It would appear that I had been washing my hair with shampoo incorrectly this entire time. I was always under the impression that I should first shampoo before applying conditioner. I only just found out that using conditioner on my strands before shampooing can provide more significant benefits to my hair. The method is commonly referred to as "reverse hair washing. " It is beneficial for hair that is lackluster, dry, unruly or damaged. All of those criteria are met by my locks. My strands have been pleading with me lately to give them more attention and care. Because I wasn't paying as much attention to them as I generally do, I could sense that they were getting annoyed with me. When I first learned about reverse washing, I quickly recognized that this was precisely what I required to get my regimen for caring for my hair back on track. After giving the method a try for a week, the results pleasantly surprised me, and I decided to continue using it. Keep scrolling to find out more about why you should use conditioner before shampoo, as well as my experience with washing clothes in the opposite order! The Advantages of Conditioning Your Hair Before You Shampoo The process of reverse washing has a number of advantages that make it worthwhile to pursue. Let's dive into them right away!
- It Gives the Strands Additional Nutrients and Support
As some of you may already be aware, shampoo may actually remove the natural oils that are present in the hair. Applying conditioner offers a layer of protection, which stops this from occurring to your hair in the first place. Because of this, your hair will remain hydrated and nourished in an optimal manner.
- It Eliminates the Accumulation of Product
The consistency of the conditioner is clearly more substantial than that of shampoo. In addition, even while it hydrates the strands, it also has the potential to weigh them down. This holds true for everyone, but especially for individuals whose hair is more finely textured. Therefore, using shampoo after conditioner will assist in washing off any extra product buildup, which can cause your strands to seem lifeless. Your hair will appear fuller and more voluminous than it ever has before.
- It Prevents the Oil from Spreading
The elimination of product buildup is similar to the benefits of using reverse washing, which is especially helpful for people who have an oily scalp. The method removes all surplus oil without removing the natural oils from the hair. How to Condition Your Hair Prior to Shampooing There is no one technique to condition your hair before you shampoo; you may do it any way you choose. The primary determining factors are the kind and structure of your hair. The practice of reverse hair washing is especially beneficial for people who have thin, greasy strands of hair. However, individuals who follow the method will have better hair regardless of the thickness or texture of their tresses. There's no way around conditioning your hair from the shaft's center outward before washing the scalp and tips if you want this to work. Even though there are products on the market designed expressly for reverse washing, you may get away with using the things you already have in your bathroom cabinet. Although I completed a study on how to get the most out of applying conditioner before shampoo, I did not wholly follow all of the guidelines offered. Although there were many websites that suggested doing it with a particular brand of shampoo and conditioner, I chose to utilize what was already in my bathroom cabinet rather than purchasing new products. I used the shampoo and conditioner that are part of the Love Beauty and Planet Clean Oceans Edition set. It was a little unusual for me to apply conditioner to my strands before washing them with shampoo at first. And when I awoke the next day, I wasn't very heartened by the results. After the initial round of reverse washing, my strands have taken on the appearance seen above. To tell you the truth, they appear to have a flatter profile and more refined appearance than they had before I attempted this. Despite the fact that I anticipated it would take some more time before I could see any benefits, I was not really impressed.
During the second day of the experiment, I began to extend the amount of time that the conditioner was left on my strands and continued to do so even while I shampooed my scalp. After this point, the consequences started to become more apparent. As I continued to use conditioner, I noticed that my tresses were becoming fuller and healthier feeling. When the week was up, there was a noticeable difference in the appearance of my hair. Given how the first day went, I must admit that I was somewhat aback by how things turned out in the end. Although I do not believe there has been a significant change in the volume of my hair, I can affirm that its overall health is better than it has ever been. Before starting this experiment, I had been having a lot of trouble losing strands. In the shower or during the day, I no longer see nearly as many dropping out as I used to. My anxiety over my hair falling out has been much reduced due to using reverse washing. I had no idea that doing laundry backward would benefit me in the way it was. It exceeded all of my expectations in every way.