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Bulgarian Rose Oil Price

Essential rose oil of organic Bulgarian rose is steam distilled from the petals of Rosa damascena, and it has a pleasant, pink floral aroma.

Bulgarian Rose Oil

Rose oil, also called Rosa damascena, is an essential oil distilled from many species of rose petals.

Blends of essential oils, nourishing cosmetics, and rosewater solutions all feature rose oil.

Keep in mind that rose oil and rosehip oil are two separate things.

Carrier oils can be extracted from the rosebush fruit to create rosehip seed oil.

The oil from these seeds can be utilized to manufacture essential oils suitable for topical application; the oil is extracted by grinding the seeds.

rose oil

Bulgarian Rose Oil Features

Rose oil could be a wonderful addition to your regular regimen.

Rose oil is potent and offers a variety of benefits when used aromatically, topically, or even in the hair.

Title Description
Known As Rosa Damascena
One Ounce 60,000 Roses Are Needed
Medicinal Value Antiviral, Antibacterial, and Antispasmodic
Bottle Size smaller than 4 ounces

It has been studied extensively for its potential medicinal value as an antiviral, antibacterial, and antispasmodic.

Rose oil is effective in treating eczema, tension, and menstrual cycle problems.

It has the same viscosity as almond oil and is a pale yellow with a greenish tint.

The liquid and solid components are beautifully harmonious, and it has a powerful aroma and acidic balsamic flavor.

rose essential oil

Buy Bulgarian Rose Oil

You can learn to recognize authentic, high-quality essential oils by honing your sense of smell (seriously).

Quality essential oils should come in a dark (typically amber) glass bottle with a tight seal.

However, they are typically smaller than 4 ounces, with the most common size being 1/2 an ounce (15 milliliters).

There should be no ambiguity about the plant's common and Latin names, as both are necessary to properly identify the oil's source.

Additionally, the label should declare that the oil is "100% pure" and include the net contents (including metric measurement).

Labels for 100% pure EOs should feature just that ingredient and a comprehensive breakdown of its chemical make-up.

organic rose oil

Bulgarian Rose Oil Price + Buy and Sell

A tablespoon costs a lot because of the lengthy process required to produce one.

On average, about 60,000 roses are needed to produce just one ounce of rose oil.

Considering roses' already high cost, that's a lot of roses!

The morning of the day they will be used in a dish, flowers are typically collected by hand.

They need to be subjected to a vigorous distillation or solvent extraction procedure after that.

The cost of the rose oil production process is reflected in the final price.

The price of 1 kg is 14511.32 $ but can be reduced by some factors.

If you are interested in more information, please contact us.

bulgarian otto rose oil

The Answer to Two Questions About Rose Oil

1: Is there any information on possible side effects?

To test for an allergic reaction, apply a little amount of diluted rose oil (combined into a carrier oil) to your elbow.

2: What country produces the greatest rose oil?

Bulgaria and Iran have long been known for producing the highest grade rose essential oil in the world.

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