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Buy direct reduction iron plant at an exceptional price

In recent decades, the direct reduction process of iron is one of the most important matters in iron production, which is very important in Canada and other countries around the world, of course we talk about the plants and factories in these countries.

direct reduction iron plant in canada

Almost 75% of the total sponge iron produced in the world is produced by two methods, Midrex and HYL. Today, most of the world's steel production is dedicated to two methods: blast furnace converter and direct regeneration electrometallurgy, the second method has been significantly developed and improved. The steel production process based on direct reduction electrofusion consists of two steps: The production of sponge iron, which is then converted into steel in an electric arc furnace. In the direct reduction method, iron oxide particles are reduced and converted into sponge iron in contact with reducing gases including H2, CO and CH4 at a temperature of 750 to 900 degrees Celsius. Sponge iron typically contains more than 90% iron in metallic form, which is very eager to combine with oxygen. Industries dominated by pig iron and steel production belong to the national comprehensive industry and infrastructure industry. Due to the problems with traditional iron production processes and methods, as well as towards the optimization of industrial processes, new methods have received a lot of attention in the industry over the past decades. One of these methods is the direct regeneration process. During the direct reduction of coal, the solid gas is reduced in a series of heterogeneous chemical reactions. In these reactions, iron oxide is reduced in several steps, from hematite to magnetite, from magnetite to ferrite, and finally from ferrite to iron. While steel production can be considered 4,000 years ago and associated with the Iron Age, the modern era of the steel industry began in the late 1850s, and since then steel has become an important part of the world's industrial economy. Today, steel production is one of the most fundamental foundations of economic and industrial activity in any country. A large number of basic industries related to energy production and transmission, such as transportation, construction, machinery manufacturing, and mining, depend on the steel industry. Therefore, the improvement and development of this industry has special importance in the economic development of various countries. Method of making steel: To produce iron, impurities such as oxygen must be removed from iron ore by chemical reduction. There are different ways of making iron. Most of the production is done through the blast furnace process. In the blast furnace, the iron ore with coke as a regenerating agent enters the furnace after the process, comes out in the form of molten iron with carbon and finally turns into steel in the converter. For many years, the blast furnace has been one of the most important and efficient methods of ironmaking, currently supplying more than 90% of the world's iron needs. The productivity of the blast furnace ironmaking process; it is effective but requires high quality raw materials. Blast furnaces produce iron by burning coke, and coke prices have risen as coking coal resources dwindle. Furthermore, the raw material preparation steps of the process, such as sintering, coking and sintering, impose high costs on the steel industry. Therefore, it can be said that the future of blast furnaces will be full of uncertainty due to the economic and environmental problems arising from the use of coke and sintering in the steel industry. Due to the large amount of non-coking coal resources in the world, the high costs of the preparation phase and the increasing importance of environmental considerations, there is therefore an increasing trend for new and alternative methods in this area. One of these methods is the production of iron through direct reduction. In such a process, many preparation steps are eliminated, so that the costs and pollution associated with the overall process are significantly reduced. Direct reduction is a new method of making iron that does not use a coking process and in some cases does not even agglomerate; it produces iron. direct reduction iron plant in canada

direct reduction iron (dri) plant

The direct reduction of iron oxides with carbon has been extensively studied in recent decades. Compared to other existing methods, the direct regeneration process is much cheaper to invest, set up and maintain, and can be used in small steel mills that make reasonable economic sense. Moreover, this approach is a very suitable option for many developing countries that face a shortage of coking coal resources and quality. Direct reduction is a chemical reaction between hydrogen and carbon monoxide and the oxygen in iron oxide. The product of this reaction is metallic iron, which is used in steelmaking plants. To carry out the direct reduction reaction, iron oxide and a reducing gas (a gas containing the appropriate proportions of hydrogen and carbon monoxide) are brought into contact with each other in a Midrex furnace. Optimum reaction conditions for a Midrex furnace can be achieved if the solids and gases flow in opposite directions. For this reason, solid materials continuously enter the furnace and move from the top of the furnace to the bottom of the furnace, and the reducing gas also continuously flows upward in the furnace. The output product from the sponge iron furnace is called DRI. The sponge iron that comes out of the combi oven can be hot or cold. As we told you at the beginning of this article, the process of direct reduction of iron plant in different countries of the world is one of the best and most important methods to produce high-quality pure iron and is used by various industries today to produce pure iron. Iron ore is used Rock has various oxides in its structure, and these iron oxides and impurities must be separated from iron and pure iron through various chemical processes. Pure iron has a very high electrical resistance, so it can be very useful to use this high-quality iron in various industries. In the direct reduction of iron, some intermediates are formed, and these intermediates convert these ferrous chemical substances into each other and finally produce iron with quality of more than 90%. The intermediate minerals formed in this process are hematite, magnetite, and ferrite, which transform into each other, and finally, ferrite becomes pure iron. Today, direct reduction is an excellent method for producing high-quality iron, and therefore this method is increasingly used in the pure iron production industry. direct recovery of iron ore The direct iron ore recovery method is considered a newer method in high quality steel production and is much better than the method previously known as the indirect method. To produce steel in this way, furnaces called electric arc furnaces are used, which are considered a new generation of furnaces for the production of high-quality steel and iron. In earlier methods, coke was required to recover iron. But in this method, methane gas is used as a regenerating agent. Using this gas, the iron oxide in the iron ore can be destroyed to produce high quality iron. It is worth mentioning here that in the countries rich in methane gas, it is more economical to use the direct regeneration method to make steel. Obviously, if the gas does not occur naturally in the country, it simply would not be cost-effective to directly recover iron ore and steel production using methane gas. In Iran, which has one of the world's largest reserves of natural gas, which is abundant, it is very practical to use this method to recover iron and produce high-quality iron. Sponge iron direct regeneration Sponge iron is formed during the redox process of iron, for which elements called reducing elements are used. One of the main elements used for this purpose is carbon, which comes from natural gas or coal sources. direct reduction iron (dri) plant

