile paint needs two partitioned steps. First, you use adhesive. Second, you apply the top coat. Two coats of tile paint are tough and long lasting.

You need some materials and equipment:

  • Equipment / Tools
  • Paint roller and cover
  • Paint tray and liner
  • Paintbrushes
  • Tack cloth
  • Orbital sander
  • Sandpaper
  • Putty knife
  • Clean bucket
  • Scouring pad sponge
  • Latex or latex-substitute gloves
  • Eye, hearing, and breathing protection
  • Materials
  • Tile paint
  • Epoxy bonding primer
  • Polyurethane clear coat
  • TSP or TSP-substitute cleaner
  • Paintable caulk
  • Exterior-grade waterproof spackling paste
  • Tile grout
  • Painter's tape
  • Sheet plastic

By following the below steps, you can paint the tile:

  1. clean the tiles

Fill the bucket with lukewarm water, then add TSP to the bucket. Wearing gloves, wipe down the tile to remove as much dirt as possible. Start at the top and work your way down, changing the bucket frequently with warm water and TSP. Rinse the tile by clean water then let it dry.

  • What is TSP? Trisodium phosphate, or TSP for short, is an odorless dry powder. When mixed with water it becomes a very effective cleaner that removes grease and dirt. In some areas, TSP is prohibited. If this is the case in your area, look for phosphate-free alternatives.
  1. repair tiles

Fine cracks and small chips on the tile surface can be repaired with putty. While wearing gloves, apply a small amount of sealant to the crack or chipping and smooth it out with your fingers. Larger defects can be filled with an exterior waterproof caulking. As with putty, apply a small amount to cracks or chips. Use a putty knife to remove the excess to bring the putty to the surface of the tiles.

  1. Repair grout

Since painting tile means painting over grout, it must be in good condition. For minor repairs, use tile grout sold in a tube. Apply grout with gloved fingers and wipe clean. For more severe grout damage, remove the grout and replace with new grout.

  1. sand the tiles

When wearing eye, hearing and respiratory protection, use a hand-held orbital sander equipped with #100 to #150 grit sandpaper. Do not sand into the body of the tile (the part under the glass). Instead, wear down the glaze. Wash the tiles with water. Once the tile is dry, clean it again with an adhesive cloth. Hard pressure on the tacky cloth will embed the beeswax into the tile surface, requiring another sanding cycle. Keep the pressure light.

  1. Protect non-paintable areas

Use painter's tape and plastic sheeting to protect areas that won't be painted.

  1. Prime the tiles

Pour a little amount of primer into a lined paint plate. Dip the paint roller in the primer, then spread the excess paint on the tray until the roller is almost dry. Roll the primer onto the tile, being careful not to press the roller too hard. Apply only a thin layer to avoid drips. Once the primer is dry, apply another thin coat of primer.

  1. paint tiles

Put a new liner in the paint tray. Add only a small amount of paint to the palette tank and roll the roller until almost dry. Roll the surface of the tiles with a coat of paint. Fill in and touch up the edges with a brush. Avoid overloading the roller or brush with paint, as too much paint will run off and could leave unsightly marks on the final surface. Let the paint harden, then apply a second coat. If two coats are not enough, you can add a third coat after the second coat has dried.

  1. Apply putty

Once the paint is completely dry, apply two coats of polyurethane sealer to protect the color coat.

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