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Buy dry fig fruit Types + Price

Three-season figs are the best fig varieties; they bear fruit till the last three months of the year (winter). Iran's climate can support this crop. This species interests gardeners as a good fig seedling. By planting this tree, economic success is assured. The three-season yellow fig is resistant to cold and grows well in it. The three-season fig has green skin and is larger. The red meaty component of this product has a wonderful taste. It's also good for drying. Many consider this the best fig. Best figs in the world For drying and exporting, this fig is the best. Figs in nuts and snacks are from this tree. Saplings of Eshthaban need a temperate temperature to the best. The best planting time is autumn to the ring, and the ideal planting height is 150 to 1,750 meters. This sapling has yellow leaves and fruits in its fourth year. The fruiting of this seedling, one of the best fig-trees, lasts 20 to 25 years. Farmers and gardeners consider Eshtaban fig seedlings the best. Black figs are one of the best tropical figs. This seedling can't withstand cold weather, thus tropical settings are preferred. The plant is also sensitive to water. The length of time and amount of water utilized to water the tree will affect its fruit yield. If you want to choose black figs as the best figs, fertilizing is also effective. Largest fig variety

Best figs in the world

Iranian Common 14 to 18 mm dry figs are white, golden, cream, and light brown. This product's quality is adequate, especially given its low pricing, making it the best value in dried figs. This variety is rated lower than superb dried figs. Domestic eating of regular dry figs is OK, but not for consumers who seek great quality and beauty. Commonly dried figs are also hand-sized and graded. Figs thrive in Estahban valley. Figs grow in intense valley sun without irrigation. Without artificial chemicals and hormones, these dried figs are organic and natural. Iran's figs are dry, hard, and wrinkled. The size and color of Iranian figs vary. Pariz Nuts classifies figs into two primary groups, open mouth (101) and closed mouth, and each kind into three types. The rarest and most expensive type of dried figs from Iran. The main thing about this type is that it is white or a little bit yellow. Fig variety identification This type is big, and most of the figs in this type have open mouths, which makes them easy to eat and chew.

  1. This is another kind of dried fig from Iran. It is also an open-mouth type. This type is smaller than the 101AAA type, and it costs less. This type is also white and yellow, but each fig is only about 22 mm long, and 15 percent of its mouth is closed.
  2. This grade's dried figs are yellow and white. They are about 18 mm in size. About half of them have their mouths open.
  3. This grade of dried figs is light yellow and white, and they are about 22 mm in size. About 90% of the dried figs in this grade have mouths that close.
  4. This type is the best for exporting because it has the best price. This kind of dried fig is different from other kinds in a few ways.
  5. This is the cheapest and lowest-quality dried fig from Iran. Figs are about 14 mm in size, and this type is brown and grey.

San Pedro fig varieties

Largest fig variety

Iranian figs taste sweet like a mix of apples and pears, and their chewy texture makes them stand out from most other kinds of fruit. Figs from Iran can be bought fresh or dried, and they come in sizes ranging from extra small to extra large. You can also buy them either way. One extra-large, fresh Turkish fig, which is about 3 and a half inches in diameter, is a good size for a light snack and has a moderate amount of nutrients. An extra-large Iranian fig that is still fresh weighs about 2.75 ounces, while a dried one weighs about 0.85 ounces. One extra-large Iranian fig is one serving, but because the fruit is healthy, eating two at once won't hurt your efforts to eat well. Hamma fig tree Choose Turkish figs, fresh or dried, that haven't been treated with any extra chemicals. This will help you stay away from too much sugar and chemical additives. There are sixty calories in each extra-large Iranian fig. A healthy adult should eat at least 2,000 calories per day, which is the minimum amount recommended. Based on that number, each fig gives you 3% of your daily calorie needs. In Iran, figs of the same kind that have been sweetened can have up to three times as many calories as figs that have not been sweetened. Getting the right amount of calories is the most important part of being able to control your weight. In an extra-large Iranian fig, there is less than one gram of protein. A woman should eat about 46 grams of protein per day, while a man should eat about 56 grams per day. Small fig tree varieties

