1. Special Podcast for Newcomers
How to leverage the presence of ambassadors from foreign countries who visit Arad Branding to achieve wealth for ourselves.
2. Special Article for Newcomers
3. Time Management and the Challenges of Time Shortages in Business
⏱️ 60 minutes
4. Ugandan Ambassador at Arad Branding
⏱️ 1 minute
5. Portuguese Representative at Arad Branding's Supply Factories
⏱️ 1 minute
6. Senegal Representative with Aradi Traders
⏱️ 6 minutes
7. Who Is Happier Than Us in the World?
Someone unfamiliar with us Aradis might see this title and assume the author is experiencing some sort of illusion or exaggerated imagination.
However, today I will present two facts that I hope people of understanding will carefully observe and affirm.
Fact One: "The Hand of Allaah is with the united group."
This is a saying of the Prophet Muhammad, upon which both Shia and Sunni scholars unanimously agree.
Al-Tirmidhi, one of the prominent scholars of Sunni tradition, narrates from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet Muhammad said: "The Hand of Allaah is with the united group."
In modern sciences, this concept is known as synergy.
Wikipedia explains synergy as: "The creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its individual parts."
Read more: Synergy on Wikipedia
Synergy states that if we combine ten separate factors, the result will be something like N. However, if these ten factors are united, the result will be something like M, where M will undoubtedly be greater than N. Moreover, the more unity and integration among these factors, the more M multiplies compared to N.
For example, in religious contexts, we see this in congregational prayer: the reward for two people praying together in a congregation is mentioned as being 25 times greater than praying individually, and in some narrations, it is stated as 27 times or more. If the number increases to three or more participants, the mentioned reward also increases accordingly.
This principle has been conveyed so frequently that it is beyond dispute. You may have experienced how group travel is far more enjoyable than traveling alone.
Similarly, when you want to engage in a sport, doing it alone can feel tiresome, whereas doing it with one or more companions becomes delightful.
It is also commonly said that having a companion to talk to during a journey makes the length of the road feel shorter.
This is Fact One.
Fact Two is the word of God, where He says:
"O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will." Surah An-Nisa, Verse 29
How else can God emphasize, "O believers who desire to acquire abundant wealth"?
Firstly: Money is in the hands of people.
Secondly: If you want to acquire a significant amount of money, do nothing except engage in trade.
Now, let us place Fact One and Fact Two side by side.
First, we are conducting business in a country where trade is less familiar than centrifuges.
In other words, words that have no meaningful place in Persian literature are more recognizable to people than the concept of trade.
This is the reality of the country where we operate.
Second, this issue is not exclusive to Iran. Travel the entire world, and I say this with absolute certainty based on my extensive journeys to various Eastern and Western countries: in none of these places do business enterprises even tolerate one another.
In chambers of commerce across the globe, businesspeople sit beside one another, yet their mutual hostility and resentment are palpable.
They might attend each other's funerals, feigning sorrow for the deceased, but internally they are filled with joy at the prospect of inheriting the late trader's market share.
They are a living embodiment of God's words:
"Thou wouldst think they were united, but their hearts are divided." Surah Al-Hashr, Verse 14
But in contrast, we, the Aradis, are so thrilled to see each other's success and achievements that a stranger passing by might think it is our own success.
I testify to this on behalf of all of you, esteemed ones.
Now, in the midst of this, the presence of a few ungrateful and ignorant individuals who have no sense of friendship or the principles of co-existence, and who forget that I have been the class leader of Arad's lessons for years, while they side with someone they don't even know and whose name is covered with red polish, does not diminish the purity of this vast ocean of solidarity and unity.
Even though I said yesterday, "Dear friends, this is a lesson," they misunderstood and thought I had a grudge against that person, while in fact, I was preparing my educational material precisely for such people with the qualities of a fly. I was searching for an example, and I found him. If it hadn't been him, I would have found someone else.
And I told myself, today I will write 'let's not be like flies,' and surely several other fly-like people will join their fly-like friend and tomorrow I will swat them in the post, so that the wise may take a lesson. Dear ones, when your father, brother, friend, cousin, or anyone related to you finds themselves in a dispute, do you search for right and wrong, or do you immediately take your acquaintance's side?
If someone strikes your father, do you first investigate what is right and what is wrong, or do you rush to support him?
Blessed be your honor.
You consider yourself an Aradi, and I am an Arad writer.
The other party was someone you didn't even know, and they hadn't done any good for you, while I was the one who, according to your words, had done countless good for you.
Is it honorable to leave me alone in a dispute, no matter the reason, and, with logic and reason, give your support to an unknown person whose name you don't even know?
The first principle of honor is that, if I get into a dispute with someone, even if it’s for an unjust reason, you stand by me.
