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Black Cumin in Pakistan; Antioxidants Protein Fiber Iron Source Body Health Promoter

Black cumin in Pakistan is used as a spice and anti-bloating.

Black cumin is a unique plant that has been used in cooking for a long time.

Black Cumin in Pakistan

Black cumin is a plant that has interesting legends from ancient times.

For example, superstitions believed that black cumin had the power to prevent any item containing the plant from being stolen.

They also believed that black cumin makes lovers lose their love!

But today it has been proven that the black cumin plant has healing power and its oil, fruit, and seeds can be used as medicine.

The black cumin plant has finely cut leaves and panicles containing small white flowers.

Its fruit or seed is light to dark brown, crescent-shaped, about 5 mm long, and has five longitudinal ridges on its back.

black cumin in hindi

Black Cumin Features in Pakistan

The black cumin plant is native to Europe and Western Asia and has been cultivated since ancient times.

The warm, slightly bitter, and earthy taste of black cumin is similar to licorice, coriander, and fennel.

Title Description
Source of Antioxidants 
Minerlas Calories Protein Fiber Zinc Iron
Color Dark Brown
Advantges Promote Body Health

The black cumin plant has a hollow and grooved stem that is placed in an erect form from the base.

The fruit of this plant has a yellowish-brown color.

Black cumin contains a wide range of essential nutrients.

One tablespoon (6.7 grams) of black cumin contains the following ingredients:

Calories: 22

Protein: 1.3 grams

Fat: 0.9 grams

Carbohydrates: 3.34 grams

Fiber: 2.6 grams

Copper: 6.7% of the daily nutritional value (Daily Value-DV)

Iron: 6.1% for women

Magnesium: 5.4% of the DV

Manganese: 4.8% for women

Calcium: 3.6% of the DV

Zinc: 4.6% for women

In addition, the black cumin plant is a rich source of antioxidants including limonene to promote body health.

black cumin seeds in telugu

Buy Black Cumin in Pakistan

When you want to buy black cumin in Pakistan, you should pay attention to the appearance and quality characteristics of cumin seeds.

One of the important points when buying black cumin is that it is coarse and clean.

If you suspect black cumin, you can cut the black cumin seed in half.

In this case, you should not smell cumin; Because black cumin in its raw state does not have much smell.

When black cumin is used in food and drink, its aroma spreads, but green cumin in its raw state also has a lot of aromas.

So, when buying black cumin, make sure it is pure and buy the product from reputable black cumin sales centers.

black cumin seeds in marathi

Black Cumin Price in Pakistan + Buy and Sell

Now that we are familiar with black cumin and its properties and characteristics, we should know that the price of black cumin in Pakistan depends on many factors.

The higher the number of black cumin impurities, the lower the quality and the lower the price.

Black cumin is of higher quality and price, as it is free of stones, wood, and dirt, larger, thicker, cleaner, healthier, and has more aroma and smell.

If you decide to buy black cumin, the price per kilo of black cumin is influenced by factors like:

The purity of the product, the amount of processing done on the product, the freshness of black cumin, the exchange rate; and the openness of the borders are determined.

According to these cases, the price of black cumin in Pakistan is between $1,700 and $2,900.

If you want to buy high-quality black cumin, contact our colleagues.

black cumin seeds in tamil

The Answer to Two Questions About Black Cumin 

1: What are the properties of black cumin?

Black cumin seed lowers total and LDL cholesterol, inflammation, blood pressure, and plaque formation.

2: How much black cumin seed should I take?

In studies, subjects take capsules of nigella sativa seed extract or oil. 1–3 grams daily is typical.

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