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Buy and price of Canned tomato paste

Although you may think fresh tomatoes have more health benefits, cooked as well as tomato pastes and canned tomatoes may provide more long-term health advantages than fresh tomatoes.

Tomato paste health benefits

Although it is true that all goods made from tomatoes have lots of health benefits to public health in general, an increasing number of studies have shown that tomato paste that has been heated, cooked, or canned has a higher lycopene availability than fresh tomatoes, which provides them a longer shelf life.

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, tomatoes that have been cooked are more effective at reducing the risk of developing prostate cancer.

In a sad turn of events, prostate cancer is one of the two cancers that are diagnosed most frequently around the world and has been associated with a number of deaths.

According to current research findings, increasing one's consumption of foods high in lycopene, which is an antioxidant found in tomatoes, can help reduce one's risk of developing prostate cancer.

 In the study, participants were divided into two groups: those who consumed tomato products (canned or cooked) approximately five to six times per week and those who did not consume any tomato products throughout the week.

The findings showed that individuals who consumed tomato-based products were able to lower their risk of acquiring prostate cancer by 28%, which demonstrates the tremendous impact that food may have on our overall health.

Even though the effects of cooked and bottled tomato products may outweigh those of fresh tomatoes, it is still beneficial to include tomatoes in your weekly recipes in order to achieve optimal health and lower your risk of preventable cancers.

This is true despite the fact that the effects of fresh tomatoes may be outweighed by the effects of cooked and bottled tomato products.

Whether you're cooking pasta, pizza, or tacos, using tomato products makes the food easier to prepare, cuts down on the time and money you need to spend, and boosts the number of nutrients you take in.

What sorts of things are you planning to cook for your loved ones this week in the kitchen that would have more health benefits than tomato products? 

Canned tomato paste

Tomatoes have a high concentration of bioflavonoids and carotenoids, both of which are well-known anti-inflammatory substances.

If you are one of the millions of people who experience mild to moderate chronic pain as a result of an inflammatory process, eating tomatoes can help relieve your pain and help prevent further pain from occurring, such as back pain, muscle pain, or arthritis. 

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Ghazal Davoudzade