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Buy all kinds of galvanized sheet + price

the gauge of steel galvanized sheet to mm and its weight per ton come in different prices in different countries. Steel and iron are prone to rust (iron oxide).

galvanized sheet

experts in the field of steel have considered various solutions and methods to prevent the oxidation of steel products. One of these methods is to galvanize or "coat" steel products. Galvanized sheet is one of the most widely used sheets in various industries. In some cases, the galvanized sheet is also called galvanized iron. The production and delivery of steel plates adopt two methods, cold rolling, and hot rolling. Hot-rolled sheets are usually "galvanized" after being manufactured by a special process. galvanized sheet In other words, during the production of galvanized sheet, experts coat the outer surface of the sheet with a thin layer of the metallic element zinc (ZN). The following are other features of galvanized sheet:
  • Maintenance and repair costs associated with galvanized sheets are lower than other sheets.
  • The cost of producing galvanized sheets is lower than the cost of producing other corrosion-resistant sheets.
  • Welding these plates is easy to do.
  • Forming and forming galvanized sheets is easy. (Some of these sheets are very flexible according to the customer's wishes.)
  • These sheets have a high-quality glossy appearance.
Introduction to galvanized sheet The wide use of galvanized sheet means that we often hear the name. One type of steel sheet that has been surface treated to improve its corrosion and oxidation resistance properties is galvanized sheet. The surface coating of metal zinc sheets leads to the production of galvanized sheets. The combination of steel and zinc results in oxidation of zinc when exposed to moisture and oxidation processes. Sacrificing zinc next to the iron protects the galvanized sheet from corrosion and perforation. Sheet galvanizing is carried out by two methods, the so-called hot galvanizing and cold galvanizing. Properties of galvanized sheet Galvanizing can be seen as a finish to protect iron in wet environments. Zinc metal is placed on the surface of the steel plate as a coating. The chemistry of zinc and being located next to iron causes it to sacrifice and protect galvanized sheets. It is ideal if the galvanizing process forms a zinc coating with high adhesion on the surface of the steel sheet. High density and proper adhesion make galvanized sheets durable in environments exposed to corrosion and oxidation. galvanized sheet metal

galvanized sheet metal

Advantages of galvanized sheet The main advantage of the galvanized sheet is its high corrosion resistance in corrosive environments. But beyond that, it has other benefits, including:
  • Cost effective compared to other corrosion-resistant products including steel
  • low maintenance costs
  • High durability and long life
  • The health of the coating is easily detected, even visually
  • The production process of galvanized sheet
  • The sacrificial metal coating of zinc near the iron is hot and cold.
In the following, we discuss each of these methods and their results. hot dip The heating method is also called the soaking method. The molten zinc is now on the surface of the steel plate. Dense coatings with acceptable adhesion are achieved by dipping steel panels in a bath of molten zinc. Using this method, the thickness of the zinc protective layer on the surface of the galvanized sheet can be controlled. The intended use and the achievement of high durability determine the thickness of the zinc coating. The zinc particles on the surface of the steel plate have different sizes. The size of these grains varies depending on the cooling rate. It is obvious that the higher the cooling rate, the larger the grain size. Another name for these seeds is Spangle. Sequins are believed to be surface defects caused by zinc impurities. The surface of the galvanized plate can have small flowers or large flowers. Large flowers are represented by the letter N, and small flowers are represented by the letter M. Sheets with large flowers are made by natural drying, which does not disturb and accelerates the zinc coating. But by controlling and monitoring the chemical composition and cooling rate of the molten zinc metal, tiny flowers are created. cold method The cold galvanizing method is also called electro galvanizing. The use of an electrolytic process in the cold process is where the name comes from. In this method, a combination of water and zinc salt or the zinc salt in an acidic solution is sprayed onto the surface of the base metal after preparing the surface and removing contaminants from it. galvanized sheet price

galvanized sheet price

The electrolyte in this process is a mixture of water and zinc salts or acid and zinc salts. In general, the coating thickness on ferrous metal surfaces is equal to 25 microns, and this production method provides a glossy and uniform surface. Industries such as chicken-proof production, automobile manufacturing, bolts and nuts, colored sheets, and roofing are the main areas of consumption for this sheet. The low thickness of the metal and the need for thin coatings make cold galvanized sheets suitable for these applications. In the article What is the difference between hot-dip galvanized sheet and cold-dip galvanized sheet, you can learn more about the difference between the two methods. Types of galvanized sheet Galvanized sheets can be classified according to various factors, the most important of which include the production method and the shape of these products. Below you will learn about these categories. Types of a galvanized sheet based on the production method As mentioned above, there are two ways to apply a zinc coating to the surface of the plate. Based on this, the galvanized sheet is divided into two types: hot and cold. Hot-dip galvanized plate This type of plate is produced using the hot-dip galvanizing method. In Iran, the dipping method is usually used to make this coating. cold galvanized plate This type of galvanized sheet refers to the sheet produced by the cold galvanizing method. galvanized sheet per ton

