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Black Turmeric per kg (Cassia) Perennial Herb Dark Purplish Black Color

Black turmeric per Kg may be the perfect solution for you, It is an ancient medicinal herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Black Turmeric per kg

Black turmeric per Kg is a rare and exotic type of turmeric that is native to India and parts of Southeast Asia.

It has a distinctive dark purplish-black color and an earthy, aromatic flavor.

It is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its healing and restorative properties and is believed to be effective in treating a variety of ailments.

Black turmeric is also used in various dishes and drinks for its flavor, color, and health benefits.

It is high in antioxidants, which are believed to help protect the body from the effects of aging, and it is also believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.

black turmeric magic

Black Turmeric per kg Features

Black turmeric per kilogram, also known as cassia, is a perennial herb that is native to India.

The plant has a black or brownish-black root and produces white flowers.

Title Description
Color Dark purplish-black
Advantages Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial, and Anti-fungal
Another name Cassia
Health Benefits Treatment of Digestive Disorders, Respiratory Problems and Fever

The rhizomes (underground stems) of black turmeric are used in traditional Indian medicine.

Black turmeric is said to have a number of health benefits, including the treatment of digestive disorders, respiratory problems, and fever.

It is also used as a pain reliever and to improve the complexion.

While black turmeric is considered safe for most people, some may experience side effects such as stomach upset, constipation, or diarrhea.

Complications can arise if you have a medical condition or are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications.

These may make black turmeric intake dangerous and so please consult with your healthcare provider before taking black turmeric.

black turmeric seeds

Buy Black Turmeric per kg

Before buying black turmeric per Kg, it is important to check the source and quality of the turmeric, as well as the packaging it is kept in, to ensure that the turmeric is pure and of the highest quality.

Additionally, it is important to read reviews and ask for recommendations to get an idea of the quality of the turmeric before purchasing.

It is important to factor in the cost of shipping and any other fees that may be associated with the purchase.

Finally, it is important to buy from a trusted source to ensure that you are buying genuine black turmeric.

black turmeric powder

Black Turmeric Price per kg + Buy and Sell

The price of black turmeric per Kg can fluctuate depending on the season and market demand.

Prices tend to be higher in the winter months when demand is higher, and lower in the summer months when demand is lower.

Additionally, prices may also be affected by factors such as weather conditions, political instability, crop yields, and other economic factors.

It is important to keep an eye on the market to ensure that you are getting the best price for your black turmeric.

The price of black turmeric per kilogram can vary depending on the source and quality of the turmeric, as well as the quantity purchased.

Generally, high-quality black turmeric costs between $90 to $150 per kilogram, though discounts and sales may be available depending on the time of year and the retailer.

Considering the given information, you can buy one kilo of black turmeric in bulk.

For this purpose, contact our sales expert.

black turmeric benefits

The Answer to Two Questions About Black Turmeric 

1: What benefits does black turmeric offer?

Black turmeric paste can soothe painful joints. Black turmeric's antioxidant and anti-fungal properties fight inflammation and infections.

2: How quickly does black turmeric take effect?

approximately 4-8 weeks

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Comments (1 Comments)


Turmeric should be so healthy and standard and not harm human health and its quality is very important to be good.

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