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American Almond in Karachi (Prunus Dulcis) Calcium Magnesium Fiber Source Vitamin B E

American almond in Karachi can be found more than other types of almonds.

It is produced in California and exported to many countries.

American Almond in Karachi

Almonds are considered a brain food to their high level of nutrients, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals.

Almonds unlike peanuts are fruit of tree.

This kind of nut itself is divided into several categories.

Its seed is a rich source of vitamins B and E and also has a high level of minerals.

But since each of the different types of almonds have differences from each other, you must be carful in choosing those nuts.

Mamra almond is one of types of almond which has many fans and it is exported to many countries.

The tree of this type almond is called late flowering and has great resistance against pests.

American Almond Price in Karachi

American Almond Features in Karachi

Almonds have many important properties such as reducing belly fat, curing heart diseases, reducing cholesterol and reducing inflammation.

Therefore its consumption increases the overall quality of the diet and balances the bacteria in the body.

Title Description
Vitamin B and E
Importers India and China
Composed of  Calcium, Magnesium, Fiber
Recommended for Vegetarians

Almonds are also very useful for controlling blood sugar, fighting cancer and improving the condition of teeth.

It is also composed of calcium, magnesium, fiber and is considered one of the important source of protein.

Consuming almonds is highly recommended for vegetarians.

American almond is one of the most popular nuts that has may fans among people.

Today many countries such as India, China and other Asian countries are importer of this type of tasty nut.

american almond cake

Buy American Almond in Karachi

Each type of almond in Karachi has its own advantages and uses which are very diverse.

Therefor before you want to American almond you should consider each of these points then proceed to purchase.

The type of consumption and your need can be decisive.

One of other points which is very important that should be considered, is the color of almond.

The color of fresh almond should be golden otherwise, this type of almond is not fresh or maybe it is rotten.

To buy fresh almonds, we suggest you to buy from a reputable store.

And also buy products that have suitable packaging.

american almond paste

American Almond Price in Karachi + Buy and Sell

American almond price in Karachi is usually lower because this city itself is a large producer of this type of tasty nut.

The price of American almond is started from 8 dollars up to 15 dollars per Kg.

American almond has many different sizes which each of them has its own price.

California state in USA is the largest producer of this type of almond which supplies about 80 percent of world need.

China is the biggest buyer and importer of this kind of almond.

After China, India is one of the Asian countries that annually imports a large amount of California almonds.

You can contact us to order in bulk.

difference between mamra and american almond

The Answer to Two Questions About American Almond

1: Can vegans enjoy American almonds?

Consuming almonds is highly recommended for vegetarians.

2: Is almonds suitable for children?

Almonds are considered a brain food to their high level of nutrients, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals.

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