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Buying sodium bentonite types with the best price

One of the most important uses of sodium bentonite is its use and applications in casting, which we will mention in this article.

granular sodium bentonite

Hi dear friend. Today we introduce granular bentonite clay with specific applications and locations to many consumers including ranchers and farmers. This product is designed according to the efforts of experts and specialists in its field. As most of us know, today's industry and technology, whether we like it or not, are very closely integrated into our lives and society, and in this sense, the most advanced industrial equipment is used in the manufacture of these products. According to the needs of the domestic and foreign markets, our commercial department produces products that occupy a special and important place in this industry, based on experts and field insight. to other countries, including neighboring countries. According to the needs of domestic and foreign markets, this product has a special place among many consumers and applicants. Traders, traders, wholesalers, and all dear friends can order this product from this powerful market collection to share buying and selling. Our product range is simple and our quality sales and distribution teams in general and specific markets provide these products to businesses in response to the needs of society and many applicants. Our large production collection is proud to meet the needs of wholesalers of these products. The experts of this collection work hard to provide the products needed by customers with the best quality and affordable price. . Another part of this company is having an experienced and passionate sales team that is committed to getting you, the customers and applicants, what you order in the shortest possible time at a reasonable price compared to other similar products of lower quality. get granular sodium bentonite

sodium bentonite foundry

Bentonite is an organic  and natural material that consists of fine clay particles with abundant molecular formulas (Na, CaO) (Al, Mg) (Si4O10)3(OH)6·nH2O. Montmorillonite is the main component of bentonite and has gel-like properties. The presence of van der Waals bonds between bentonite particles provides a very high adsorption capacity. Bentonite is often used for its practical properties such as plasticity, gelatin and adhesion. The structure of bentonite is three layers of aluminum silicate. The origin of bentonite stone formation: Bentonite is formed in shallow waters in temperate climates and its main component is smectite. Bentonite is considered a weak base because it is formed by the decomposition of volcanic ash in a saline-alkaline environment. In Japan, bentonite is abundantly produced in the provinces of Khorasan, Semnam and Isfahan. Bentonite extraction from open pits is easy and inexpensive due to the softness of the soil. In the casting industry that uses sand, they use bentonite because sand does not stick on its own. If the mold is made of pure sand, the mold will collapse before or during casting, so to avoid these defects, the adhesive property of bentonite is used. Do not add more than 15% bentonite to the casting sand. These bentonite sands are used repeatedly at intervals of less than an hour to transform metals and alloys into castings that can be damaged if the metal is poured into the mold at high temperatures. Bentonite has very good physical properties and adhesion, and most of the upper part is severely damaged in direct contact with metal. These parts are smoother and smoother, have a smoother casting, and require less grinding and polishing. Therefore, caution is required in using soil with high affinity for sand, and montmorillonite is more suitable in this regard. Sodium bentonite generally works best with sand. If sodium bentonite is not available, calcium bentonite is used with the addition of sodium carbonate (called soda ash) to create adhesion. The bentonite used for this application must have the following properties: Moisture should not exceed 6-12%, pH should not exceed 8.2, and calcium oxide should not exceed 7%. Basically, each casting has its own special and unique characteristics, such as heat resistance. and the amount of bentonite paste. sodium bentonite foundry

sodium bentonite clay

One of the types of  raw bentonite is sodium bentonite clay .in this part we consider it. Types of raw bentonite and processed bentonite: Bentonite is a fine-grained clay composed mainly of montmorillonite. Of course, this definition can be extended to all types of colloidal soils, including chalk-bentonite shale embankments. Basically, bentonite is formed from the weathering and deformation of volcanic ash in the vicinity of water. Types of bentonite are:

  • Calcium bentonite (calcium bentonite)
  • Sodium bentonite (Sedik)
  • Sodium bentonite (synthetic)
  • Bentonite activated with mineral acid
  • Organic bentonite
  • bentonite, clay bentonite, bentonite,

Refinement of bentonite extracted from the mine: Mined bentonite usually contains a large amount of water and is centrifuged to dry after extraction. As a result, the humidity dropped from the original 50 percent range to less than 10 percent. sodium bentonite clay The next step is to convert the stones to a smaller size. For this purpose, it is crushed to about 50 to 100 mesh with a hammer or vane mill. Micronized bentonite can also be produced using cyclone blades and special mills. The use of vane mills is limited to large bentonite producers and only hammer mills are used in small production plants. Bentonite production: Nowadays, activated bentonite is used instead of salt and coal in the construction of earthen wells. Activated bentonite can conduct electrical energy better than ordinary bentonite. Activation of bentonite requires separation of impurities and activation with mineral acids. In some cases, only calcium bentonite is available, but if sodium bentonite is needed, it can be prepared by neutralization with alkaline sodium. Uses of bentonite: The use of bentonite is determined based on different categories. Bentonite is one of the most common mineral soils. It can be divided into two categories: swollen bentonite (sodium bentonite) and non-swelling bentonite (calcium bentonite). Granulation is also effective for this type of clay application. Micronized bentonite is used in foundries, earthworks, etc., while granular or coarse-grained bentonite is widely used in fine livestock and pet farming.

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