اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

The news on Wednesday, January 22

1. Special Podcast for Newcomers

In exporting goods, you need to have information about customs.

Download Customs Podcast


2. Special Article for Newcomers

Sometimes, beautiful words become the reason for ugliness if not interpreted correctly.


3. Extracting Product Titles and Publishing Products on the Website

⏳ 63 minutes


4. How to Communicate with Representatives

⏳ 19 minutes


5. Arad Branding in 60 Seconds

⏳ 1 minute


6. Presence of Representatives from Iraq and Austria in Iran

⏳ 1 minute


7. Arad Branding’s Foreign Offices in France, UAE, and Nigeria

⏳ 1 minute

Form to Utilize Foreign Office Capacities


8. Business Meeting of the Indian Representative with Aradi Traders, Promotion Level 9 and Above

⏳ 4 minutes


9. What Should We Do with Our Money?

When people have money, this question inevitably arises: What should we do with our money?

At this point, people are divided into two groups.

1. Those who save their money, often converting it into gold, dollars, foreign currencies, or similar assets.

2. Those who spend it, purchasing things that are useful to them.

Of course, it's not always the case that a person belongs exclusively to one group or the other, but they usually lean more toward one side.

Which group do you belong to?

Do you think your Lord has left you alone in this matter without providing you with the correct answer?

Lucky are those who, by the end of this text, find themselves aligned with their Lord's guidance.

But for God's sake, let those who realize this today and decide to change not torment themselves with excessive regret.

I was reading the comments on yesterday's post. So many dear individuals were saddened by the years of their lives that they felt were wasted.

It broke my heart, and I thought to myself, I wish I hadn’t brought up these topics. Even one of our team members, who initially suggested starting this discussion, was upset that it had caused you distress.

However, after much reflection, we concluded that it’s better to express thoughts that guide people toward mercy than to remain silent, leaving them in a state of misguidance.

But I would like to tell all of you, dear ones, not to forget the saying of Imam Ali (peace be upon him):

The Imam said: "An evil that leads to good is not evil; it is good."

The life you’ve lived has led you to this point, where God has ordained for you to become who you are today. Ultimately, it has been for your benefit, and so even the hardships of the past have brought you good.

But be careful not to become one of those whom God describes in the Quran:

"And whoever exchanges the blessing of Allah for disbelief after it has come to them—indeed, Allah is severe in punishment." Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 211

Let’s return to our main discussion.

We have money in our hands.

What should we do with it?

1. Invest it in ways that can potentially grow your wealth, like buying gold, dollars, foreign currencies, stocks, etc.

2. Spend it. But where and how? We’ll discuss this further.

Think and answer.

Which group do you belong to?




















God has spoken about the first group, those who gather wealth and pile it up, counting it every day:

"Woe to every [kind of] scandal-monger and-backbiter." Surah Al-Humazah, Ayah 1

The question arises: Who is this person who constantly seeks out the faults in others, like the fly I’ve mentioned to you before, who sees only the bad and never the good? Who is this person whose tongue only turns to speak ill?

Wail is the name of a pit in Hell, and God has deemed these people deserving of that fiery pit.

Not only them, but all those who act in this way.

For He said, "Woe to every one of them."

What is it about them that they have become like this?

Immediately, God provides the answer:

"Who pileth up wealth and layeth it by." Surah Al-Humazah, Ayah 2

When someone is used to seeing their wealth increase day by day, do they find it in their heart to spend some of it in charity or give it to the servants of God?

Their symbol of success is in seeing more zeros on their wealth, and it’s hard for such people to possess a generous heart.

They hold vast amounts of wealth granted by God, but they are miserly, and as the saying goes, not a drop of water can escape from their hands.

You might think, “How much does God love this person?” and often wonder, “Why does God pay so much attention to them?”

Your Lord has already provided you with an answer before He created you.

“And let not those who covetously withhold of the gifts which Allah Hath given them of His Grace, think that it is good for them: Nay, it will be the worse for them: soon shall the things which they covetously withheld be tied to their necks Like a twisted collar, on the Day of Judgment.” Surah Aal-E-Imran, Ayah 180

God did not place wealth in your hands to accumulate gold and silver, but He created gold and silver so that you would spend it. If a believer keeps gold and silver, it should not be to hoard it and count it, but to spend it at the right time.

Mr. Author, do you have a reason for this statement?

Do you know of a stronger reason than the words of your Lord?

Let’s read the verse we discussed yesterday again:

"Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet: Women and sons; Heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses branded [for blood and excellence]; and [wealth of] cattle and well-tilled land." Surah Aal-E-Imran, Ayah 14

To all those who suppress your love for gold and silver, I say, How can you suppress something in me that my Lord has made a source of beauty?

