In the construction industry, bituminous paints are specialized paints that are used for a variety of applications, including waterproofing, corrosion resistance, and moisture proofing for various structural elements. Bituminous paint is also used as a concrete foundation. Bitumen or coal tar is dissolved in mineral spirit or naphtha to make it, and then it is applied to the surface of the structure either in liquid or semi-liquid form. Substrates, iron, steel, metal structures, castings, fiber cement sheeting, and concrete structural surfaces are all painted with bituminous paint. Bituminous paint is also used to coat ferrous and nonferrous metals, as well as other building materials exposed to aquatic environments. It is also a versatile coating alternative that can be used both below and above ground. The following are some of the important characteristics of bituminous paints:
- The durability and adaptability of bituminous paints can be improved through the addition of polyurethane or acrylic polymer materials during the manufacturing process.
- Bituminous paints are alkaline-resistant.
- Since bituminous paints have strong adhesive properties, they are ideally suited to fulfill the role of an effective barrier against the passage of air and moisture.
- The bituminous paint is hard, waterproof, and long-lasting, and it is resistant to the harsh chemicals used in manufacturing as well as ultraviolet light.
- Rust can be prevented on the surfaces by applying bituminous paint.
- The amount of coverage that can be expected from one liter of bituminous paint is directly proportional to the porosity of the surface it will be applied.
- On metal and smooth surfaces, you can expect to get 10 square meters of coverage from one liter of bituminous paint.
- You can use either a brush or a sprayer to apply bituminous paint, as it is a ready-to-use product that does not need to be thinned before use.
- They have a low cost, a quick drying time, and are simple to work with.
bitumen paint price
bituminous paint advantages and disadvantages
Due to the weatherproofing, corrosion resistance, and adhesive properties that bitumen paint possesses, it is well suited for a wide variety of applications. Although it has some advantages and disadvantages besides its beneficial properties. The most common application for this material is as a protective coating for buildings, structures, and items made out of iron, steel, concrete, masonry, and wood. It has a reputation for being a cost-effective choice and has applications both above and below the surface of water or on land. Some advantages of bituminous paints are:
- It is an economical choice because, on average, it costs less than many other coatings that offer the same level of protection against the elements.
- Compatible with the application on a variety of surface types, ranging from iron and steel to concrete and masonry, and even wood.
- Anti-corrosive
- Weatherproof
- Odor-free
- Rapidly evaporating
- Strong adhesion-promoting properties
- Durable
To mention some of the disadvantages it can be said that:
- There are some circumstances and difficulties in which it is not the most appealing choice.
- Additionally, the only color that is typically offered for it is black. Although some manufacturers offer bitumen paint in green or in a variety of shades, the colors are typically on the darker side.
- When applied in extremely cold conditions, bitumen paint can be difficult to work with.
- Due to the fact that it will bleed through certain top coats, you are restricted in what you use it to overcoat.
- Even though it is reasonably heat and UV stable in general, the product's lifespan may be shortened in countries where the weather is extremely hot and sunny.
what is bitumen paint used for
The distillation of crude oil under natural conditions produces the thick, sticky substance known as bitumen. Bitumen is a distillate of petroleum that is utilized in the roofing and road surfacing industries. Bitumen can also be used to create another material known as bitumen paint. Bitumen paint is an inexpensive, long-lasting, and flexible material that can be used for a variety of applications. Additionally, it protects metal surfaces from rusting. Because it is resistant to water, UV light, and harsh chemicals, bitumen is often used as a paint because it is both practical and inexpensive. Surfaces can be made waterproof, weatherproof, and corrosion-resistant by painting them with bitumen. Its strong adhesive properties allow it to protect a variety of materials, including iron, wood, steel, concrete, and brick. The application of bitumen paint is common in roofing, particularly for flat roofs. Felt and industrial roofs are both common applications for this product. A primary roof coating can be applied with it, and it can also be used to quickly patch or seal cracks in the roof. Bitumen paint is typically used to waterproof roofs as well as foundations. After it has had time to dry, it has no smell and is resistant to contamination. Even in water storage tanks that don't hold potable water, it's used. Bitumen paint has the ability to seal pores in porous wood. Additionally, it is able to safeguard engineered and sterling boards. Bitumen paint waterproofs wooden plyboards. It is not capable of preventing leaks on the surface. When combined with a roofing compound, bitumen paint can help in the process of sealing surface cracks. Because of how quickly it dries, it is widely used in regions with high humidity or rainfall, use a product that already contains bitumen if you need to paint over bitumen paint. It's possible for other paints to seep through the bitumen underneath.