direct reduced iron plant process

It will be achieved. As previously mentioned, methane gas is one of the best in the field and can provide the carbon needed for the process. In addition, coal-rich in carbon sources is also very useful in this area. Types of direct resuscitation There are different approaches to the direct reduction process of iron. But the following two methods are used more than others. Let's take a look at these two methods: Process for the direct recovery of iron from coal In this method of direct recovery of iron, coal is used. As you know, coal is a compound made of carbon compounds, so in the iron recovery process, it acts as a regenerator, providing the carbon oxides needed for direct iron recovery and removal of impurities and iron. Process for gas-based direct reduction of iron Another method of regenerating iron is direct regeneration using different types of gases. Since many gases, including methane gas, contain a carbon source in their structure, such gases can be used as iron-reducing agents. Sponge iron is one of the products that has recently gained many fans and is known as an attractive option in the steel market. The product comes from the direct recovery of iron ore, and its main feature is its high quality, which makes the product popular among buyers. Over the past few years, various methods have been invented to improve production efficiency and used in different countries. Iran also uses the knowledge and experience of domestic experts to localize the production methods of iron sponge and becomes one of the largest producers of this product. Sponge iron or porous pellets is a material produced by recovering iron ore in a direct way (directly reduced iron), i. without the need for a melting operation. During the direct reduction process, due to the release of oxygen, the iron ore turns into spherical lumps with a porous appearance like a sponge with small pores on the surface. This shape and appearance is also the reason for the name of this product. After melting and during casting, sponge iron is transformed into three products: ingots, plates and rebar, which are sent to factories for various purposes, where they are transformed into other more widespread products. The grade of pellet iron is very high, and due to the scarcity of scrap iron and environmental concerns, it is of great concern today and is referred to as a suitable substitute for scrap iron. The production method for sponge iron In general, iron ore is regenerated by both natural gas and coal methods and leads to the production of sponge iron. The process of regenerating iron ore from natural gas is achieved by three methods: Midrex, HYL and Purofer, of which Midrex is more practical than others. direct reduced iron plant process

what is direct reduction iron

Jindal, DRC and SL/RN methods are also used in the regeneration process using coal to produce this product. In the following, we will examine these methods and provide explanations about each method. 1- Produced by the Midrex method In this method, which is considered to be one of the most suitable for the regeneration of iron ore, methane gas is first fed into a fracturing unit, where it is broken down into two regeneration gases, oxygen and hydrogen. The decomposed methane is then blown into a cylindrical furnace. While blowing out the decomposed methane, iron ore is thrown into the furnace from above and collides with the decomposed methane gas. The decomposed natural methane gas is heated as it is blown into the furnace and the iron ore loses oxygen when it comes into contact with it. Finally, the baked and hardened porous iron balls are presented as the final product. Sponge iron produced by the Midrex method requires more energy during the melting process due to its hardness. 2- HYL method production In the HYL method, like the Midrex method, natural gas is used to recover iron ore, except that the equipment and end product production steps required for the process are more complex and expensive than in the Midrex method. The iron ore recovery process consists of two general parts, the natural gas production, and decomposition part and the iron reduction furnace part. In a natural gas production plant, natural gas is combined with water vapor, which results in the decomposition of the constituent elements. These elements will then be blasted in a furnace along with iron ore, the final product of sponge iron. what is direct reduction iron

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