Interestingly, in the following verse, God says:

"Say: Shall I give you glad tidings of things Far better than those?" Surah Aal-E-Imran, Ayah 15

Then God lists the promises of the Hereafter for the believers.

But the very statement, "Shall I inform you of something better than that?" indicates that the things mentioned in Ayah 14 are indeed good, but what is mentioned in Ayah 15 is even better. It does not mean that what is listed in Ayah 14 is considered evil.

Another proof is that God places the love for gold and silver alongside the love for one’s spouse.

Have they not heard the words of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him), who said:
“The best of you is the one who is best to their wives, and I am the best among you to my wives”?

Thus, the love for all these things listed in Ayah 14 is affirmed by God. What is rejected is when all these worldly possessions are pursued in a way that contradicts the path of the Hereafter.

Are you a multi-billionaire? What do you intend to do with your wealth? Will you use it to host gatherings of immorality, or will you help provide the dowry for an orphaned girl?

Will you send an elderly person who has never been on Hajj to fulfill their pilgrimage?

Will you feed the needy?

Look within yourself and ask: What do you intend to do with your wealth?

Whatever thought settles in your heart, know that your Lord resides in the thoughts of the believer. That is, God is with you in the very intentions you hold.


10. What should be the priority when spending?

Now that, by the grace of God, we have agreed that money, gold, and silver are for spending, not for hoarding, questions arise.

First, in which path should we spend?

When should we start gathering pots (of gold)?

When should we make the subsequent expenditures?

Look at the words "gold" and "silver" that are placed in the middle of the verse.

Women and children come before gold and silver, while horses of distinction, livestock, and land come after them.

It is easily proven that one should not think about gold pots before having a wife and children.

First, marry a woman, then have children. Now that you have left behind a generation of believers on the earth and are at peace, begin gathering pots of gold and silver.

Should I love my wife more or my children?

I cannot say that I am not a man who is overly devoted to his wife, but the answer to this question has nothing to do with being overly devoted. Rather, because it is the word of God, I say that God first placed the woman and then the child, so first love your wife and then your children.

It was asked to the Messenger of God: What responsibilities does a father have for a child in the womb or a newborn?

He said that there are three duties upon him, and if he fulfills those three, he has no further responsibility.

1. Choose a good name for them.

2. Bring them lawful food.

3. Be kind to their mother.

The questioner said, "O Messenger of God, I understood the first and second, but I did not understand the third and its relation to the child."

The Prophet replied: A child in the womb or a newborn has all its connections with the mother, and the father has no involvement.

Therefore, the father should be kind to the mother so that she becomes more compassionate toward the child. In this way, the father has fulfilled his kindness toward the child.

It is also narrated from Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) that he said: "Evaluate the degrees of closeness and nearness of men among our Shia to God based on the love and affection they have for their wives."

Also, from Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (peace be upon him), it is narrated that he said: "I heard from the Messenger of God that he said: 'O Ali, a man who does not assist his wife in the home is neither a truthful person nor a martyr.'"

Additionally, it is narrated from Imam Reza (peace be upon him) that he said: "Whenever you commit a sin, and you believe that long prayers and fasting on hot days will not forgive it, do good to your wives, for kindness to them is the atonement for every sin except polytheism, which cannot be forgiven."

Thus, it is proven that before gathering money, first, prioritize your wife and then your children.

Young people who say they will get rich first and then marry are making a mistake.

While God has made one of the ways to become wealthy through marriage, not one of the ways to marry through wealth.

As He said:

"Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and he knoweth all things." Surah An-Nur, Ayah 32

A poor young man came to the Messenger of God and asked, "What should I do to become wealthy?"

The Prophet replied, "Relying on God's trust, choose a wife."

He said, "O Messenger of God, you didn’t hear my question properly. I said I want to become wealthy, but getting a wife reduces a man's money, not increases it."

The Prophet said: "I heard what you said, and my answer is the same as I gave."

The young man replied: "I have seen many young men who got married and became poorer."

The Prophet said: "You are a righteous young man, and God has promised that for righteous young people, if they are poor and marry, He will make them independent from His bounty.

Have you ever seen someone more truthful than God in fulfilling His promises?

Perhaps those young men you speak of were not righteous."

As for those who have taken their first wife, they should not think of a second one, because the verse refers to the first.

How do I know this?

From the following verse, which says:

"Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah gives them means out of His grace." Surah An-Nur, Ayah 33

My dear, you do not need to remain chaste. So, be good to your first wife, and you will become wealthy, because I say that perhaps you, too, were not righteous and did not witness God's promise.

Now that you have chosen a righteous woman and have children from her, think about your pots of gold and silver.

