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Anti-theft Doors Buying Guide + Great Price

Categorized under a certain resistance classification, the main task of anti-theft doors is to provide sufficient protection and security for people inside the room against various external threats.

 One of the most threatening factors anti-theft security doors have to protect their owners against, are burglars; dangerous criminals who seek a decent opportunity to penetrate into your property and steal your assets.

 Earlier, they could do so easily; they just had to wait for you to leave your property for a long period of time; then they had enough time whether to pick your lock, or to crush the door, using a variety of equipment and tools from pliers and screw drivers and wrenches and saws and hammers and axes, to electric jigsaws and even angel grinders.

 Though, it was the robbed ones, researchers and manufacturers’ turn to do something about the same matter and find a remedy.

 They had to provide their houses and companies with higher levels of protection.

 Soon, a European standard was established under which manufacturers had to produce new ‘anti-theft’ security doors.

 European Standard EN 1627:2011 provided a frame in which anti-theft doors became well-enhanced to resist against burglars.

 EN 1627 requires the manufacturers to use specified hardware and tests them in three stages, including:

  • EN 1628: The static load test during which they put a stagnant weight on the door to test its mechanical strength.
  • EN 1628: The dynamic load test during which they impose dynamic pressure like kicking the door and hitting it with shoulder.
  • EN 1629: The manual testing during which they test the chronological resistance of anti-theft doors using different tools a burglar may utilize to fight his way in.

Different classes of protection these doors provide include: RC1, RC2, RC3, RC4, RC5, RC6 

What Is RC2 Security Rating

What is RC2 Security Rating

RC1 and RC2 are the first two levels of security provided by anti-theft manufacturers according to European rating.

 But what is RC2? These classifications represent first and second levels of threats against a property protected by the door, the period of time it has resisted the tests, the period of time it can resist getting breached through and the lockpicking and door-crushing tools it can resist.

 An anti-theft security door enjoying RC1 which is the lightest and weakest level of protection, can resist burglars using tools like pliers, spoons and screwdrivers to breach through.

 Note that the door is not supposed to stay unharmed after the burglar is done with it; but the structure and the equipment mounted on it are to be sacrificed for sake of protecting the property and assets over the door.

 All the RC1 protected anti-theft security door has to do is to resist the burglar(s) using pliers, screwdrivers or spoons within the certain given time and till the moment whether the property owner or the police are inbound.

 This level does not necessitate manual test.

 The next level of protection defined for anti-theft security doors is RC2 which requires the door to resist different wrenches and saws such as compass saw, jigsaw and hacksaw _that are useful for putting holes in a door_ in addition to the tools that doors meeting RC1 can resist.

 The officially designated period of time these doors have resisted during tests is 15 minutes, but practically, a door meeting RC2 can resist a burglar’s attack for 3 minutes.

RC3 Burglar Resistance

RC3 Burglar Resistance

RC3 and RC4 are next levels of resistance against burglars’ attacks and attempts in order to invade your property.

 It is accepted worldwide that the more security technology advances, the more professional criminals become, and vice versa.

 So, we have to get ourselves and our properties prepared to face well-equipped burglars who are seriously intending to steal your stuff.

 These burglars who are not afraid of the consequences of the noise they would make, may bring even tougher equipment like locksmith hammer, crowbar or hand drill.

 Logically, the door must be physically stronger to bear the shocks from a hammer or a crowbar.

 Moreover, different layers of steel sheet, wood, composite or HDF can be useful to make a burglar who intends to make a hole in an anti-theft security door disappointed.

 Now let’s take you to a higher stage of threat and security with RC4 standard.

 Imagine you have an experienced burglar to defeat.

 The thief has electricity power available and can use electric drilling machine.

 So, in addition to a solid and firm type of wood or composite or HDF, the thickness of the steel sheet within your wood finish anti-theft security door has to be at least 1 millimeter to sustain heavy shocks from burglars who use bigger hammers, axes, chisels and wedges.

 RC3 level doors have resisted against burglars for 20 minutes and the same ratio for RC4 doors is 30 minutes, but practically, a costumer can except RC3 and RC4 doors to resist shocks for 5 and 10 minutes consecutively.

EN 1627-1630

EN 1627-1630

European official name which represents RC5 and RC6 is EN 1627-1630.

 Finally, the highest level of protection and security is provided for those who expect the most dangerous and the noisiest door-crushing machines and equipment, as well as the toughest burglars around their neighborhood, where they live and where they work.

 However, these extremely resistant doors are mostly used for political, military, business and commercial buildings in which the most precious stuff, documents or VIP are kept.

 RC5 represents the penultimate level of security for anti-theft doors which the owners expect to be threatened by electric jigsaws and saw blades.

 These doors have proven to resist under shocks and burglar attacks with the mentioned machines maximumly for 40 minutes but the practical resistance time is 15 minutes.

 The last and highest level is called RC6 which embraces all the tools and machines mentioned above plus the roughest and toughest possible enemy a door can have: angel grinder.

 This heavy, noisy and strong machine that you have met in many heist movies, can cut ordinary doors’ hinges and other extra security features in less than a minute, but the RC6 anti-theft security door we are discussing has proven to sustain all types of pressure for maximumly 50 minutes during tests, while the practical time it is expected to resist pressure is 20 minutes.

