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Buy the best types of blanched peanuts at a cheap price

10 benefits of peanuts, a very tasty and best nutritious product. The ideal option for a supermarket is 25kg of partially blanched peanuts. In addition to being delicious, this dish is also very nutritious.

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It can be enjoyed every day because it contains proteins. Healthy In the past, peanuts were usually only eaten in hotels or as a snack at parties, but now you can enjoy them every day. Also, this food will give you energy, so you have energy for the whole day! blanched peanuts near me Nutritionist Gloria Coral Rubble recommends eating 30 grams of peanuts or ¼ cup per day. She makes your own peanut enchiladas with this simple, quick and easy recipe. Do you love peanuts? Dare to try this delicious ice cream On the other hand, nutritionist Cecilia Garcia Schinkel explains that eating peanuts is like peeling the skin off of a nutrient-rich vehicle. That's right, peanuts are a super nutritious food. This is demonstrated by healthy fats, a large amount of high biological value proteins and a high concentration of fiber. In fact, scientific evidence shows that all of these substances in peanuts promote health and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. This is the story of how the peanut became NASA's mascot. Is it good to eat peanuts? These are the nutrients they give you Here, nutritionist Gloria Coral Rubble shares 10 benefits of consuming peanuts with you. Peanut proteins promote tissue growth and repair. blanched peanuts recipe

blanched peanuts recipe

The vitamins and minerals of peanuts help to grow and keep the skin and eyes in good condition, especially vitamin E helps prevent some infectious diseases. Promotes proper healing and reduces the risk of skin infections, gives hair shine. They contain a B-complex that stimulates concentration that helps you in the classroom and in everything you do. 30 grams of peanuts can satisfy hunger for up to 4 hours and prevent you from constantly eating sweets that make you fat and fat. Peanuts are good for the health of your teeth. Peanuts neutralize the acid that ferments in your mouth after eating other carbohydrates, so eat peanuts after meals, especially when you can't brush your teeth. Peanuts are low in carbohydrates, especially sugar. Eating too many sugary foods can cause irritability and anxiety associated with high-sugar diets. Peanuts are low in sugar and carbohydrates Peanuts can be eaten at any time, but they are the perfect addition to the morning snack. Its consumption prevents heart and brain problems. Helps keep bones strong. Peanuts do not increase cholesterol or fat levels. great benefits of eating peanuts Of course, for this to affect your health, you need to consume at least two tablespoons of peanut butter per week. IDEAL.ES Wednesday 19 August 2015 at 12:19 Peanuts, more commonly known as peanuts, are a very popular dried fruit for their many benefits and high protein content. However, it is indeed a legume but has the look and feel of nuts like cashews or almonds. Legumes or nuts, peanuts have a wide range of benefits and properties like the ones we present below. - Due to the high content of monounsaturated fats, it reduces the level of bad cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol. - It helps the growth and development of the body, which makes it a very suitable food for children. - Due to the presence of p-coumaric acid, which reduces the production of carcinogenic nitrosamine, it reduces the risk of developing stomach cancer. blanched peanuts tesco

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- It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, neurological diseases or Alzheimer's disease. The antioxidant resveratrol in peanuts is responsible for these benefits. - This is an excellent source of antioxidants, which, moreover, are much more active when peanuts are boiled. - Protects the skin from free radicals with vitamin E - Contains many natural vitamins: B complex, vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B6, vitamin B9 and pantothenic acid, etc. - It is also an excellent source of minerals such as potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc. - Reduces the risk of gallstone formation by 25%. - When consumed at least twice a week, it helps to lose weight and maintain body weight. - Reduces the risk of colon cancer, especially in women, which is reduced by 58% after consumption. In men, it decreases to 27%. - If consumed before and during pregnancy, due to the high content of folic acid, it helps to improve fertility. It also reduces the risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect. - Among its properties can be noted the reduction of blood sugar levels, as it promotes the absorption of calcium and the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Finally, eating peanuts prevents and fights depression thanks to tryptophan, which increases serotonin levels. It is important to remember that to get these benefits it is important to consume at least two tablespoons of peanut butter per week.

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