اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

People have been distressed by poverty, yet they seek things unrelated to money.

In celebration of Yalda night, we've shared news that may be bitter, but by accepting it, we ensure lasting joy.

Happy Yalda in advance.

Yesterday, Etemad newspaper published a report on Iranians' most searched topics on Google, accompanied by an image reflecting those searches.


What are people searching for?

Google's top search results reveal that Iranians are looking for anything but money and ways to treat poverty.

Searches for treating a cough, pursuing justice shares, and learning about air pollution indicate that, when in pain, they turn to the internet and Google for solutions.

However, the question arises: Why don't they search for solutions to poverty?

The simplest answer: they don't believe poverty can be treated.

They've lost hope of becoming wealthy.

They lack motivation to escape poverty, and await miracles from officials instead of taking action themselves.


What is the reason for other searches?

If a foreigner sees the searches of Iranian people, at first glance, he will say to himself, what a sad and painless people.

They follow Yalda night and follow artists and music people.

Their situation is so good that their only concern is to have fun.

If you look at the end of the picture, you will see that in addition to what is shown in the pictures, words such as download movies, photos, games, songs, and horoscopes all suggest to a foreigner that we have so much that our money goes up the oar and search We are talking about pleasures and pastimes.

The foreigner does not know that these searches are not pleasant.

It is from poverty.

Look at our Iranian people's entertainment.

All these are free and cheap entertainment.

No expensive entertainment is among our pleasures.

And we return to the first analysis.

People who have no hope of getting rich and don't know any way.

If someone says there is a way, they have failed so much that they cannot believe it and say it is a lie.

It is like someone who is under the punches and kicks of the times and has no time left to strike and is lying there accepting the blows.

Like the words of that sage who said: When problems attack you from all sides and you can't do anything else, sit in a corner and smile at the problems.

Or similar to the poem of that poet who said: My bitter laughter is sadder than crying.


People are addicted.

This is the situation of Iranian people today.

Because their hopes for growth, excellence and success have reached zero, they no longer have the energy to try and have occupied themselves with cheap and convenient entertainment so that they might forget the pain of failure.

Like someone who becomes addicted.

Most addicts fall into addiction due to pain and mental stress.

When he sees that he cannot relieve their pain, he turns to drugs such as glass and hashish to take him to space and change his phase to forget.

Today's searches of our people and their fun behavior are also of this type of addiction.

Because they can't and don't believe that they can achieve wealth, they have addicted themselves to low-level pleasures so that they don't remember high-level lives.


How some people...

Unfortunately, somewhere after the publication of this photo, a media attributed to one of the officials wrote:

You can see that the Iranian people are in a good mood that they are doing such searches, and all the talk about poverty and poverty in Iran is a conspiracy of the enemy and creating an atmosphere.

This article is an answer for those officials who are either really asleep or have put themselves to sleep.

And as for branding, we have cut off our hope from everyone and everything, except for God and the talent that God has placed within us, and we want to follow the order of the Supreme Leader, to make the people's economy active and dynamic in order to be a relief to Iran is in a bad state these days.


A word to the people of the world

And because this text is translated into different languages, everyone everywhere in the world feels that they have a situation similar to ours and a will is formed inside them to change and change and join us.

At Arad Branding, we are determined with our businesses that each one of us can create a job and provide a living for at least ten families.

For our part, we will remove poverty from the people of our country and return their lost hopes to them, God willing.

Yalda night is the longest night of the year, which dates to December 21.

This night, we Iranians are engaged in socializing and having a good time with each other.

Tonight is a blessed and happy night for us and after that we will share these joys with others on virtual networks.

We welcome you in advance to share our happiness.

happy Yalda.

Comments (42 Comments)

Venus Falahati

One of the reasons people do these searches on Google is aimlessness. People search for whatever they last heard. For example, the celebrities who are in this search either died recently or news about them has been published these days.



Morteza Hosseini

Many individuals prioritize factors beyond monetary gain, such as work-life balance, job satisfaction, and personal fulfillment. While financial stability is essential.



mostafa Cheldavi

Hello and have a good time!
When a person is involved in a thought, whether positive or negative, that thought follows him and this can be a sign of strength or weakness. According to the mentioned text, we follow a series that we only know as much as we have wasted our time, time is gold.