 Our complex has established close relation with great and credible suppliers of all kinds of anti-theft security doors under each level of security the client desires.

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Comments (46 Comments)


The metal frame of the anti-theft door is 2 mm in diameter and is designed and produced with an electrostatic and completely resistant color in three simple, French and flat designs with MDF coating. These types of frames are produced depending on the type of door. (14 cm) and produced for anti-theft doors (18 cm).


Automatic and advanced door locks that have a high percentage of security and are very durable


Anti-theft doors are made in a way to have the best resistance against any kind of external pressure. Doors are made in different ways, but they generally have a fixed composition. Most of these doors are made of solid layers of metal and wood. That's why thieves can't break them or make cuts on them.

Sara sareie

Security doors have become more obligatory than night bread nowadays, because they are too expensive for people to steal.


Locks that are advanced and new and have high security and provide a lot of protection


These doors have multi-stage and eye locks


Hi my friend This is high quality product and its so useful and a little expensive


These doors are of excellent quality and are available in different models

Ehsan rajabali

Zed Surght door locks are very durable and I suggest you buy and use them


HI good morning.Resistance classification of anti-theft security doors is the best way to prevent theft and also provides protection


Categorized under a certain resistance classification, the main task of anti-theft doors is to provide sufficient protection and security for people inside the room against various external threats. One of the most threatening factors anti-theft security doors have to protect their owners against, are burglars; dangerous criminals who seek a decent opportunity to penetrate into your property and steal your assets.


Note that it is better that the thickness of the anti-theft door frame should be at least 1.25 mm and the thickness of the door leaf should be 7/10 mm. This thickness can be controlled by calipers. Unfortunately, some sellers put concrete pieces inside the door frame to make it look heavy. And they cause customers to be deceived.


An anti-theft security door enjoying RC1 which is the lightest and weakest level of protection, can resist burglars using tools like pliers, spoons and screwdrivers to breach through.


sacrificed for sake of protecting the property and assets over the door. All the RC1 protected


High resistance is one of the most important advantages of an anti-theft door. We can safely say that an anti-theft door is the safest type of door. Having the main key means allowing a person to pass through the door, so if someone wants to enter the house by force and by breaking the lock or even the door itself. , it fails in this task, these doors have a long life because of their strength.


Resistance classification of anti-theft security doors is the best way to prevent theft and also provides protection


The resistance of doors with high security makes you feel at ease about the precious and valuable things in your home, and this is the difference between this door and other doors.


Buying a good lock that thieves cannot easily open is really a must


In fact, the use of anti-theft doors is a way of creating security for those who are inside the house


divided into different burglary classes. A security door with resistance class RC2 offers much lower resistance
security level of the anti-theft door can be divided into Grade resistance of more


The main function of anti-theft doors. Creating sufficient protection and security for people inside the house against various external threats

Fateme zahra hashemi

These locks are anti-theft and provide the necessary security for your home or workplace


These doors have a three-stage steel lock

ya Roghayeeh

Anti-theft doors are very common nowadays and are widely used in the country

shirin asli

When we are faced with insecurity, the first option that comes to our mind is to use anti-theft doors


different burglary classes. A security door withleaf provides its required stiffness and resistance to
resistance class building using a tool and/or physical force. They can be installed

Samaneh Torabi

Hello, anti-theft doors are very important for your workplace or even your home


These anti-theft doors are very practical and can help you a lot so that no one steals from you.


armoured doors are determined based on capacity to withstand specific resistance test set out by Standardprovides protection against break-in attempts with simple tools such as screwdrivers, pliers and wedges.


resistance classes of armoured doors are determined basedburglary protection class, the window must meet all the requirements of the basic protection level and needs to have two additional

Hossein inanloo

Hello, I bought this product. It's great. I suggest you


These anti-theft doors are very practical and can help you a lot so that no one steals from you.

Bagher Rasouli

I was able to learn a lot from this article and thank you for your help


forcing open and the construction of the door leaf provides its required stiffness and resistance to doors prevent break-ins in which the burglar attempts to force entry


The most important feature of Security doors is the ability of these doors against thieves. In addition to its aesthetic appearance

Baran fatemi

These anti-theft doors have very secure locks and cannot be opened easily


These doors have high security and are resistant to impact


construction, special security fittings and high-quality lock systems guarantee reliable protection. All Schörghuber solid Door. Grade V-XIII certified burglary-resistant vault doors. A high security door that can protect your business


These security doors are very solid and reliable, the locks are excellent and have six languages

fatemeh jalili

To keep yourself and your family safe, it is better to use anti-theft security doors for the entrance of the building, which also have a high price.


These doors are very strong and resistant and are mostly used for commercial, political and military places


classes of armoured doors are determined based on capacity to withstand specific resistance test set out by Standardresistant doors prevent break-ins in which the burglar attempts to force entry into a building using a tool and or physical


of armoured doors are determined based on capacity to withstand specific resistance test set out security level of the anti-theft door can be divided into Grade resistance of more than


The main task of anti-theft doors is to protect the residents and the existing house


hello i think every house and office need anti-theft doors and we should use these


various break-in attempts and based on the results obtained the door resistance in which the burglar attempts to force entry into a building using a tool and or physical force. They can be installed

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