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Bento Cake in Goa; High Protein Nutrients Useful Vitamin (B C D)

Bento cake in Goa has a very delicious and incredible taste, this cake is used for birthday parties or weddings.

Bento Cake in Goa

Bento cake was first made in Goa in 2009, the first person who was willing to try this cake was the president of Goa.

Bento cakes in Goa have different dimensions and sizes, the dimensions depend on the number of people who want to eat the cake.

One of the most important ingredients of this cake is flour, which makes the cake puff up and takes a good shape.

Every 100 grams of Bento cake contains 354 kilocalories, it can be said that this cake has more calories than other cakes.

But in addition to calories, it has 27 grams of sugar per 100 grams.

Bento Cake

Bento Cake Features in Goa

Bento cake in Goa also has unique features, some of which are mentioned below:

  1. High protein

Bento cake contains a lot of protein, which can be said to be due to the presence of fruits such as bananas in the cake.

Title Description
Made Year 2009
President of Goa The First Person Who Was Willing to Try This Cake
Made in Goa
Important Ingredient Flour

Bento cake has 20 grams of protein per 100 grams, which accelerates the process of muscle building.

  1. Nutrients useful for the body

The ingredients of this cake are very useful for the body, so that 200 grams of this cake can provide the energy of an adult during the day.

There are many vitamins in this cake, including: vitamin B, C, D, which are very useful for the body.

bento cake singapore

Buy Bento Cake in Goa

When buying a Bento Cake, you should pay attention to its tips so that you don't get into trouble, these tips are mentioned below:

  • When buying a Bento Cake, you should pay attention to the size of the cake, a normal cake with a weight of 2 kg can be used for 8 people.
  • It is better to visit in person to buy Bento cake to have a better choice, by buying in person you can see the product physically.
  • When buying this cake, pay attention to its shape and size because Bento cakes have different models and shapes.

It is very easy to buy a Bento cake in Goa, the reason for this ease is the variety of models of this cake.

korean bento cake

Bento Cake Price in Goa + Buy and Sell

These days the price of Bento Cake in Goa has increased a lot, and one of the reasons for this increase is the dealers.

The price of Bento cake in Goa is between 32 and 54 dollars per kilo.

The price of Bento cake depends on factors such as ingredients, cocoa, and the amount of cake, but you can guess its price to some extent.

In order to reduce the price of the cake, the officials removed the dealers, and after a while, the price decreased.

Contact our support staff for an easy and hassle-free purchase, they will answer you 7 days a week.

bento cake box

The Answer to Two Questions About Bento Cake

1: Why is bento cake trending?

It has many minimalist designs that make this cake look simple.

2: Why is bento cake so popular?

It is relatively smaller in size, usually about 4 inches so that it can fit inside a bento box.

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