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Are date molasses and date syrup the same

Wondering if date molasses and syrup are the same? The thing is, molasses and date syrup have a flavor and consistency that are extremely similar to one another.



date molasses vs date syrup

Date syrup is frequently referred to as date molasses.

This syrup is versatile and may be used in a variety of applications, but my personal favourite is to pair it with some tahini paste and homemade pita bread.

Or you could make Halawa with it.

Why This Recipe Is a Good One Date Syrup/Date Molasses has been an important part of the Assyrian diet for at least a few hundred years, if not for millennia.



This wonderful syrup is known as "Nepookhta" in Assyrian, but the Arabic word for it is "Dibbis.

Breakfast for Assyrians typically consists of date syrup combined with tahini paste, especially during times of religious fasting. I suppose you could say that the Assyrians were the first people to make a sandwich with peanut butter and jelly.

On the other hand, rather than forming a sandwich, we combine the tahini and syrup on a plate and use the pita bread to dip into the mixture.

You might be wondering why you should put up with all of the trouble.

Why don't you just make a quick trip to the store to pick up some? I'm pleased you asked! Since I'm currently in Montana, I don't have any access to the markets in the Middle East.



The majority of us live in more remote areas, and as a result, the closest food shop may be up to an hour away. When I can't buy the ingredients I need, one of my favourite things to do is come up with my own recipes to make them.

My stomach was grumbling for date molasses this morning.

After searching the pantry from top to bottom, I observed that there was nothing left.

Nevertheless, I was able to locate the dates. I made up my mind to attempt to make it on my own.

It turned out to be a lot less difficult than I had anticipated.



date molasses coles

Instructions on How to Prepare This Dish

  1. Take the date and cut it in half lengthwise, then remove the pit and the spherical "cap" off the end of the date.
  2. Put the dates in a pot of medium size and cover them with water that is 5 cups.
  3. Put the dates in a pot of medium size and cover them with water that is 5 cups.
  4. Include a little bit of salt and a quarter of a teaspoon of cardamom (optional).
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and continue to cook for another 45 minutes, stirring regularly.
  6. Remove the date skins that have floated to the surface of the date mixture.
  7. It is not necessary for you to get all of them.
  8. After the first forty-five minutes have passed, use a wooden spoon to mash the dates.
  9. Alternately, you could use an immersion blender, but you would need to be very careful not to spill the hot liquid.
  10. At the end of the 45 minutes, pour the date mixture through a soup bag that has been hung over a big measuring cup.
  11. After the ingredients have cooled to the point where they can be handled, give the bag a good massage with both hands in order to extract as much liquid as possible.

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Hamidreza Kashtkar