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Apple fruit cultivation calories beyond gold standard

When it comes to the best fruit cultivation, apples seem to be the gold standard because the calories included is beyond what you think of.

apple fruit calories

Well, it turns out that apples really do live up to expectations. Do you hear your mother say, "Did I tell you?" When it comes to a healthy snack, there's nothing better than apples. They are rich in vitamins, have a fairly long shelf life compared to other products and are very convenient to keep in your bag. "Apples are the most consumed fruit after bananas for a reason," said Alex Caspero, registered dietitian and author of Delish Knowledge. "They are generally cheap, portable, healthy and delicious." Plus, because apples come in a wide variety of varieties, far more than the Red Delicious and Granny Smith varieties you ate as a kid, you're likely to find something your taste buds will love. The taste characteristics of apples range from tart and crunchy to sweet with a little crunch, savory and more. Whatever your preference, it's usually healthier to eat raw apples as fruit, says nutritionist Erin Palinsky-Wade. "Eating apples raw is a great way to get all the nutrients and fiber. While eating apples in dessert form, such as apple pie, can still provide nutritional value, they are also high in added sugar, which can be unhealthy". That doesn't mean you can't eat those apple pies you want, but it's best to eat them in moderation. So, before you set your next apple picking date (from the farm or grocery store), here's what you need to know about the prized fruit. How many calories are in an apple? In terms of calories, a medium apple contains 95 calories, according to the USDA. But from a nutritional point of view, fruits have many other health benefits. Here's what an average apple with skin looks like:

  • Calories: 95
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 25 g
  • Sugar: 19 g
  • Fiber: 4 g
  • Protein: 0 g

If the amount of sugar surprises you, consider this: The sugar you get in an apple isn't the same as, say, the 21 grams of sugar you get in a Kit Kat bar, Caspero says. apple fruit calories

apple fruit benefits

"Fiber is nature's way of controlling blood sugar, so it's found in fruits and vegetables," says Caspero. "Fiber helps slow digestion, which prevents blood sugar from spiking, as if it were the same amount of sugar in candy." To further regulate these blood sugar spikes, Christine Kirkpatrick, MD, offers a smart and tasty strategy: "Provide what I call 'digestive competition' by pairing your apple with fat or protein." A perfect example is an apple without sugar peanut butter. This clever combination helps your body process sugar more slowly to provide you with energy and fuel. Bonus: The vitamin C in apples helps you better absorb the iron found in nut butters, helping you get the most out of your snack. What else should you know about eating an apple? Eating just one medium apple will give you 14% of the Daily Value of Vitamin A and 11% of the Daily Value of Vitamin C (not lean). The antioxidants (such as vitamins C and A) in apples help prevent excessive free radical damage, Caspero says. Eliminating these free radicals (also known as unstable atoms in your body) can help reduce the risk of aging and disease. Apples come in an incredible range of shades, says Kirkpatrick, and if you tend to lean towards the darker ones, you're in for an antioxidant-rich treat. The deeply pigmented skin of fruits like apples contain anthocyanins, a form of antioxidants that slow oxidative stress and prevent disease. Keep in mind that you only get most of these benefits if you keep the skin on, so don't peel your afternoon snack. Plus, the high fiber content of apples means they provide a healthy dose of prebiotics (indigestible fiber consumed by the "good" bacteria in your gut). “Prebiotics can improve gastrointestinal health and potentially increase calcium absorption,” says Caspero. What are the health benefits of eating apples? apple fruit benefits

apple fruit nutrition

1) They help with weight management. Because apples are full of fiber, which helps you feel full longer, they are a great fruit to help you maintain a stable weight. A study published in the Journal of Functional Foods found that regular apple consumption is associated with lower lipid levels and a reduced risk of obesity. Caspero explains that "eating fiber-rich foods [like apples] makes you feel fuller and therefore may lower your overall calorie intake throughout the day." Both of these factors mean they can help with weight management. 2) They keep your heart healthy. According to Palinsky-Wade, "apples are high in quercetin, a compound that has been shown to reduce inflammation while fighting heart disease and hypertension." 3) They keep the doctor away. Turns out there's some truth to the old adage. In a large JAMA internal medicine study, participants who ate at least one small apple a day needed fewer doctor visits, hospitalizations, and prescription medications than those who ate no apples. How much should you eat? If you like their chewy, pleasant sweetness, you might be tempted to eat an apple or two every day, and in most cases, that's fine. But if you have diabetes, you need to be careful with apples, just like you would with any other high-sugar fruit. "With my diabetic patients, I often limit fruit to three to four servings a day," says Kirkpatrick, adding that one serving equals a handful, half a large apple, or a very small apple. In general, however, Kirkpatrick advises against "sticking to the numbers," as she advises her patients to be free to seek out high-quality fruit for snacks or treats, whatever the type. "Ultimately, fruit consumption is associated with better overall health, including mental health," she says. How to include apples in your diet. This versatile fruit works wonders in any dish, no matter the time of day. apple fruit nutrition

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