Fig variety identification

  1. San Pedro figs: San Pedro figs produce two types of products. The first product does not need pollination, but the second product needs pollination. Because if pollination does not take place in it, the fruit will fall. This species has different varieties.
  2. Mission Figs: The mission fig has fruit with dark skin and a sweet taste. This fig is one of the best types of figs. This species is mostly found in America, which is sensitive to cold.
  3. Kaduna figs: Kaduta fig is one of the most common species of fig tree. Its fruit is yellow and green and its flesh is red. The fruit of this plant ripens in late summer. It is suitable for fresh eating, jam, and jelly.
  4. Turkish brown figs: Turkish brown figs have shiny leaves. It has a pear-shaped fruit with a red-brown color, the fleshy part of which is also red.
  5. Brunswick figs: The bronze fig is a well-shaped fig that grows as a short shrub up to 4 meters, the fruit of this plant is self-fertile. The fruit of this plant appears in two colors, purple and green, and its fleshy part is red.
  6. Adriatic Fig: Adriatic figs are yellowish-green in color with red flesh. The sweetness of this type of fig is less than other types.
  7. Brown figs: Brown figs have a sweet taste and are very fleshy and juicy. It grows like a short shrub and has relatively large green heart-shaped leaves.
  8. Kali Mirna figs: Kali Mirna figs are green in color, have a sweet and mellow taste, and have thick skin.

San Pedro fig varieties

San Pedro-type figs combine the ways that the Smyrna and Common types set fruit on one tree over a single year. The first crop of figs, called bribes, are of the Common type and grow on their own. The second crop of figs is of the Smyrna type, and the syconia won't fall off unless the long-styled flowers pollinate and fertilize them. All of the twenty-one different types of San Pedro-type figs on the list produce more or less a lot of bread. Since the parthenocarpic growth of second-crop figs is not a fixed trait, it is possible to question the inclusion of some varieties or the exclusion of others. The King is a confusing variety because, without caprification, it loses almost all of its main crop at Riverside, but a lot of it grows in coastal climates. Drap d'Or is part of the San Pedro group, but a small number of second-crop figs at Riverside can reach maturity without the help of caprification. Like San Pedro figs, common figs often have two crops each season, especially in warmer climates, and at least one of those crops will produce fruit even if the tree isn't pollinated. Some types of common figs will lose their first crop, but the second crop will grow without being fertilized. This is called parthenocarpy. In other varieties, both of these plants grow well on their own. Because they don't need to be pollinated as carefully, common figs are the most common type of fruit-bearing fig trees in the United States. They are also the easiest for the average homeowner to grow. "Celeste," which rarely makes a breba crop, and "Brown Turkey," which makes a small breba crop and a bigger main crop, are two of the most popular types. crop.

Hamma fig tree

Figs have been a part of Texas homesteads since the early development of the state. Dooryard trees can be grown in any section of Texas. Figs grow extremely well along the Texas Gulf Coast. However, trees require cold protection in the far northern and western areas and supplemental irrigation in the state's drier areas. The fig fruit is unique. Unlike most fruit in which the edible structure is matured ovary tissue, the fig's edible structure is stem tissue. The fig fruit is an inverted flower with both the male and female flower parts enclosed in stem tissue. This structure is known botanically as a syconium. At maturity, the interior of the fig contains only the remains of these flower structures, including the small gritty structures commonly called seeds. These so-called seeds usually are nothing more than unfertilized ovaries that failed to develop. They impart the resin-like flavor associated with figs.

  1. The Caprifig makes a small fruit that is not edible, but the flowers inside the fruit make pollen. The fruit of the Smyrna and San Pedro types can't grow without this pollen. A Blastophaga wasp moves the pollen from the Caprifig to the ones that don't make pollen. Commercial growers hang baskets of Caprifigs with Blastophaga on them so that the wasps can fertilize the fruit. Before 1901, Del Rio was a good place to grow caprifigs.
  2. The varieties of Smyma figs make big, tasty fruit with real seeds. The Blastophaga wasp and the Caprifig are needed for the fruit to grow normally. If this process of fertilization doesn't happen, the fruit won't grow right and will fall off the tree. Figs of the Smyrna type are often sold dried.
  3. Everyday Fig. These figs grow on their own without being pollinated. They are by far the most common kind of fig grown in Texas. The fruit doesn't have real seeds and is mostly made from wood from the current season. The types of figs that are recommended for Texas are the most common ones.