bitumen paint for waterproofing
Waterproofing material is required to increase the life span of rigid structures and protect them against moisture ingress, as well as to reduce the likelihood of dampness and mold occurrence inside the house. Bitumen waterproofing is the most common, simple, and low-cost method. Bitumen is waterproof and, more importantly, totally immune to the damaging effects of moisture. Not only is the low cost of the materials important, but so is the ease of use: for example, no special equipment or specialized qualifications are required for bitumen-based foundation waterproofing. This significantly reduces labor and associated costs. The following are the primary benefits of waterproofing with a bitumen mixture: inexpensive material; ease of performance; high mechanical resistance; ability to support complex surfaces The main disadvantages of bitumen coating are its unsightly look and the fact that its "flows" in the sun, as well as the difficulty of applying it to other materials like plaster or paint. However, the above-ground portion of the foundation can be insulated with polystyrene foam, and it is now simple to putty or plaster. Given that the method described is thus simple to apply even without basic knowledge and skills, it is a dependable and time-tested method of waterproofing that has been used for a century and continues to be used today. Rubberized bitumen is one of the enhanced forms of bitumen. The mastic that is ready for use contains bitumen and volatile compounds. Application with numerous layers It safeguards pipes and other technical structures.
Bitumen makes the roof and foundation waterproof. The material is composed of non-decaying polyester, crystal fabric, and glass fiber. Both sides are coated with a mixture of bitumen and plasticizer and are applied by various methods. This material is elastic and resistant to cracking.
bitumen paint for steel
Bitumen paint’s properties make it resistant to corrosion and weather and qualities that make it adhesive. As a consequence of its unique and distinguished properties and qualities, it is suitable for a diverse range of applications. The most common application for this material is as a protective coating for buildings, structures, and items made out of iron, steel, concrete, masonry, and wood. This is the most common use for this material. This is the application that is used for this material the vast majority of the time. It is well-known for being an option that is cost-effective and has applications both above and below the surface of water or on land, which means that it can be utilized in a variety of settings due to its versatility. There are numerous uses for bitumen paints, including those listed below. In addition to being suitable for use on concrete, wood, and masonry, this paint can also be applied to ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Common applications include metal gutters, fire escapes, stairways, ladders, railings, and fencing. Bitumen paints are frequently applied to the hulls of boats within the maritime industry. Given its widespread use as a protective covering against the elements for flat roofs, felt roofs, and industrial roofs, it is understandable that the majority of individuals associate bitumen with roofing.
It is ideal for this purpose because it dries quickly, which is a significant benefit in the United Kingdom, where the weather can rapidly change from warm to wet. In addition, bitumen is used in roofing compounds for making quick repairs, mastic for sealing, and roofing felt adhesive. On occasion, bitumen is still employed for the purpose of waterproofing below-ground brickwork and concrete foundations. Because it emits no odor and is impervious to contaminant attack, the coating is also suitable for use in water tanks (but not for drinking water) and other similar applications.
bitumen paint colours
Bitumen is a naturally occurring substance that has a color that is described as black. However, when it is processed to create colors based on bitumen, manufacturers are able to create a variety of hues from this material, albeit in a restricted palette. Bitumen paint is a paint that is resistant to the elements and flexible, and it can be utilized on outdoor wood and metal, in addition to barns and sheds. These two components work together to give the paint its waterproofing properties. It is possible to use it directly, but for optimal results, it should be used in conjunction with particular primers and undercoats manufactured by Palatine. This substance is used to coat surfaces that are made of bitumen and are applied with a brush. The application of a decorative coating to surfaces not only shields those surfaces from the potentially destructive effects of heat and ultraviolet light but also extends the lifespan of roofing materials that are based on bitumen. The surface is highly flexible, resistant to heat, and reflective of the sun's rays; in addition, its resistance to the effects of weathering and its durability are both exceptional. Roof structures, storage tanks, storage areas, and even residential roofs are all potential places to put solar panels.
In the warmer months, it acts as an insulator, while in the colder months, it reflects heat back into the room. You can get in touch with us by filling out the inquiry form that is located at the top of the page if you have any questions regarding the various kinds of bituminous products, the applications for those products, as well as the specifications of those products. Our knowledgeable and helpful sales representatives will get back to you and assist you in getting all of your questions answered.