galvanized sheet per ton

Galvanized sheet is produced by galvanizing low-gauge steel sheets. Of course, the price of this product is calculated per ton and there are two types of hot (immersion) or cold (electrolytic) methods of galvanizing. Steel products can be galvanized by dipping them in a bath of molten zinc, and their life can be increased by 20 to 30 years. Despite the high damage resistance of steel, which has led to its increasing use in various industries, there are still requirements for galvanizing methods for steel products, most of which are described in both standards, BS EN 10326 and BS EN 10327. Rust, oxidation, and corrosion of these products are the factors that gradually destroy the steel and cause damage. The significance of the galvanizing effect is determined here. Galvanized steel inhibits steel corrosion in two ways. First, by creating an intermediate layer between the humidity of the air and the steel, it prevents oxides from forming and eventually rusting. Second, in some cases, the iron or iron in the steel may be subject to galvanic corrosion. See picture number 1. In this case, zinc metal (Zn) acts as the anode because it is more active than iron in terms of electronegativity, which prevents iron from corroding. The iron acting as a cathode here will not corrode, or it will corrode very, very little. Galvanizing of steel sheets is carried out in continuation of the production of oil-treated steel sheets. The general standards for this operation are ASTM A924 and BS EN ISO 14713. An example of such an operation is carried out in the our Steel Complex. In the cold rolling area of ​​the complex, the product from the cold rolling line is called the coil. These coils are divided into three parts:
  • Original coils shipped directly to customers;
  • Galvanized wire coil;
  • Raw rolls for open cooking units.
Our company seeks to play a key role in the national steel industry and trade, covering all stages of the supply of galvanized sheets and other types of sheets, as well as sharing science related to steel products. galvanized sheet size

galvanized sheet size

Therefore, as mentioned above, a batch of coils from the cold rolling line is immediately sent for galvanizing. This provides the galvanized sheet that craftsmen need to produce a variety of end products. Galvanized iron sheet has a wide range of industrial applications. The appliance manufacturing industry, the automotive industry, the electrical and electronic industry, and construction and industrial buildings are all clear examples of the use of the galvanized sheet. The reason for this widespread use must also be found in the advantages of this sheet. It has the advantages of low maintenance and repair costs, long service life, reduced electroplating production time, and strong welding ability. The price of galvanized sheet varies depending on the quality of the galvanized layer on the steel sheet. In any case, the factories that produce galvanized sheets, the production methods of galvanizing, the amount of galvanizing, and the degree of compliance with galvanizing standards are all factors that affect the quality of galvanized sheets and directly affect the price of galvanized sheets. The appearance of the galvanized sheet is easy to distinguish from the oiled sheet and blackboard. In the process of forming zinc crystals on the surface of the steel, impurities in the zinc melt lead to the formation of a class of defects on the surface of galvanized sheets, called spangles or spangles. In metallurgical terms, these impurities are called flakes. The presence of these shapes on galvanized sheets results in differences in their appearance. Even for products from different manufacturers, the types of these flowers are different, so you can distinguish which manufacturer the galvanized sheet belongs to. The history of galvanized and galvanized sheet For the first time, it has been established by chance that the presence of two elements with different electrical properties in any solution can produce a battery. This phenomenon was discovered in 1780 by Dr. Luigi Galvani (1737-1798). Dr. Galvani was not the inventor, but he noticed this characteristic during his scientific research. Then a famous scientist named Alessandro Volta (1745-1827 AD) completed the study of this property and changed the name "electric current" to that produced by the chemical reaction current. galvanized sheet metal roll

galvanized sheet metal roll

On the other hand, due to extensive research into the oxidation and corrosion states of iron products, methods have been invented to prevent corrosion and rusting of iron products. These methods and the information obtained about the properties of the galvanic couple led the French engineer Sorel (1803-1871) to propose in 1836 the immersion of iron in molten zinc. This softening causes a layer of zinc (Zn) to form on the iron surface. When iron comes into contact with corrosive substances, if it has a layer of zinc, since its electronegativity is different from iron, zinc becomes the anode, the oxidizing agent chooses zinc over iron, and iron does not corrode. Otherwise, its corrosion will be very, very small. In addition to galvanic properties, the formation of a barrier between iron and free air, which actually contains a certain amount of moisture, is another factor that prevents oxidation of the iron surface. How to identify galvanized sheet Many people face challenges when buying galvanized sheet because they cannot recognize its originality. In general, galvanized sheet has a glossy, polished surface and extraordinary transparency. In addition, galvanized sheet covers an area of ​​10 to 275 mm, with a corresponding thickness of 0.18 to 6 mm. Galvanized sheet is divided into three categories: large-flowered galvanized sheet, small-flowered galvanized sheet and non-flowered galvanized sheet, each of which has different uses. Another way to identify galvanized sheet is its smooth surface. Specifications for galvanized sheets Considering the protective effect of the galvanized layer on the steel sheet, the properties of the coating can play a decisive role in the properties of the galvanized sheet as well as the material of the sheet. It is important to note that these items also affect the price of galvanized sheet. First of all, it is best to mention the main properties of the steel plate. Sheet properties such as yield stress, tensile strength, flexibility, hardness and chemical composition. In this connection, we must remember that these properties about oiled sheets also apply to galvanized sheets. Even in terms of size, oiled boards of the same size can be considered. For example, galvanized sheet is available in widths of 1 m and 1.25 m, and its thickness is usually between 0.4 mm and 3 mm. Various styling designs can also be applied to galvanized sheets, the most famous of which is the steel deck.

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