Again, I emphasize: it’s not just about stacking one pot on top of another to count them and, in the end, become stingy and miserly.

Rather, have your pots within easy reach so you can spend easily, and when you need to buy something, your hands and feet won't tremble.


11. What should I spend the pots of gold on?

The first question that arises is whether to buy a house first or a car?

Women often believe the house should come first, but God says the car should come first.

Land and houses are God’s third priority.

First, He mentions "the marked horses,"

Second He mentions "livestock," which I will explain,

And third He mentions "land."

The marked horses, according to today's terminology, are brand-name cars.

First, buy a brand-name car, then move on to livestock and land.

I have money, and I can either buy a 2012 BMW or a brand-new Chinese car. Buy the BMW.

Because He said: "the marked horses".

"Khail" means horse, and "musawama" comes from the word for name—today, this means something with a name that everyone knows.

Did you go and buy a Chinese brand that no one knows?

If I were you, I would buy a used Benz, but not an unknown Chinese car.

Buy a car whose name everyone knows, even if it is an older model.

People will still say, "That businessman drives a Benz," rather than saying, "He drives a Lamari," which no one knows, and you would have to spend hours proving that you paid the same amount for that old Benz as for a Chinese car.

After the marked horses, go for livestock.

Note that God uses "horse" in the singular, but "livestock" (an‘ām) is plural.

Although He could have said "khayul," meaning horses, He said "khayl" in the singular.

But for the livestock, such as camels, donkeys, cows, sheep, and goats, He used the plural form.

Why do you think this is?

Consider a merchant from the time of the Prophet who wants to transport goods from one place to another.

Would he ride a horse or a donkey?

In the past, when someone was humiliated, they were given a donkey.

Wealthy people rode horses, while ordinary people rode donkeys.

Do you remember the series "Roozi Roozegari"?

In the early '90s.

I vividly remember when Morad Beyk wanted to punish one of his companions. He told his assistant, "Take his horse and give him a donkey."

May God rest the soul of the late Khosro Shakibaei.

Wealthy people rode horses.

Well, a person can only ride one horse, not two.

Even if you own a hundred cars, you can only drive one at a time.

However, livestock is referred to in the plural.

The reason is that the merchant himself rides a horse, but carries his goods on camels or donkeys. This is why the term "livestock" is used in the plural.

You may say, "In today's world, we don’t transport goods by donkey." Well, just as you no longer ride horses, you now drive cars.

In the past, livestock were a key method for merchants to increase their wealth, and livestock owners benefited from them.

In a narration where it is said that "Nine-tenths of wealth is in trade," it continues by saying that another portion is in livestock and agriculture. In other words, God has given more importance to livestock than to agriculture.

Now, if you are a merchant but not involved in agriculture or livestock, what should you do?

For you, "livestock" refers to branding power, increasing leads, signals, and customers.

It represents a path to increasing your wealth.

It means strengthening your logistics, becoming powerful in your supply chain, and gaining strength in financial transactions.

It could mean acquiring a prestigious phone number, like "0912 code 1."

It could also mean having an office and a workspace that show you are a prominent businessman.

In the past, old traders would demonstrate their wealth by the number of camels they had in their caravans.

Today, you can demonstrate your prominence by creating an independent media presence, showing off photos and videos of your office.

So, here’s the order:

First, you married and had children before becoming wealthy.

After becoming wealthy, buy a branded car that everyone knows.

Then, pursue paths that will increase your wealth.

Once you’ve completed all this, then move on to buying a house and land.

Let’s say I have the money to buy an office for my company, but after that, I won’t be able to afford the necessary equipment or a "0912 code 1" phone number, because the money has been spent on the office or the house.

If I were you, I would rent an office and invest first in the necessary equipment.

An office you own without proper branding and commercial tools won’t bring you money.

But a rented office with the right equipment will increase your wealth.

Once your wealth has increased, consider buying land and property.

Which property should I buy first?

My house or my company’s office?

Definitely, your house first.


Because God has placed your spouse and children ahead of livestock, which represent the tools for your business.

First, buy a house for your family so they can be at ease, and then open business offices in different cities and countries.

I’m sure today’s discussion will be challenging.

Your opinions might not align with those of the author, but I felt it was necessary to share what I have.

I hope those who follow this advice and see its benefits and blessings will remember us in their prayers, and those who didn’t follow it and faced its consequences will remember our words and act upon them later.

Comments (3 Comments)

Paulo Souza

Too little value, and customers don't trust you; too much value given for free, and they don't have a reason to buy from you anymore.



Kenedy muchungi Mwikuu

This message will help me in my entire life.All the answers to entrepreneurs are well stated



Princewill victory

Glad to no this
Thanks Arad branding



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