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Bio Fertilizers Manufacturers and Suppliers in India

India, being an agricultural powerhouse, has a high demand for organic and sustainable farming practices.

As a result, the market for bio fertilizers has witnessed significant growth in recent years.

Bio fertilizers, also known as microbial fertilizers, are organic substances that contain live microorganisms, which enhance nutrient availability and improve soil fertility.


Selecting reliable sources for bio fertilizer supply in India

With the increasing awareness about the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers, farmers in India are turning to bio fertilizers as a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative.

This has led to a surge in the number of bio fertilizers manufacturers and suppliers in the country.

Here, we highlight some of the prominent bio fertilizer manufacturers and suppliers in India:

1. National Fertilizers Limited (NFL): NFL is a leading bio fertilizer manufacturer in India.

They produce a wide range of bio fertilizers, including nitrogen-fixing bio fertilizers like Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and phosphate solubilizing bio fertilizers like Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB).

NFL has a strong distribution network across the country, making their products easily accessible to farmers.

2. Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals (GSFC): GSFC is another major bio fertilizer manufacturer in India.

They offer a variety of bio fertilizers like Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and PSB.

GSFC is known for its quality products and has a dedicated research and development team that continuously works to develop new and improved bio fertilizers.


Top Bio Fertilizer Manufacturers

3. Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCF): RCF is a renowned manufacturer and supplier of bio fertilizers in India.

They specialize in nitrogen-fixing bio fertilizers and offer products like Rhizobium, Azotobacter, and Azospirillum.

RCF has a strong presence in the agriculture sector and provides technical support to farmers for the effective use of bio fertilizers.

4. Krishidoot Bio-Herbal Research Private Limited: This company is a leading supplier of bio fertilizers in India.

They offer a wide range of bio fertilizers, including nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, and biofertilizer consortia.

Krishidoot is known for its high-quality products and personalized customer service.

5. BioFert Manufacturing Private Limited: BioFert Manufacturing is a well-established bio fertilizer manufacturer and supplier in India.

They produce a variety of bio fertilizers, including nitrogen-fixing biofertilizer, phosphate solubilizing biofertilizer, and biofertilizer granules.

BioFert Manufacturing has a strong distribution network and provides technical support to farmers for maximizing crop yields.

These are just a few examples of the numerous bio fertilizer manufacturers and suppliers operating in India.

It's important for farmers to choose reliable and trusted sources for their bio fertilizer needs.

Conducting thorough research, reading customer reviews, and seeking recommendations from fellow farmers can help in making an informed decision.


Use of bio fertilizers in India

In conclusion, the demand for bio fertilizers in India is increasing due to the growing awareness about sustainable agriculture practices.

With a wide range of bio fertilizer manufacturers and suppliers in the country, farmers have access to high-quality products to enhance their agricultural practices.

Investing in bio fertilizers not only ensures better crop yields but also contributes to preserving the environment for future generations.

In addition to the aforementioned companies, there are several other notable bio fertilizer manufacturers and suppliers in India.

Some of them include:

6. Super Bio Tech Marketing Company: This company specializes in the production of bio fertilizers that contain beneficial microorganisms like Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria, and Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM).

They have a wide range of bio fertilizers suitable for various crops and soil types.

7. Navratna Bio-Tech: Navratna Bio-Tech offers a range of bio fertilizers, including Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria, and Potash mobilizing bacteria.

They also provide custom-made bio fertilizers based on specific crop requirements.

8. Shree Ram Agro India Private Limited: This company specializes in the production of organic bio fertilizers that improve soil fertility and plant growth.

They offer bio fertilizers like Rhizobium, Azospirillum, and PSB, along with innovative bio-enhancers for better nutrient absorption.

9. BioAgri Fertilizers: BioAgri Fertilizers is a leading supplier of bio fertilizers in India.

They produce an extensive range of bio fertilizers, including nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, and biofertilizer consortia.

Their products are known for their high viability and effective results.

10. Vijay Agro Industries: Vijay Agro Industries is a well-established bio fertilizer manufacturer and supplier in India.

They offer a range of organic bio fertilizers that enhance soil fertility, nutrient availability, and overall crop yield.

Their products are manufactured using advanced techniques and are known for their quality.

It is essential for farmers to select bio fertilizer manufacturers and suppliers that adhere to quality standards and have a strong track record in the industry.

Farmers should also consider factors like the reputation of the company, product reliability, support services, and pricing before making a purchase.

Bio fertilizers play a crucial role in promoting sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture in India.

By choosing reliable manufacturers and suppliers, farmers can ensure that they have access to high-quality bio fertilizers that meet their specific agricultural needs.

Integrating bio fertilizers into farming practices not only improves crop yields but also contributes to the long-term health of the soil and the environment.

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Omid Rahmani