Mahdi Alavi

I think that's because people don't have a clear goal in their lives, if you have a certain goal surely you will try and do your best to achieve it and try to stay focused until get it done, that's not what I see in most people and they are distracted.



jalal rezaei

Many people seek jobs with higher pay to achieve greater financial stability. This includes the ability to cover living expenses, save for the future, and enjoy a certain standard of living.



Alireza Sharifi

It is a painful fact that people don't search for their important needs and concerns. Unfortunately, some people still justify poverty and don't try to solve this problem. Even some people say this is the will of God and we should be patient and accept the will of God. This kind of belief is wrong and not justifiable. The God wants Human beings to try hard. The holy Quran says: There is nothing for humans, except their trying.



Hani Rostami

Some possible reasons for the lack of attention towards business, income generation, and wealth creation among some people in Iran include economic pressures, cultural attitudes, limited awareness, low risk tolerance, and a lack of resources and support.



Fatemeh Faraji

we will remove poverty from the people of Iran and all over the world , we want it and we will do it.



M. Amir Eftekhari

Getting our priorities right is what matters the most when it comes to professional and daily routines. And the bottom line is that we give priority to our business over other professions and deeply immerse in that.



hadiseh motlagh

Everyone who wants more money, they have to work harder. they must choose a goal for themselves and go to the end of the path to succeed.




Searching for nonsense stuff can offer a form of escapism from the pressures and stresses of daily life. Engaging in mindless content can provide a temporary break from the pursuit of financial success, allowing individuals to relax and unwind. In a world where money often equates to responsibility and hard work, seeking nonsensical content can be a way to detach from these expectations momentarily



Amene Abbasi

Our concerns make our thoughts and ways. How we think about situations and how we react to them depends on our understanding and perspective. The more shallow we are, the less concerned we appear toward serious situations.



Fatemeh Afrad

Hope we will enjoy all the times from our life. This night as Yalda all Iranian are happy , we are really glad to see all of them happy from being rich and not having any financial problem.



Marzieh Olamaei

This news that came to the top of Iranian people's searches in Azermah may have been enjoyable for them, but with a little attention they can understand that it has no role in their lives and can even have a more negative impact on their lives.
But thank God, compared to previous years, many people are going to buy, sell and trade, in short, anything that has money.
It is true that now many people may have chip concerns, but with time and with enlightenment, we can make them understand that they are going the wrong way and we can turn them to the right path.



Marzieh Olamaei

It's really sad to see these searches, it shows how careless people are and how low their level of thinking is. Google is a tool to raise awareness on the path of growth and progress. Even today, it is a convenient tool and makes money, but How is it used?



Rahele Nateqi

most of people are stuck in a loop, some of them are looking for easy ways to get rich which lead to more misery. because to get rich at first, you must get rid of your past experiences about how to be one.




Money makes a person able to solve many of his problems and these problems may even appear to be unrelated to money.



Ahmad Ashkian

Hope can be strongest tool for any human. We need hope to live, to love and to make our life better.



Alireza Rohanii

I wish all people know that the way out of poverty is trade and export
Definitely, if people did not involve themselves so much in things that have no role in their life and financial situation, we would have a much better economic situation.



Mahdi Rezaei

The desire for a better work-life balance is a significant factor. People often prioritize jobs that offer flexibility and allow them to spend more time with family, pursue personal interests, or maintain a healthier lifestyle.



Muhammad Fazeli

The sucessful businessmen never ever follow theses useless trends, they focuse on how to make more money and gain data from different markets




People all over the world seem to take refuge overly in entertainment. Of course, some entertainment is informative as well as uplifting, but a lot of us seek no further than empty jokes or platitudes.



Sharife Nateghi

In order for a community to make changes and also progress, first of all, the people's attitude and mindset should change. If you can't change people's attitude towards the economical problems, they won't make any efforts to make it better.



R Rezai

the minds of people are controlled by social media and unfortunately, the values have changed right now. this shows the importance of reconsideration of the values dominating society and authorities most pay attention to this issue.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

Surely, a day will come when we will end this miserable situation by raising awareness, economic literacy and overcoming poverty. With hope in God




poverty is “enabled,” most people, regardless of their disadvantage, manage to escape poverty. So, bad choices and bad luck are not
destiny. Enablement effectively reduces the cost of bad choices and makes
them more likely. Bad choices can be enabled by ineffective and counterproductive policy. For example, the existing welfare system, undoubtedly
developed with good intentions to help the poor, turns out to be the key
enabler of poverty. In practice, a system that has no employment strategy
for clients, has no requirements of them, and expects nothing from them,
is simply unhelpful. It slowly traps some people, especially those with low
self-esteem and little confidence, into a child-like state of dependency and
permanent low income. y ,comes straight from



Azin Fakhr

That is exactly what keeps people away from the correct path. They have a goal but they are not focused on the path to get to this aim. They constantly get disturbed mostly by bad news or terrible role models.