Small fig tree varieties

Figs are unique among fruit. A fig is not like most fruit, which is made of edible matured ovary tissue. Instead, it is an inverted flower that has both male and female parts inside the stem tissue. Once the fig is ready, it contains what's left of these flower parts, which are usually called seeds. The unique taste of figs comes from these "seeds." When a fig is at its best, the fruit is big, plump, and juicy, so it's a problem when a fig tree only makes small figs. Some kinds of fig trees have smaller fruit, so if you want big figs, you might want to plant a different kind, like "Brown Turkey," which has some of the biggest fruit of all the cultivars. The roots of fig trees are not very deep, and they are sensitive to stress. If it is too hot, dry, and there isn't enough water, the figs will be too small or the fruit may even fall off. There are things you can do when fig tree fruit is small, but most of them are preventative. To get rid of a fig tree with a small fruit, mulch around it and maybe even set up a drip hose under the mulch to keep it moist. Figs can grow in almost any kind of soil as long as it drains well. If the soil doesn't drain well, the tree doesn't get as much oxygen. This can cause the figs to be too small, the fruit to not ripen, or the figs to just fall off. Don't go where water has been standing for more than 24 hours.

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Comments (36 Comments)


Figs have unique properties and are not specific to a specific season and are three seasons and are also active in the field of export and import and are also a type of edible nuts.




The best real figs in the world can be obtained from the fig garden when the season is ripe




I recommend figs, an excellent and high-quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits




I recommend figs, an excellent and high-quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits.....




I recommend figs, an excellent and high-quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits...



Fatima Abbasi

hello, Iran’s climate can support this crop. This species interests gardeners as a good fig seedling. By planting this tree, economic success is assured.




Hello Farmers and gardeners consider Eshtaban fig seedlings the best. Black figs are one of the best tropical figs.Farmers and gardeners consider Eshtaban fig seedlings the best. Black figs are one of the best tropical figs.




Figs are one of the most delicious and nutritious foods that have a high nutritional value, and today they are used to prepare a variety of delicious jams.




Figs are very tasty and nutritious, which I always use




Hello The roots of fig trees are not very deep, and they are sensitive to stress.




Hello This can cause the figs to be too small, the fruit to not ripen, or the figs to just fall off. Don’t go where water has been standing for more than 24 hours.




Hello good time ?.Figs have different grades and different qualities and you can choose and buy any one you want according to your needs.



Sahar kamali

With the increase in people's awareness of the unique properties of dried figs, the sale, export and import of this product has increased.




Hello, Eating figs will help your body a lot and figs are very tasty and tasty. Thank you




Cheap dried figs for export is one of the famous and famous Iranian foods, which is produced and packaged in many factories and productions in reputable and well known brands, and then it is sent to the market.




Hello The three-season fig has green skin and is larger. The red meaty component of this product has a wonderful taste. It’s also good for drying. Many consider this the best fig.




Hello To get rid of a fig tree with a small fruit, mulch around it and maybe even set up a drip hose under the mulch to keep it moist.



Muhaddith Abbasi

Fig is a very tasty and delicious fruit. I like this fruit very much




Figs have many properties and are very tasty and soft




Fig is a delicious fruit that ripens in the summer season, it is sweet and nutritious and it is also eaten dr




These figs are very good for drying or export, you can also make jam with them




Figs make food easier to digest




Figs are a delicious and nutritious fruit that bears fruit in the summer, and jam is made from it




Potassium, which is present in dried figs, is very high and for people with high blood pressure, it is a good choice that can lower their blood pressure and make it balanced.




Figs grow anywhere in the world, the taste is special and it has many properties, especially for those who have stomach pain, and eating it relieves the pain.




Fig fruit grows in the summer and is more recommended for people with anemia because it makes blood in the body




Figs have very high healing properties



Alireza karami

Figs are one of the delicious summer fruits that have many benefits




Fig is an excellent and delicious product that has many properties and benefits and I recommend its consumption




Figs have been consumed as a delicious and characteristic fruit since ancient times. From weight loss to combating all types of cancer, this fruit is considered to have many properties.



Hossein inanloo

Hello, I bought this product. It is very good. I suggest you a good quality fig




These figs are very sweet and their color looks amazing and I love them




Dried figes are nutritious and rich in nutrients, they also get oil from them and are rich in vitamins




Arad Branding's website articles give me comfort and I like them very much




Figs are very effective for constipation




Figs have different grades and different qualities and you can choose and buy any one you want according to your needs.



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