Praise be to God, this is what happened yesterday. Only less than ten dishonorable people who have never experienced true friendship showed otherwise. The majority of Aradis proved that they stand like a mountain behind one another.
It is narrated from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that he said: "There is no goodness in someone who doesn't understand loyalty and friendship."
Let us return to our discussion.
This level of unity, this level of empathy, this level of joy in each other's success—especially in trade, which is extremely prone to discord—has no precedent anywhere in the world.
Therefore, based on Fact One, where God's hand is with the group, and Fact Two, where God recommends trade to acquire wealth, there is no one like us Aradis on Earth.
So the writer hasn't been delusional, but rather it is the grace of the Creator upon us that He has brought us together so beautifully with His supreme wisdom. To the point that I have read in your comments many times that every time you attended one of Arad's events, you felt such a sense of connection, as if you were closer to these gatherings than to your own family ceremonies, weddings, and mourning events.
And I believe all of this has only one reason:
The Quran and the Ahlul Bayt have made all of us beautiful in this way.
The name of God, and the remembrance of the Quran, the Prophet, and His family, are prominent in the respectful leadership's rhetoric and in all the senior managers' meetings.
Every night that I attend a senior management meeting, I make sure that at least one sentence mentions the name of the Prophet and His family.
You may leave Arad and associate with other commercial companies.
After a year of being with them, you will not hear the name of the Prophet even once.
Having spent years with them, I say this decisively, and may God curse those from among them who, if they occasionally mention the Prophet and His family, do so in mockery and sarcasm.
Therefore, we take pride in our unity and collective presence, especially in business, which is the tradition of God's Prophet and the recommendation of the Quran.
Do not let Satan separate you from the Arad community with some worn-out excuse.
Be very careful.
8. Two Important Principles
A question arises in the minds of some: Is it forbidden for builders and carpenters, who take money from people, because God has said only trade is permissible?
No, it is not forbidden.
Then why did God say, "Do not consume the wealth among you unjustly, unless you engage in trade"?
In Arabic literature, the small amount of money earned by builders, carpenters, and other professions is not referred to as "consuming wealth".
It is described as "earning wealth" or "making a living" (Kassb al-Mal).
When the Quran speaks about "consuming wealth," it refers to "consuming large amounts of wealth".
Just as in Persian, when a child picks up a toy, we do not say, "Do not eat the toys".
However, if the child tries to take many toys, we might say, "Do you plan to eat all these?"
God does not say that there is no way to earn money except through trade.
Rather, He says there is no way to consume wealth except through trade.
Thus, we understand that consuming wealth is fundamentally different from earning wealth.
Consuming wealth refers to acquiring a large amount of wealth.
According to this verse, God has declared all paths that lead to the accumulation of large sums of wealth as invalid.
This is worth noting for those involved in the stock market and cryptocurrencies, who, by the way, often call themselves traders to avoid religious issues.
The only path that God allows to consume wealth among yourselves, meaning you can acquire it in large quantities, is through trade, and nothing else.
And to the frustration of those who ask, "Why does Arad give so much encouragement to the Aradi people?"
Well, what should we do when God has mentioned our profession in His book, but not yours?
If instead of trade, God had written "employee" or "worker", you would have been vocal, and we would have been silent. But now the Creator has spoken in our favor and given special attention to traders in His book.
Let the one who cannot see, remain blind! 😂
If you want to be specially favored by the Creator, come and become a trader as well.
Do you not like us Aradis?
That's your problem, not ours.
We are very happy together.
I heard that the Tehran Chamber of Commerce held an online meeting, which they had informed all chambers of commerce about a month in advance, printed banners and flyers, and sent multiple text messages about the event on a specific day and time. Do you think how many people showed up?
According to the statistics I received from friends, the highest attendance was 120 people.
I swear, if Arad sent a text at 4 AM saying that a meeting would be at 4:10, at least twice that number would show up.
I write these words, thinking to myself how amazing you Aradis are.
You wouldn't believe how much joy it brings me.
So, the first principle is that God has declared all paths to acquiring great wealth, except for trade, as invalid. And this is not our word, but the word of the Quran: Surah An-Nisa, verse 29.
But the second principle is, what should we seek in trade?
This topic of satisfaction will remain for now, and God willing, if I have more time, I will explain it in detail for you to enjoy.
Again, I thank you for supporting me so strongly in yesterday's comments.
It really warmed my heart, although God knows that my goal was to teach a lesson, and I held no grudge against that person, as I neither know them nor have they been an Aradi trader. They were merely a passerby who, by coincidence, became a good example for what I was looking for regarding not being like a fly.
Since I saw the opportunity was ripe and they had fallen into the trap, I seized it. Strike while the iron is hot.
That's all. 🤣🤣🤣