Seyyed Mojtaba

surely people lose their hope and are going to satisfy their feeling by entertainment which doesn't have any profit for them
we offer people to use their time and relation in a way that build the profit for them



Mehdi Saadatmand

People are searching for a wide range of information that aligns with their daily needs, interests, and current issues. This includes staying informed about the latest news and events, accessing health and medical advice, keeping up with technological advancements, finding educational resources and skill-building opportunities, seeking entertainment content such as movies and music, exploring economic trends and financial advice, delving into cultural topics such as art and literature, and obtaining career and celebrity-related information. In essence, people are using search engines to discover content that enhances their personal and professional lives, addressing their questions and everyday requirements.



Zahra Alavi

It is all about the mindset. you should change your mindset to be able to change your life.



mehdi lotfi

Social media addiction is a behavioral addiction that is defined by being overly concerned about social media, driven by an uncontrollable urge to log on to or use social media, and devoting so much time and effort to social media that it impairs other important life areas.



Mahya Soleimaniun

Unfortunately, people's lives are surrounded by worthless news. Sometimes I wonder how people have so much free time.. how are they so much in the news of celebrities. Now that they have free time, my next question is, is this news interesting to them? We are surrounded by so much busyness and trouble that we need more thought and time to manage it.. but it seems that people don't have a plan for this.




We will not get rich by just waiting for the universe to make us businessmen. As much as we endure hardship, we will be rewarded with wealth. So least we can do is to look for the ways to get rich.



Reza Karimi

Hello and greetings,

Unfortunately, when a solution to a problem is not found, many have the habit of doing a series of useless things to pass their time. A major part of it is to search the news and events of the day, which, since most of them are negative, unfortunately, they do not bring anything to their viewers except frustration and discomfort. They seem to have accepted that this is the condition that exists and cannot be changed. Change hurts and many do not accept it. Successful people were people who experienced the hardships of change, but by steadfastly walking in their right path, they achieved success and were recognized.
I hope one day people will come to believe that change depends only on them, not on the circumstances and people around them.

Good luck



Mohamamd noosavi

Social media is filled with irrelevant and harmful content for people's progress. In my opinion, the method is not the answer, but you should delete your cell phones from their existence. Because they really control us involuntarily



Fatima Radmanesh

It's a shame that people are mostly confused with irrelevant subjects rather than focusing on improving their lives, how to make it better, to make more out of their potentials.
I hope we come to this realization that we are the only one who can rescue us.
In this case, we won't waste our time and enery anymore.



Javad, Gh.


all readers you have a good Yalda night with their families.

let's try to cure the poverty and lack of money of our people and even ourselves and learn the way to get rich and earn money. Let's start our business so that we will be remembered as Iranian businessmen in the future.

In order to get rich, you have to change your thinking and everything is achieved with the mind of a person, and you can never achieve wealth and blessings until you focus on business.



Zahra Rezaei

Certainly. The negative aspect of humans is that if they find themselves in difficult situations and their surroundings are also affected, they may not make an effort to escape those terrible conditions. Their argument is that the situation is beyond their control, and since others are in the same circumstances, there is no need to strive for change or improvement. This reasoning not only fails to help solve the issue but also worsens the conditions. Many significant events and revolutions in the world began with small, consistent steps and gradually took shape despite existing challenges, ultimately achieving the desired collective outcome. The current situation also needs to be addressed gradually, with the efforts and interventions of individuals. The most crucial challenge is how to motivate individuals to move away from idleness, implement effective ideas, and steer towards meaningful actions and wealth creation.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

Social network addiction is really a serious mental illness. It can have negative influences on people, it can make them lazy and distract them from important matters in their life.



Marzieh olamaei

These days we should be more careful about what we search and what we want to follow. Because this is the way that your life will change...choose the most valuable and precious things in your life.



Saeed Akbarpour

I think that in the virtual space, we should look for a topic that will useful for our future, it doesn't matter which singer is where, or what an artist is doing, time should not be wasted.



Mohammad Sadeqi

Although people everywhere are struggling with financial problems and they really don't know how to get rid of these problems, they are mostly obsessed with transient joy pleasures that have no outcome for them.



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